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Closed Masque Carnivalia

Ally let herself come back to earth and started sprinting toward the campsite,while shouting, "GUYS,WE GOT ORAN BERRIES!!"
Once she got to the fire,she sat down and started warming her hands.
Logan sighed, and sniffled.

He was standing, but only because he had yet to figure out how to sit, let alone curl up into a fetal position, what with his new tail and awkward legs. He couldn't even reach his face anymore to wipe away his tears, because his arms had shrunk to the size of an eight-year-old's. Only now did he notice large cuffs around his neck and left ankle, because he tried to move, and the one on his ankle broke.

Amazed, Logan moved his neck slightly forward, without moving the rest of his body. The cuff around his neck broke too, essentially freeing him. That is, to move about his cage. The men in coats had separated him from the others because of his new strength and lack of control over it. He could hear them now, talking about food and whatnot, while he was here alone, with nothing.

He began to wonder, exactly, when they were going to feed him. It's not like they had since he got there. Why was he being treated so differently from the others? They all had tents, and he had a cage on wheels. They all got food, and he had nothing. Logan let out a small roar of disappointment. He would never leave this place.


He would be alone, in his prison, for the remainder of his life, and he knew it. Countless people would come, day in and day out, and poke fun at his misery. They would jeer at his pain, relish in his anguish. This made him tear up again, and his tail slammed into the ground, damaging the bottom of his barred chamber, something that he figured would never be fixed, and he would have to deal with it daily.

Feeling desperate, Logan tried sitting down. However, his tail got in the way and he just ended up standing again. Giving up, Logan lied down on his side and tried to sleep.
The crimson eyes of the Lucario Carnie widened at the thunderous sound coming from somewhere within Masque Carnivalia. Her blue ears pricked up as she immediately cocked her head toward the noise, her breath getting caught up in her throat. "...Did you just hear that?"

Although, of course, it was a rhetorical question: in addition to the greatest strength, her sense of smell and hearing was far greater as well.

But she didn't dare go toward it.

What if that thing ate her?!

She guessed it came from the other side of the circus due to the faintness of the sound and how it barely traveled any more past her.

Celest looked at Conner. "...Could it be...another one of us...?"
Ally was confused.
"What? What did you hear?"
She unwrapped a small mint and popped it in her mouth,sucking on it and tasting it's minty goodness,clearing her mind a bit.
"It...It sounded like...like a crash...or something," Celest finally answered. She didn't look back at Ally when she responded, however. All of her attention was focused on the thunderous noise.

"...If we do check it out, I am NOT going first. Just making that perfectly clear," Celest said quickly, closing her eyes as she held her hands up.

Ally put her hands on her hips.
"Ok,then I'll go. Where dud it come from?"
Oh crap,what did I just say?
"I'll go too" kiara said cockily. She Wasn't afraid of this so called thunder sound. She could take on anything! She stared at Ally, her mind regisering her sentance.

"W-w-what did you just say?" Kiara said with a snicker. Pushing that aside, she headed towards the noise.
"Oh shid," Ally groaned, "I habe a stuffy nose!"
She palmed herself and started to follow Kiara, mumbling about her bad luck.
She took out a gummy worm and started to chew on it.
"Well, I guess it could be. Or..." Connor made the face one would make at a child when telling about the boogie man. "It could be a vicious monster from another dimension summoned by cultists to eat our !" He made a few awkward noises and stomped in a circle.

"Or, you know," He smiled. "Could just be one of us. That seems more likely." He glanced at the fire, throwing another board on it. "I say we all go." Celest announced she wouldn't be going first. So seemed to be her norm. "You know, Cel, this'd be a great opportunity to check if you can see Aura. You don't even have to go first, and can get an idea of just how big and how friendly this noise might be!"
Celest blinked a few times. Conner did have a good point. But how could she sense Aura? Was there a special chant you had to sing? A dance? A nearly impossible body contortion? Or absolutely nothing at all?

"I don't know, Conner," she replied, sighing, "I guess I can try.

