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Closed Masque Carnivalia

Alright, so Celest didn't feel like talking. No response to his little anecdote. He'd just have to ask her a direct question. Not something like, 'do you miss your family and friends,' but something on a less sensitive topic.

So he went with the first other thing to come to him. "Why do you think they dragged us into this mess? The freaky guys with the capes, cloaks, whatever else they wore?" It was a legitimate question, but he was also trying to dig into this girl's brain a little bit. He couldn't be his normal self if she was so... Uncomfortable wasn't a strong enough word. Stressed? Distressed? Distraught, maybe? Ugh, wordplay. He didn't even know the difference between stressed and distressed. Much less how he could tell which one she was.
Ally looked around.
"Ew. This place is disgusting."
She tapped her feet.
"Well,this sucks,"she muttered.
She turned around to head back,but saw two tall figures. One of them had a tail.
They must be one of the others.
Ally started gliding toward them.
Her feet were indeed off the ground,but just barely.
Then her floating stopped,and she went back to just being on the ground.
"Weird..."she said to no one in particular.
She started running toward the two figures now.
Celest blinked back at him and shrugged. "I don't really know," she admitted, her shoulders depressing, "I mean, we're nothing special. Why are we different from everyone else?"

She was mainly directing that toward herself than all the Carnies together as a whole.
She was nothing special, after all. She was merely a suicidal little mutant.

Taking a deep, shaky breath in, she held back tears of shame and looked away from Conner. She pushed a navy blue strand of hair out of her face and exhaled.

"But...But do they expect us to live?" she asked him, her crimson eyes not focusing into his, but staring at his chest instead. She still didn't want to look up at Conner out of fear that the tears would return.

But her eyes widened when she heard that faint noise. Her ears pricked up and adjusted to the right position to hear better.

It sounded...almost like something was lightly brushing the dead grass. But it was strange; sometime after that, it stopped suddenly and sounded like someone was running.

Celest pulled back on Conner's shirt. "Wait. Do you hear that?"
That Kiara girl was being too slow for Tess. Tess bounded off, leaving Kiara standing in the field. Suddenly she stopped short. She saw the pair she'd been following earlier, bu someone else was there, too. Someone...gliding. Tess shook her head. That wasn't right! How could someone be gliding?! Curiously, she peered at the figure from behind. Then, looking for a bit of fun, she crept forward as silently as possible...
Ally came to a stop, about a foot away from them.
They seemed to be a Lucario and Blaziken morph. Much older than her.
"Um,hi." Ally grinned sheepishly. "Erm,who are you guys? I mean,what are your names?"
She palmed herself. "Ugh,I can't talk right today!"
Connor watched Celest with a bit of worry. He heard her shaky breath, noted the way her shoulders slumped. She wouldn't look at him. "You know, maybe that's the reason they did it." He tried to think of a way he could subtley compliment her. Hopefully, she'd pick up on it and at least stand straight. "Maybe because we're all just as flawed as anyone else, no more, no less. And maybe the world needs a few more extraordinary people. This place, crappy as it is, might be, in a sense, to save us. You know?" He leaned over just a tiny bit, trying to see her face just a little more.

Ah, crap. I hope this works, or I'm going to be as depressing as she is by the end of the day. And leaving her alone isn't really an option. He looked ahead again, seeing that there were two others much closer. One of them had an odd hat, the other just seemed... Green? Yellow? He couldn't quite distinguish what they were from here. The one in the hat stopped in front of them. She apparently talked differently on a day to day basis. "Connor!" He answered simply beaming at the newcomer.
Darn! thought Tess. The glider was moving too fast for her. She decided to ditch the "being quiet" idea and raced up to the small group just in time to hear the Glider Girl say, "Ugh, I can't talk right today!"

Tess gave the girl a quizzical look. "Your English seems just fine to me," she observed. She glanced around the group. There was a Blaziken and a Lucario. the Glider Girl appeared to be a Mismagius, judging by her purple skin. Do ghosts have skin? she wondered.

