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[MATURE] Why Are Breasts So Taboo?

The question that should be answered is maybe: why are breasts so arousing? What makes them so?

I mean, seriously, what's so fun about them?
I can't really answer that. I just find them arousing. Others prefer feet, yet others prefer arses. It's all down to the individual, really.
I dislike the double-standard about nipples too. :3 Men's nipples and women's nipples seem pretty similar to me, so I don't see why we should be allowed to look at one and not the other without being considered "dirty".

A woman who walks around topless on a regular basis shouldn't be viewed any differently than a man who walks around topless, in my opinion. The only difference between these two situations is that our mothers taught us that women's nipples are naughty for some unknown reason.
The thing that amuses me is that in the media, naked humans (and, indeed, semi-naked women) are protrayed as ugly, taboo things, but if it's related to art or culture, nobody really cares. Sure, if you show a bunch of 12-year-old boys a picture of Venus De Milo or God creating Adam and they'll probably laugh at it, but normal, mature people just don't care.
I'll never understand why women can't breast-feed in public; it's really quite disgusting to force women who breastfeed their babies to go to public toilets in order to do so. There's nothing sexual about it, and, believe it or not, that's what breasts are actually there for, so I don't get the big deal.
Sure, if you show a bunch of 12-year-old boys a picture of Venus De Milo or God creating Adam and they'll probably laugh at it, but normal, mature people just don't care.
Wow, Adam was certainly not, ahem, well-endowed. xD

I'll never understand why women can't breast-feed in public; it's really quite disgusting to force women who breastfeed their babies to go to public toilets in order to do so. There's nothing sexual about it, and, believe it or not, that's what breasts are actually there for, so I don't get the big deal.
That's kinda shitty. I swear, even in Europe they're cool with breastfeeding in public.
Also in the camp that finds it ridiculous that women are told to be ashamed of utilizing their breasts for what they're there for. X_X The argument that breasts are "sexually arousing" is silly. If you find a woman breastfeeding her child sexually arousing, you should probably re-examine your definition of "sexy". :3
If women walked around topless, everyone would get horny.

But I supposed what VPLJ said applies here.

Yeah but it's always fun to look at something we don't see everyday you know. If they were more common, I would assume it wouldn't be as bad.

You could probably chop off the nipple and someone would still probably still have a problem about the scar or something.

VPLJ: You're right, that would be kind of freaky but then again, it's still even weird on grandpa.
Wow, Adam was certainly not, ahem, well-endowed. xD

Sorry, my inner art student is kicking in.

Particularly in that time period (the Renaissance) artists took influences from ancient Roman art and architecture to break away from Middle Ages art. The Renaissance was probably the first time in modern history that the human body was able to be seen as beautiful (as oppsed to the 'we are lesser, imperfect beings of God'), particularly in religious scenes, which is why there are so many nudes from the Renaissance. It was about the everyday person being beautiful or a religious figure.
That being said, in Roman times penis size was a fairly different issue to what it is now - large penis size was considered humorous (attributed to lesser beings, such as satyrs, who only ever had sex or got pissed) and derogative, while small penis size was superior. Presumably that attitude was transferred through to the Renaissance because art that they took influence from depicted noble figures with small penises.

Why are breasts taboo? I guess they're sort of considered genitalia by society, and flashing those in public is a no-no. I dunno, I wouldn't really have a problem with it, but I'm not about to go around topless.
People who think breastfeeding in public is bad should try and raise a baby sometime. It's disgusting to think that something like breastfeeding should be censored - if you don't want to see it, don't look at it, and there really isn't any reason to protect children from breastfeeding.
Sorry, my inner art student is kicking in.

