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Closed Masque Carnivalia

"C-Conner-! Not so...So fast!!" Celest was being pulled along by the Blaziken Carnie with incredible speed. She wanted to make him halt right then, but knowing how strong she was, she knew that it may hurt him.

So, she just went along with him.

He could have a looser grasp on her wrist, however.

"Th-That way..."

Celest pointed as they were running, her eyes squinting because of the wind in her face.
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Connor grinned to himself as he sped along. He ended up passing by the slow-pokes, Ally, Kiara, and Tess. As he ran by, he only shouted, "What's up guys, gotta' go, pick it up!" He laughed a little, amused at the rate he had caught up with them. With power like this, he might even be able to just jump his way to the top of that ferris wheel he had been hanging out at before!

He noted Celest's redirection, and followed what she said. "Tell me if this is wierd, 'kay?" He tugged her forward, and managed to maintain his speed while he lifted her up just enough to grab her legs, and lift her until she was entirely in his arms. He figured when he had to stop, he might get himself hurt, and even though he was nothing short of a true moron, he figured if Celest was still being held on by the wrist, there might be some sort of wierd human whiplash effect. Carnie whiplash. As long as she doesn't protest me carrying her, that is. I could see how this would get wierd.

"Lemme' know when to stop, m'kay?" He wasn't sure if he meant stop holding her, or stop to look at whatever made the mysterious noise. Hope I don't lose that fire forever.

[Bwahaha, possibly awkward moment could get awkward. Even though I have no idea what I'm doing.]
[Don't worry; I deal with these the best. xD]

The Blaziken morph told her to tell him if this got awkward.

Hell yes, brother.

As Celest was scooped up into Conner's reddish arms, her pale face blushed a bit. She slipped her hand out of his as her body tensed at being so close to someone else. Her body shaked the slightest bit. Boy, he was strong enough to pick her up while maintaining his speed. Impressive, impressive.

Knowing that it was probably safe, her body relaxed as her shoulders slouched in his arms. "Umm...Okay. I'll tell you when we're there..."
Connor found himself content with her lack of protest. Celest at least seemed like she could be reasoned with. He felt her body relax at last. For a girl her size, she was pretty damn heavy. Must be the steel in her. Maybe her bones or something? His feet hid the ground considerably harder, turning what was before relatively light steps into a deep-throated thud thud thud thud from his feet. He thought of the irony that his legs were burning from the exertion when he was, in fact, a fire type. Would I call it chilling, then? No, chilling should still be relaxing. Ah, screw it, it's just a metaphor.

His brain somehow got fixated on the extreme length of his hair again, and he was about to ask Celest if he should cut most of it off. "Hey, so do you think I should- Agh! Damn!" He had rolled his foot on a rock, and lurched suddenly to the right. He managed to keep his footing, and even keep moving, and it was still a decent running speed by his old standards, but it really was, to him, unbearably slow compared to before.

"Ay-ya-yai! That really smarts, you know?" He was able to pick up considerable speed again, though still slower than originally. He doubted he'd be going that fast for about a week. Guess it's not just the girls attracting pain to themselves. I'm in the little club now, to!
Celest shrieked softly when Conner had tripped on a stone, and found herself clutching to his shirt in fear. When he had regained his footing, she exhaled deeply and let go of his shirt, resting her head on his chest. "Please don't do that. It...scares me."

Celest blinked. Realizing the awkwardness once more, she quickly lifted her head from his chest and colored again. She looked away, trying to focus on remembering where the cage was.

And she almost missed it, too.

"Wait...Stop!" she said suddenly as they passed a familiar apple green tent with the blue flag.
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"Oh yeah?"
Ally had an impish grin on her face. She levitated about 5 centimeters in the air,, and started flying after Connor, while trying to make herself as streamlined as possible.
Connor just raised an eyebrow at Celest when she rested on his chest. "Well, I can't exactly help it. I mean, really, if it's anyone's fault, its God's dumb idea to have rocks everywhere." She removed her head, and seemed determined not to look at him. I never thought of myself as a movie star-lookin' guy, but really, I think I'm not THAT bad.

She shouted very suddenly at him to stop, and he had to skid a little to stop in time. His legs felt shaky, and that aside, very tired. "Alrighty, then, let's take a look see at this mysterious noise." He didn't bother setting her down; He figured he might as well keep holding her just in case he started running again.
"Guys, wait up!" Tess sprinted full-out, trying to catch up with Ally and Connor.
She skidded to a halt just behind them and collapsed on the ground, panting. "Not...all of...us...have the luxury...of being skinny....or two-legged...or...insubstantial."
She lay on the ground coughing for a couple more seconds before pushing herself to her feet and shaking off bits of grass and mud. Then she noticed the green tent.
"Hey, what's that?"
Ally came to a stop.
"Oh yeah,sorry."
She reached into her pocket and pulled out one of the few candies that were left: a clear gummi bear. She offered it to Tess.
Tess accepted the candy gratefully.
"Thanks! Why do you suppose we've stopped here?"
Kiara decided to slide some more-purposely! It was much better than walking. She wanted to catch up to the others, so she started practicing sliding. A few fumbles here and there, but she found a way to control it and to stop close to where she wanted.(which was by putting her feet on the ground slightly to stop to a slow halt) She got there just in time to meet the others staring at a green tent.