Tess attempted to stick her hand out to shake, but remembered too late that she no longer had hands. She fell over sideways with a thump! She quickly bounced back up and gave a small bow.

"Hi y'all!" she exclaimed, "I'm Tess!"
Celest raised her gaze into his eyes when he answered. "...You think so?" she questioned quietly.

She turned back forward when he did, squinting her eyes to see the figures.

Two more. A purplish one and what looked like a green and yellow one.

Wincing at the loudness of Conner's voice, she shut the eye closest to him as her teeth clenched at the shout.
Opening her red eyes back open, she watched as the figures seemed to come closer and closer.

Shaking, Celest grabbed ahold of Conner's arm, not once breaking her focus on the two. "...Are they like us?" she asked him.

As the Bayleef looking one stopped in front of the two, greeting them happily, her body shook even more. Despite her friendliness, Celest just couldn't seem to warm up to the other Carnies as she did with Conner.

First come first serve, she mused in her mind.

When the hatted one asked for her name, Celest blinked at her. "...I...Umm..."
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Ally turned toward the Bayleef morph for a second.
"What I ment was that I don't think that I can word things correctly today."
She turned back to the Lucario morph.
Seeing that sge was shy,she turned to the Blaziken morph.
"Um,what's your name,then?"
Connor felt himself tense up when Celest took his arm. People had done so in the past, but it was usually to keep him from running away while they beat him over the head for whatever he did to them. "Well, sure seems like it," He answered. "Either that or those are really good costumes." He chuckled a little at Tess and her grand appearance.

"Well, doubling numbers, eh? Works for me!" It felt like elementary school, when he'd have to sit at a table with all other girls. A little awkward, and yet something he could later brag about. Except this time, the girls didn't have a lot of inside jokes about shoes and clothes.

I wonder if Celest will cling to my arm for long, or if she'll let go for all of eternity once these two establish some friendliness with her? It was more a question of if Celest was willing to even let somebody even get as near to her as Connor had when he met her. He heard Celest stutter a little over an introduction, even more than when he asked for her name. He wasn't entirely sure if introducing her would make her resent him or not.

"I do believe I said Connor, ma'am." He beamed again at the hatted girl. He decided to introduce Celest anyway. "This is Celest. She's kinda' shy, but it's not much of a barrier." He was already sure he said something wrong.
"Oh. Ok,then! I'm Ally."
She looked at all of them.
"So, what do we do? Our shelter is a tent,there's not much growing,and we're in the middle of nowhere."
Ally started floating again.
She swore inder her breath,and said, "If I start to float away,grab me,ok?"
[Oh noes! Got ninja'd.]

The grip she had on his arm loosened as the shaking stopped altogether for a moment or two.

Her hands slid down a bit as the shaking came back in a softer amount, but her eyes slowly turned to his.

Not much of a barrier?

He was acting as if he had known her all his life.

But then again, who was she to critize? She was the one holding his arm, after all.

But, in any case, that barrier was going to take a lot more than pretty faces to weaken it. Conner may have slid in, but Celest was restricting her trust once she knew he was trustworthy enough. She didn't like distrubuting out such delicaties in such a leisurely way.

Facing the Mismagius morph once more, she gave a singular curt nod stating what Conner said was true, minus the weak barrier remark.

She didn't reply, though, to agreeing to catch Ally if she drifted off. Conner could deal with that.
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Connor met Celest's eyes, and just gave a little shrug to her, a silent 'what am I supposed to do?' He could tell from her nod at Ally that she wasn't very happy with his introduction. He couldn't think what he did wrong, but it must have been bad enough to make her a bit more bitter.

"I could try. If you don't rocket off inexplicably, that is." He almost made a joke about tying balloons to your wrist, but held his tongue. No need to dig a rut of irritation and anger just yet. Not yet, but maybe once everyone was more relaxed.

"Food," He stated simply. "Food sounds good. Found a bag of marshmallows earlier, but I kinda' dropped it. It's a little soggy, wherever it is."
Celest thought about how they could find food as her hands fell back by her sides.

