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Closed Masque Carnivalia

Ally was fine by now. She gave Kiaria a wave,and started going thought her pockets.
"Food...uhm...let's see...I have a tube of Chapstick,a carton of juice,and a small pack of candy."
She sighed. This was not good.
"Who wants some candy?"
Tess raised her head at the word "candy".
"I'd love some, but I'm actually pretty full from all this gr- ooh, berries!' She began to trot toward some berries, but stopped mid-stride, turning back to the others.
"Do you think they're safe? 'cause if they are, you can have them. I can just eat grass, ya know." She glanced around the group.
Kiara looked at the carnies. There was a Blazi-morph, Lucari-morph, Mismagi-morph, and a Bay-morph. She started to feel a little more comfortable at the sight of people-or, er, well, what ever the hell they are-that were just like her.

They have been taken unvoluntarily.

They have become morphed.

They were.....carnies......

Kiara briefly shook Connor's hand that was reached out. She then looked at everyone. "Sorry about that spin-thing. I'm not used to my new morph. Plus, you know how a Squirtle uses water gun and it seems so easy? That is a fucking lie. It feels like throwing up water. Actually, it is. Anyway, sorry for rambling on. I tend to do that much. Yeah, so that spin thing isn't fun either. It's like being in a super fast merry-go-round that seems as if it nevver stops. Oh yeah, so hi there! I already know Tess, and Celest, you just introduced yourself to me. So did Connor. But what about that Mismagi-morph over yonder?"

Over yonder? What a shitty thing to say! she thought. She pointed a stubby Squirtle finger at the Mismagius recovering from hyperventalating. The Mismagius was offering candy!

Kiara walked over to the Mismagius. "Hi there. What's your name? I'm Kiara. Hey, can I have some candy?"
Celest certainly was odd, as far as how often she'd cling to him despite being miffed about the introduction. But she introduced herself to someone other than him. So he couldn't screw up like that again. And, to make things better, candy was being offered! Connor didn't say he'd take some, though. It was awfully small, so he figured they could have that, and if he got really hungry, he remembered where he could fish out the bag of marshmallows. He did want to check his pockets now, though, just in case.

It summed up to a broken yoyo, a gum wrapper, a pencil, and about twenty rubber bands. Oh, the fun he had with rubber bands. He stuffed them back into his pocket for future use. "You know," He looked at Tess. "Those berries can't be any more dangerous than anything else in this place. If those are bad, probably everything we find here is going to be bad. Or maybe everything will be safe, and we can sit around the campfire singing 'Kumbaya' into the long hours of the night." Heh. 'Over yonder.' I like that.
Celest blinked her red eyes as she leaned forward a bit to Ally. Candy?
...Oh. It was...rather small, wasn't it?
No matter; she didn't have any supper before going to the Black Parade, so she reached her hand out, slowly plucked out a piece and quickly retracted her hand.
She had grabbed a piece of taffy. Unwrapping the sides, she silently gummed it in her mouth, savoring the sweet cherry taste.

She remained silent as Conner speeched the possibilities of eating the berries Tess had found.

...Strange. Why would a dead carnival like this have berries, let alone bright green grass that the Bayleef morph munched on earlier?

Were the cloaked men giving them a few resources?

"...Kiara can give us water," she sighed finally, looking at Conner. "You can provide fire...I think. And...And what if Tess could...make berries, being a Grass type and all?"
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Tess blinked at Connor for a moment, then bounded towards the berry bush. She ripped off a branch of orange berries and brought them back to the group. She peered at them closely, before selecting a small one.
"Hopefully this won't do any harm," she muttered to herself. Tess popped the berry into her rather large mouth and chewed slowly. After a moment, she spit it out.
"Ahhh!" she cried, "Too spicy!" Tess panted and took a couple huge mouthfuls of grass to coll her mouth.
Kiara sharply turned her head to Celest. "So, you want me to puke water. Ok, I'll try"

She felt a chill down her spi- erk, shell. A gush of water came up from her throat. It felt weird, like the feeling where you pull a noodle from your throat. Yeah, that feeling. Suddenly, a gush of water came out from her throat, propelling her backwards. She twisted upside down so the water propelled her upward, like a geiser.