Particularly in that time period (the Renaissance) artists took influences from ancient Roman art and architecture to break away from Middle Ages art. The Renaissance was probably the first time in modern history that the human body was able to be seen as beautiful (as oppsed to the 'we are lesser, imperfect beings of God'), particularly in religious scenes, which is why there are so many nudes from the Renaissance. It was about the everyday person being beautiful or a religious figure.
That being said, in Roman times penis size was a fairly different issue to what it is now - large penis size was considered humorous (attributed to lesser beings, such as satyrs, who only ever had sex or got pissed) and derogative, while small penis size was superior. Presumably that attitude was transferred through to the Renaissance because art that they took influence from depicted noble figures with small penises.

Why are breasts taboo? I guess they're sort of considered genitalia by society, and flashing those in public is a no-no. I dunno, I wouldn't really have a problem with it, but I'm not about to go around topless.
People who think breastfeeding in public is bad should try and raise a baby sometime. It's disgusting to think that something like breastfeeding should be censored - if you don't want to see it, don't look at it, and there really isn't any reason to protect children from breastfeeding.

Then: Good time where everyone is pretty smart, and were concerned about religion and art, poetry etc.
Now: Sex: that's pretty much it. No wonder no one is really happy.

Yeah they are right, don't look at it. Although breastfeeding in certain places might be a little weird where you have to focus on something such as church, college, etc.
Then: Good time where everyone is pretty smart, and were concerned about religion and art, poetry etc.
Now: Sex: that's pretty much it. No wonder no one is really happy.
Try then: time when you got killed for contesting the church, being gay or being a 'witch'. Great art stemmed from the Renaissance but it wasn't sunshine-rainbows-kittens since the church completely fucked up Italy and Greece, amongst others.

Yeah they are right, don't look at it. Although breastfeeding in certain places might be a little weird where you have to focus on something such as church, college, etc.
I don't see what's special about breastfeeding in church or on campus.
Try then: time when you got killed for contesting the church, being gay or being a 'witch'. Great art stemmed from the Renaissance but it wasn't sunshine-rainbows-kittens since the church completely fucked up Italy and Greece, amongst others.

I don't see what's special about breastfeeding in church or on campus.
Wasn't that during the 15 hundreds?

Nothing's wrong with it, it's a little distracting. Like it kind of ruins the seriousness of the moment.
VPLJ said:
Try then: time when you got killed for contesting the church, being gay or being a 'witch'. Great art stemmed from the Renaissance but it wasn't sunshine-rainbows-kittens since the church completely fucked up Italy and Greece, amongst others.
This is true actually, and I don't think women were allowed to be much more than sluts or pretty women - unless you were of working class. But, the renaissance produced some good things, too - like the invention of biology, anatomy and lots of mechanical stuff. This is also when people started getting interested in the world outside of the world (space) and the world around them. The Renaissance was a good period of learning and art, but only men did that stuff (I mean, one of the most famous women of that period was Simonetta Vespucci, and she was a mistress/modelled for painters).

Stryke said:
Wasn't that during the 15 hundreds?

Nothing's wrong with it, it's a little distracting. Like it kind of ruins the seriousness of the moment.

The European Renaissance was loosely between the 12th and 17th centuries. Basically there was an early Renaissance in the 12th century, and then it was revived again in the 14th century, lasting until the 17th century. This is the best-known period, with Leonardo Da Vinci and Botticelli (i.e. The Birth of Venus).

...how does breastfeeding ruin the seriousness of anything? It's feeding a baby. Why shouldn't a mother feed her children in a church of God, if she's religious? Or at a university, an area of learning? It's not as easy as 'oh, well I'll just feed my baby somewhere else', it's 'the baby is crying, I have to feed him now.'
Nothing's wrong with it, it's a little distracting. Like it kind of ruins the seriousness of the moment.
People fart in college. If anything, that's even less acceptable than breastfeeding, since it's not necessary for the welfare of another human (e.g. the baby).

Also lol, since when has college been serious? :P
This might sound strange, but it's got me curious.. How many guys here would date/get married to a girl, who walked around in public places with no upper-clothing on, on a regular basis? ,xD
Sure, why not? o.O

(For the record, it's legal here. One of the few things we're doing right.)
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