Could they kill animals? She hadn't seen many rodents here, but it was worth a shot.
What about berries or something? Maybe a few trees here would be generous.
Pushing cannibalism out of her mind, she wrapped her arms around her, still shivering, as she thought of more ways.

"...Maybe if we look around some more..." Celest said softly, looking behind her. "There may be some food here."

Her crimson eyes blinked several times as she rubbed her eyes. Her ears flickered as her tail danced, bouncing back and forth.
Kiara sighed as the Tess just left. Kiara stomped her blue foot as she huffed. Suddenly, water came up from her mouth and blasted out of her. It felt like choking on water, but then you chucked it out before you choked to deah. Not a good feeling at all.

Kiara bounded towards Tess, but her small stubby feet were useless for running. She tripped flat on her shell. The shell spun Kiara around and slid her in her direction, still spinning her and letting her move swifter.

Kiara soon raced right next to the other carnies and tried to stop. However, she kept on sliding and hit a mirror. Broken glass was everywhere, and Kiara's shell took most of the blow, but there were some cuts and scrapes on her body. Stepping from the broken glass, she noticed a patch of blond hair ona piece of glass. It had cu her hair clean off.

Thank god, that hair was terrible for me! she thought as she stepped up to the others.

"Hi there, I'm Kiara..........so......yeah," she said.
Celest eyed the Squirtle morph as she... well, spun over to them.

The Lucario morph's eyes widened as she seemed to not be able to stop, and screamed shrilly when her shell ravaged through a mirror. Her arms swung around Conner again and she forcefully shut her eyes, looking away from the mirror.

A few shards of the glass hit her, but it was nothing too terribly serious.

Not once letting go of Conner as her head crooked back to face Kiara, Celest knew she was once again shaking violently.
As the shelled girl introduced herself as Kiara, Celest exhaled deeply.

What a hell of an introduction.
"Do you think they stashed food for us, or will we have to eat moldy cotton candy-DEAR GOD!" A combination of the shell shooting out of nowhere and Celest suddenly latching onto him was enough to make him jump. The shell crashed into a mirror, and Connor reflexively held up and arm, shielding his eyes. He felt tiny bits of glass patter off his sleeve, and looked once more at what he could only assume was a Water Carnie.

She seemed, despite minor injuries, perfectly fine when she introduced herself. I guess you can really be surprised what you can live through. He found it odd that Celest had so suddenly clung to him, but decided that if he had to be her teddy bear whenever she got... Startled, then so be it. "Well," He nodded as though he had something to approve. "I'm Connor." He gave the newcomer a friendly smile, the same he had given the others when he met them.
Ally was thinking about the contents of her pockets when Kiara spun in.
"HOLY FRICKDAMJIBBINGBIT!" she screamed,jumping.
When the Squirtle morph introduced herself,Ally said nothing. To her,at least.
She was too busy trying to stop herself from hyperventilating.
Tess's chewing stopped short as she heard a crash. She raised her head and looked around. She hadn't realised she had moved so much while she was grazing. She rushed back to the group to find Kiara shaking glass pieces off. She had run into a mirror!

Unfazed my the shards of glass everywhere, Tess rushed forward, barely wincing as a shard cut her...foot? Paw? She pushed the question aside and looked at the Squirtle Carnie.

"Hi Kiara!" she exclaimed, "That was quite the entrance!"
Seeing no real danger anymore, the girl let go of Conner and sighed to refresh herself.
Calm down, just calm down. There's nothing to fear here. Just calm...down.
Celest felt her hands still shaking, and self-consciously wrapped them around her torso, her cheeks flushed a bit from the fright.

Glancing at her spikes, though, quickly made her wipe the dried blood splattered on them off on her stretchy pants.
At least her palms' self-inflicted holes had closed up a bit, but nonetheless, the big, red, open wounds on them were inevitible.

Throwing her arms around her once more, she stood close by Conner just in case this Kiara had another spinning attack any time soon.

To avoid what happened last time, she said softly, "I...I'm...Celest."
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