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[MATURE] Why Are Breasts So Taboo?

IMO, if girls have to cover the top half, guys should have to as well.
nooooo my eyecandy

Wasn't that during the 15 hundreds?
The Renaissance wasn't limited to the 16th century.

This is true actually, and I don't think women were allowed to be much more than sluts or pretty women - unless you were of working class. But, the renaissance produced some good things, too - like the invention of biology, anatomy and lots of mechanical stuff. This is also when people started getting interested in the world outside of the world (space) and the world around them. The Renaissance was a good period of learning and art, but only men did that stuff (I mean, one of the most famous women of that period was Simonetta Vespucci, and she was a mistress/modelled for painters).
Obviously, I'm not saying the Renaissance didn't bring any good things. That would be very stupid.
Biology and anatomy weren't invented during the 16th century, but it's true that they were looked at a lot closer due to the increasingly secular mindset of, well, everyone. A good example, perhaps the perfect example, of the Renaissance Man was indeed Leonardo, for his incredible contributions to biology, engineering, art and so on.
The interest in space actually began during the 13th century but it really got going in the 15th/16th, so it's a very 'Renaissance' concept, indeed.

Our art teacher told us about this fantastic woman painter who lived during the late Renaissance, but I can't for the life of me remember her name. She was raped and when her artistic career got started she did a very strong painting of a scene, featuring her holding the severed head of the man who'd abused her.
I'm not sure whether she actually ever killed him, but I don't think so. I'll see if I can ask my teacher what her name was.
Biology and anatomy weren't invented during the 16th century, but it's true that they were looked at a lot closer due to the increasingly secular mindset of, well, everyone.

I would argue that biology as an independent science (as opposed to botany, anatomy, and others we now group together as biology) didn't really appear until the nineteenth century, after Darwin's work.
Breasts and nipples are so sexually attractive because they are taboo. See, society treats them as something bad (why, I don't know). Because humans are such curious beings, though, they seek what is hidden by society. Take porn, for example. It isn't sold in much places except for adult video stores, yet people still desire it. If it's harder to get, the rewards for getting it are so much greater. Like winning a sports competition: winning is a challenge, but it's also an accomplishment. Same with porn, and same with nipples. Because it's a rare event, seeing them in public is much more arousing and rewarding than simply having everyone topless.

Take the French Quarter in New Orleans as an example. Toplessness is a common thing there; from drunk women in the streets, to street performers, it's kind of accepted in society. I've seen venders selling t-shirts with topless women on them, and proudly displaying them in the streets. I've also seen some people with tattoos of women with breasts. I assume it comes from the culture of the Renaissance in France, although it could be that everyone's just too drunk to notice the extra clevage.

The point is, if nipples are accepted in society, it won't be a taboo anymore.

Breastfeeding in public should be a right, not a privelage. It's a necessity to keeping babies alive and healthy, and anyone in government who wants public breastfeeding to be banned should have my left tit shoved up their ass.
She was raped and when her artistic career got started she did a very strong painting of a scene, featuring her holding the severed head of the man who'd abused her.
I'm not sure whether she actually ever killed him, but I don't think so. I'll see if I can ask my teacher what her name was.

I remember hearing something about that! I can't remember her name either, but I'll be sure to look it up because now it's driving me crazy!
Breasts and nipples are so sexually attractive because they are taboo.

Well, I suspect it goes back millenia, before we were even that intelligent. Healthy breasts signalled to a male that the female would be able to take care of their offspring. Thusly, that female is a good mate. We probably hide them because somehow, most likely through the evolution of gender roles that stacked the deck against women, we're more likely to associate breasts with, well, physical/sexual attractiveness. Men are like that.

This thread is so worthless without pics.
I think that sure, something may be attractive because it's taboo, but I'm pretty sure it became taboo because it's sexually stimulating and not the opposite.
Because sex scares the shit out of people for some reason.
Breasts are only sexual to me on people I'm interested in who are interested in me. I find pretty much every part of the body arousing, really, but unless I know you well, chances are I won't find any part of your body sexual at all. This includes boobs; when I see a woman going about topless in public, I go "wooo topfreedom" but I'm not even tempted to take a good look at her breasts. They're just... not sexual because she's not sexual. I don't gawk at or even care about feet or midriffs or what have you either except on people I already like who know that I like them and are okay with it.

If someone shows interest back, though, the person's suddenly sexual and I will be interested in their body.

Yeah, but legal and socially acceptable are two radically different things.
Oh, I know. Our topfreedom "has been [legally] tested and upheld several times", so obviously there are people challenging it, but the fact that it is (and remains, despite challenge) legal does show that society, at least here, is at least somewhat accepting of it.

EDIT2: naked cyclists always have the best body paint I swear.
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I agree with you, but the majority of guys are just mindless, insensetive assholes, so unfortinately our opinions/views don't count. </3 Until literally everyone thinks in this way, they're always gonna be taboo.
It is due to Judeo-Christian ethics. Remember that America was founded originally by Christian fundamentalists.

No it wasn't. Assuming you mean the independent country, it was founded by a bunch of people with lots of different beliefs, including quite a few (notable) deists and agnostics.
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