This would have been so cool, but the bad thing about it was that the water going sideways was going to hit Tess.

She guessed, in a way, that the water would cool Tess' mouth, so it wasn't too bad.

After the water stopped, she fell face first in the ground, her shell taking most of the impact. She was glad to have a shell now, cuase if she didn't, then she would've cracked her skull open.

After stepping back up, she said, "Someone put a bucket there before i try it again. Ok, so since the berries were so spicy, we shouldn't eat anything provided in here. What we need to do is find a way out! FOLLOW ME!"

She turned to walk, but after a few feet, she looked to see if they were following her or not.
Connor thought for a moment on what Celest said. "I've never heard of grass-type being able to make berries, but there's always a possibility." He absent mindedly shoved three of the spicy berries into his mouth. "And I haven't done anything with fire yet, so I don't even know if I can control that much." Another berry. "And apparently, it hurts to barf water. Ally can float... Fly. Something like that. And you, Cel," He once again replaced her name with the shortened nickname without thinking about it. "You are a Lucario, so you are chief-of-beating-the-snot-out-of-stuff." He realized that he had three more berries in his hand. They didn't seem all that spicy. Maybe he had killed his tastebuds with the mass amounts of salsa and enchiladas he ate before the parade.

He waited a moment before following Kiara, even then relatively slow. It dawned on Connor that if puking up water downright sucked, puking up flames would just be painful, uncomfortable, and just plain wrong in every way. "Okay, so you know how humans have little, uh, wassitcalled, like, chambers that delineate our lungs from our stomach? You know, trachea and stuff? Do ya' think Ally and I have another one to barf fire and water from? Or do our stomachs just convert everything?" The question went to no one in particular.
Huh. That was a good question. "Umm...Maybe it just...appeared there," she guessed as she caught up with the two, striding by Conner. "And...I'm probably the most useless one here. Why would I even need to use fighting skills here anyway?"
She didn't ask anyone that question directly; it was as if she was asking herself instead.

What could she really do with her skills? What would she need to, frankly put, beat the crap out of?

Glancing down at her palms, Celest shivered again as a breeze whished by. "...In any case...It's getting late now. We probably need to hurry."
Tess ogled at Connor, her jaw hanging open. It had never occurred to her that he might be able to breathe fire. She shook her head and addressed Celest's question.
"Well," she began, "Even if I could make berries, I have no idea how to do it. Andyway, tere isn't much sun here. Plants need sun to make berries, right? I've always been bad at science stuff."
She paused and noticed that Connor and Kiara were walking away. She ran to catch up with them.
"Do you really think I can make berries?" she asked excitedly. Experimentally, she twisted her neck around, making strange faces as she attempted to grow berries.
Ally turned to Kiaria.
"Well,I'm Ally."
She popped a small bit of taffy into her mouth,chewing it throughly.
"Mmm,pretty good."
She floated over to where the berries were, and popped one in her mouth along with the taffy.
Ally grabbed about 5 berries and shoved them into her pocket. She slipped her candies into her other pocket for the moment.
She called out to the others.
"Hoard as many berries as you can!"
Connor almost tripped when Celest spoke. Useless? He would hardly call a Lucario/human hybrid useless. "As far as why you need to use fighting skills, I do not have the faintest idea." He raised an eyebrow at her. "But don't say 'useless.' I mean, you probably have things like Aura... vision." He flexed his hands in front of his face to show what he meant. "And Aura Spheres an' stuff. At the very least, you can probably punch harder than anyone here. I dunno, maybe you'll need to fight something if it tries to eat you." He wasn't sure if he should have referenced her earlier fear, especially in front of the others. But he hadn't actually said that she had ever been afraid of something eating her, so it seemed alright.

"And besides, if there's nothing else here besides us, and you get sick of us, you can just knock us around a bit. That'll straighten us out." He rolled his fists around each other in front of him. "And Tess, I doubt making faces would make berries unless they come out your nose or ears or something. It's probably like flexing your butt, you know, feels really unnatural, nobody can see it, but you definetly know that's what you're doing. I dunno, I haven't ever made berries come out my nose, ears, or my butt, so I don't know."
Celest listened very closely to what he was saying. Aura vision? She hasn't thought of that one. Nor that her strength was probably the greatest one here.
Though she doubted losing her tempter at them, knowing that she could set them straight if she felt the need to helped a bit.