"Hey guys, look what I can do!" she said vainly as she had a smug look on her face. She stopped sliding and got up in front of the tent.

"Any of you guys going in? None? Well, I guess I'll go in!" she said as she started towards the green tent.

She inhaled and then exhaled. You might not think this was important, but when she exhaled, water spurted out, propelling her in the air like a geisure. While up in the air, upside down, she rotated a little to the left, making her slowly move in the air. She let the rest of the water exit her body as she slowly fell to the ground, landing on her blotchy legs.

"That is SO cool! Anyway, I'm going inside," She said as she did just that.
Not wanting to be shown up, Tess stepped forward.
"Wait!" she exclaimed, "I'll go too, Kiara." she galnced at Ally. "You comin' too?"
Ally lunged forward to grab her, but her shadow did that instead.
Her shadow went under Kirara and dragged her back.
...what the hell did I do?
Ally's face was growing hot.
Celest fidgeted in Conner's arms a bit, wondering why he didn't let her down, but that soon left her mind as the others began to enter the tent where the cage was.

Looking back at Conner with a blank but fearful gaze, she said softly, "Maybe we should follow."

Celest let her shaking hands rest on her stomach as she exhaled slowly, ready to see what was inside.

However, whatever that thing was, it didn't look very pretty in the vision thingy before. It was oddly deformed and scary-looking. In Celest's mind, it was the very reason to be afraid of being eaten.
Celest was awfully fidgety. She suggested to Connor that they head inside. "Huh. I guess we should." He jogged the few steps to the apparent source of the sound, stopping at the entrance. "I could never allow you guys all the credit for this little adventure!" He said. He tried kick the flap open, but found it wasn't very compliant. He frowned at the tent briefly before turning sideways, so Celest's feet pointed to the inside, and pushing his way in with his shoulder.

"I certainly hope the fire doesn't go out while we're doing this. Could use a torch or something now." He spoke to nobody in particular, more of thinking out loud. He managed to send out a very small, very brief puff of flame that extinguished before he could pick up any details. He made sure that he held Celest towards the exit just in case she bugged out on him.
"Maybe I can sense stuff in the dark, too," Celest breathed, barely audible. She furrowed back into Conner's chest as he entered the tent, and her upper body had risen up, too. Out of fear her hand had clutched to his shirt, balling up the fabric in her palm.

Exhaling a shaky breath, she closed her eyes and tried to focus. Calm down and pay attention. Find the cage. Focus. Focus, Celest, focus!

And finally, the dreamy scene returned. It was the inside of the tent now, though, but that was her destination, after all. Going further in the scene, she found out the tent was actually very large. At the back wall of it, she discovered the cage and once again was thrown out of focus due to his terrifying appearance.

Gasping as she returned to reality, Celest breathed hard as she forcefully shut her eyes. "...It's here. Over...by the..."

And Celest didn't finish the sentence; instead she found herself snuggling closer to Conner's warm body, as fearful as ever.
The girl in his arms was consistently clutching onto his shirt, though if it was a lack of nerve or flat-out fear, Connor couldn't say. He watched as she tried to focus again, and felt his heart leap into his throat when she suddenly gasped. He kept down the urge to jump at the sudden sound from the quiet girl, and when she spoke, he waited for her to finsih her sentence. He couldn't tell if she had pointed anywhere, but figured he might as well find his own way if she was a little... Shocked.

He found the 'wall' of the tent, and began tapping the ground in front of him with his foot. It would be nasty surprise if he rammed into something unexcpectedly, and even worse if Celest hit something. He still couldn't tell if there would be a table or something he'd miss, but he disregarded it.

Following the perimeter of the tent, he tapped his way past a couple of stones and a splintered tent pole. He foot came in contact with something big. Something big and dense. Turning himself sideways, he tapped it with the side of his head. Metal bars. Cage. "I think I found the mystery noise, Cel." He grinned.
Celest looked up from his chest, looking at where Conner directed his words. So it was a cage, after all. Letting go of his shirt and slowly sliding out of his arms, Celest landed on her feet and, after peering through the bars a bit, gingerly grasped one of the cold metal bars with her hand. However, she winced back at the sudden burst of pain from her hand. Stepping back in surprise and looking at her hand palm-up, Celest exhaled deeply as she remembered the wounds she had cause on them.

They didn't seem to be opened up yet again, but they sure did hurt a lot.

Being careful this time to feel the bars with her fingers instead, she softly slid her pale hands back onto the bars, blinking.

[Hey, guys...I think we should let the Chief have the next post, seeing that we're at his cage now and all...Sound like a plan? :3]
Ally,hearing no screams from Celest and Connor, decided to go in.
"Ew,it smells funky in here." She pinched her nose.
"And it seems completely dark."
Oh eff, maybe it silenced them before they could scream!
She let go of her nose and yelled,"Hey, Celest,Connor, where are you?"
Tess poked her head into the tent after Ally.
"It's...s-so...dark..." she whispered fearfully. "M-maybe we should go b-back." She looked around, eyes wide. Hearing no response, she took a deep breath and stepped into the tent.
"A-A-Ally?" she took tiny steps forward. Suddenly, her foot brushed something and she let out a yelp.
"W-what was th-th-that?!"
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