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[MATURE] Why Are Breasts So Taboo?


Yes We Can!! Obama Wins!
In my English class today, our teacher asked us to write on a sheet of paper and put in a hat a list of really unnecessary taboos.

I was gonna put something about Rite of Passages but one of my female friends put something about nipples in today's media in as half dare and half seriousness. To our surprise, the teacher called on hers and we both had red faces because everyone knew I had dared her. But then our teacher started talking about it (she's female so we were somewhat comfortable).

She was saying things like, "What are so bad about nipples? If anything they have life giving nutrients that helps new mommies feed their babies so they can grow stronger. As babies, most of us sucked on one to get milk. The milk contains antibodies to help the newborns immune system. And also, males have them too. As a matter of fact, they are one of the few sexual things that are the same for a man and a woman."

I just want to point out that you can't say anything about the breasts (even though I used that in the title) because television has no problems showing men squawking at them. Only in America are things so heavily guarded. If you were too look in Africa, you can see women breast feeding their babies in public and when asked about them, they'll just say "So American men act like babies"?

I was going to add more to this but I'll just add it later if this topic lives that long. I also don't mean to offend anyone.
I lol'd.

I've always wanted to know this. What exactly is so wrong about them?

It's just like trying to keep your kids protected from sexual education. I think it's better at a young age cause if you have the internet in the house or at a friends house your kids are going to find out about sex one way or another. Might as well start when they are young.

P.S. I live for the squish.
Unless we start posting pictures, this isn't really "[MATURE]", is it? :\

But, yeah, uh, I agree, and most people on this forum probably do too...
The squish frightens me ;ֻ;

lol, I don't really know why it's taboo, but I know i'd personally rather see women walking around with clothing on, as opposed to everyone being topless. ,xP

..That's probably how it became such a taboo in the first place. I mean, if people suddenly had no problem with it at all, then what percentage of women do you think would leave those parts exposed? A very low percentage, most likely. That's probably due to self-consciousness, hence most people cover up, hence seeing that stuff becomes incredibly rare, and.. I guess it's pretty self explanatory. x3

Only in America are things so heavily guarded. If you were too look in Africa, you can see women breast feeding their babies in public and when asked about them, they'll just say "So American men act like babies"?
It wouldn't just be america, i'm sure there's dozens of other countries who share the same view.. and I fail to see how it's just men, women in our coutnries (with young children) probably wouldn't want their kids seeing that either. Lots of places and countries are different as well, like in Africa they might not care about breasts or nipples, but then they might do random shit like this.
I always thought that anything sexually stimulating would be regarded as taboo.
That's what I was thinking too but men take off their shirts very often, especially when doing construction or during the summer and such.
Men's chests are quite stimulating to a lot of people, albeit less than women's chests I suppose?

I don't know, public breast-feeding isn't a very big deal around here and I've often seen women tanning topless on the beach in Holland. I guess it depends on where you live.

I'm pretty neutral since breasts are normal and I don't care about them either way so women can do what they want with them really.
I'll try expressing my point at a later hour, it's five in the morning here :v
That's what I was thinking too but men take off their shirts very often, especially when doing construction or during the summer and such.
Men's chests are quite stimulating to a lot of people, albeit less than women's chests I suppose?

I believe that could be linked to the formation of gender roles many, many millenia ago.
Vladimir Putin's LJ said:
I've often seen women tanning topless on the beach in Holland. I guess it depends on where you live.
Definitely true... The only place in the States you could really get away with toplessness at the beach would be some sections of Miami beach.
Although I'm not saying everyone to go topless, it's kind of getting irritating to be watching television and they show one and it seems to grow "fuzzy mold".

What I mean is that in America, everyone is so protective over their children. I mean, for the love of everything, cursing is banned. I mean, it's not like they are keeping children from saying bad words or looking at nude women. If it wasn't so rare then it really wouldn't be as big as a problem with porn.

And I think in Europe, you can go to nude beaches and real live models walk down the cat walk with them exposed. Although I may be wrong. If they weren't so taboo then stuff would be like this.

Two children reading a porn magazine.

Child: Wow look at those nipples
Child 2: That's not what we're looking at you spaz. You can see a nipple on television at anytime.

It would be something like that I would think.
Although there's nothing inherently wrong with it, I do think that things are the way they are, for the better.

This might sound strange, but it's got me curious.. How many guys here would date/get married to a girl, who walked around in public places with no upper-clothing on, on a regular basis? ,xD

To me, it goes way beyond self-consciousness, or the fact on whether or not it's a taboo.
And I think in Europe, you can go to nude beaches and real live models walk down the cat walk with them exposed. Although I may be wrong. If they weren't so taboo then stuff would be like this.

Yes, topless in beaches is quite common here, during the summer.

@Felidire: I would, it's not like she walks naked through the streets, but if she wants to tan her breasts, who am I to object? It's not like a bikini doesn't give a revealing enough idea.
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I've always wondered why the media are okay with revealing pretty much ALL of a woman's breasts except the nipple. Does the nipple suddenly make it controversial? o_0;

I wish the UK was more comfortable a nation so topless women in beaches wouldn't be seen as weird (and probably chucked off the beach or something).
what irritates me more than anything is the double-standard. i could be more understanding if both mens' and womens' nipples were taboo, but apparently on women it's so much more evil. after all, i have never once seen mantits been blurred out on camera. :/
The question that should be answered is maybe: why are breasts so arousing? What makes them so?

I mean, seriously, what's so fun about them? <:o If they weren't, they probably wouldn't be taboo :<
Going with that train of thought, then feet should also be taboo, since foot fetishes are relatively common.
Going with that train of thought, then feet should also be taboo, since foot fetishes are relatively common.

But then we aren't raised to practically fear the sight of feet. I seriously thought when I was a kid that breasts and penises damaged your eyesight if you stared at them too long because of how much they seemed like taboo. XD
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