While thinking about all of this, Celest completely glazed over the vine that lay in her way and, of course, her shoelace had to be loose now of all times.

A gasp escaped her lungs as she fell face-first into the ground.
She winced as she thorns on the vine snagged into her leg and was sitting up not even a second later. She sighed in frustration as she pulled the vine from her pants and began pulling out the thorns that had somehow found a way beyond her pants and into ivory skin.
Ally almost died laughing at what Connor said. She calmed down after about a minute.
"Ah...jeez,what you said was fracking hilarious."
Ally had a big grin on her face.
She stuck her hand in her pocket,pulled out a green gummi bear and offered it to Conner.
Connor, feeling that he had somewhat accomplished his goal of causing laughter, took the gummy bear with a sense of triumph. Not complete triumph, of course; that only came when he got Celest to laugh a ridiculous amount. He ended up sticking the bear into his mouth, and found that he had accidentally lodged it into the back of his throat before ready to swallow. He forced it down, and was about to make a comment when Celest let out a sudden gasp and thudded on the ground.

"Ah!" He crouched down low, but wasn't really sure he could help her at all. She was already pulling the thorns out of her skin. He caught just a small glimpse of her palm while she plucked one thorn, and wanted to punch a puppy. He didn't voice this of course, only asking, "You okay? Looked like a pretty hard fall." He wondered if she really was that upset that she had just gotten hurt, or if she thought the only person who was allowed to hurt her was herself.
[Crappy post is crap]

Celest noticed him eyeing her palms, and she quickly turned them over. "Y-Yes, I'm fine. Really."

Carefully plucking a few more while keeping her palms down, she brushed off her leg and rolled down the pant's leg. She stood back up and exhaled her breath. "Let's get going," she said hasily, as if she didn't fall or anything.
Tess had run ahead, embarrassed by Connor's comment and having spotted some nice green grass ahead. However, as she bent down to much, a blade sliced her painfully across the snout.
"Ouch!" she exclaimed, then noticed many small cuts on her feet and ankles.
Warily, she headed back toward the others. She heard a crash in the bushes and quickened her pace.
Connor inwardly sighed to himself. As if the thought hadn't popped up enough to him, he again came to the conclusion that Celest was indeed a very confusing and strange girl.

Her hasty disregard of her fall was a wide variety of emotion compared to what she had been showing, though. A baby step, but a step nonetheless. Connor muttered an agreement, standing up shortly after Celest. He decided to try and forget her palms, and added a new topic of discussion.

"What do you think we could find in there?" He indicated a large tent that towered over the others, though most of the rides dwarfed it regardless of its size. "Looks like what they'd use for a, uh, Circus or something." He noted Tess' return, the little cut on her face and the tiny cuts on her feet. Do girls just like hurting themselves? "Were there aphids or something over there?" He asked. He then had a rather morbid image of Tess being slowly devoured by aphids. Oops.
"Nah, but there was some um, sawgrass." Tess replied. "I would not suggest going over there." she added, wrinkling her nose. She glanced absentmindedly at Celest, but did a double-take when she noticed the girl's bloody legs.
"Are you okay?" she asked, genuine concern touching her voice.
Celest glanced back at Tess when she expressed concern for her injured leg. Realizing what this meant, she stopped abruptly and shook her head. "Yes, I'm fine, honestly. Besides," the girl answered truthfully, "There's a lot more important stuff to think about."

But, then again, those thorns really did hurt. With every step Celest felt a burst of pain from her leg, so she limped with her back hunched over. Not a very comfortable posture.

"Should...we keep going?"
Her question to the others was simple. Would it be best to enter the tent?
It was a possibility that something was lying in wait for them.
Or there was nothing at all.

Either way, Celest was certainly NOT gonna go in first. She had already expressed her feelings on that topic to Conner beforehand.
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