Celest closed her eyes. Taking a deep breath, she tried to focus more than she ever had. No knowing what to focus on specifically, she repeated the noise she heard earlier over and over again in her mind.

And then...Everything around hec turned a dreamy blue. Nothing was sharp, but rather blurry and memory-like. She didn't tell Conner of her victory, but rather went further into the scene, looking for the source of the sound. She passed by Ally and Kiara in it and went on.

Finally, she reached a cage. And inside was a beastly creature. His appearance threw Celest off her focus and she fluttered her eyes open. The blue scene was gone. Everything was back to normal.

Celest slowly looked up at Conner. "...He's..."

Logan opened his eyes, and saw what appeared to be a Lucario. No, it was a person who looked like a Lucario. Another prisoner, perhaps? Either way, he didn't want anything to do with her, because if she was part Lucario, that meant she was part Fighting type, and that meant he had a disadvantage.

He didn't necessarily think she was hostile, but he didn't want to take any chances. To avoid angering the new creature, he got up slowly and backed up into the shadows of his cage.
[...Urm...None of us are there yet. I was using Aura sensing stuff to see you... All of us are on the other side of the carnival, but Ally and Kiara are heading over there. I expect that me and Yoshi will go, too.]
Kiara kept on walking, closer and closer. She turned to Ally, who had gummy worms.

"Holy Shit, you have Gummy Worms?" She said.

Kiara then fell backwards on her shell and started to slid on it. It felt nice sliding without doing anything. She slowed down and stood back up.

She trudged on. [sdrawkcaB sI tsoP trohS]
Connor stared at Celest intently while she concentrated. When she said the start of a sentence, Connor "He's what? He's a he? He's which way?" He looked at the direction Kiara and Tess were heading. "He's that-a-way! Alright, LET'S GO!!" He grabbed onto Celest's wrist, pulling her with him as his powerful legs took off, taking large steps better defined as leaps. One of the perks to being partially a Blaziken.

He loved the speed, the power piled into his legs. He wondered if he looked like a hero from a story with his waist-long hair out behind him, or if it was one of those things that just looked ridiculous. It briefly crossed his mind if Celest hated him pulling her like this.
[...Urm...None of us are there yet. I was using Aura sensing stuff to see you... All of us are on the other side of the carnival, but Ally and Kiara are heading over there. I expect that me and Yoshi will go, too.]

[Whoops. I got the impression that you went over to my cage when you were searching...]
Tess looked up from her grazing to find that she had wandered off again. Quite far, in fact. The tent was nowhere insight! Tess looked around wildly, beg ginning to panic.
No! she told herself firmly, You do NOT panic! Take deep breaths.
Tess closed her eyes and sat down in the spongy grass. She took deep breaths, trying to calm herself. Suddenly, a sweet scent washed over her! Aromatherapy! She could do Aromatherapy!
Tess opened her eyes, feeling rejuvenated, and stood back up. The squinted out over the field where she sat, and saw a familiar, waddling figure. Kiara! She was with that Ally girl, too. Tess rushed up behind them.
"Hey guys, where're y'all going?"
Ally flinched.
"Oh,id's you,Tess. We're heading toward a loud noise."
Ally rubbed her nose.
"Ad I have a stuffy node. Just so that you know."
Tess perked up.
"I'll go with you guys!" she said, "Anything to get away for that fire."
Suddenly, she had an idea.
"Maybe I can help you with your nose!" she exclaimed. Tess closed her eyes and took deep breathes, relaxing, she felt a tingle in her neck and the smell of bay leaves intensified.
"Aromatherapy!" she announced happily.
Ally inhaled as much of the Aromatherapy as she could.
"Mmmm,smells like basil,mint,lilies, and peppers."
A few seconds later, she rubbed her nose.
"Hey,it's gone! Thanks!"
Kiara looked at Tess. "Oh hey Tess. We were just following a sound over yonder"

Dammit, why do i keep saying 'Over Yonder'? she thought.

"Anyway, are you gonna come with us?" She asked.
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