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Open Mid Evolutionz!~

Startled by the Haunter, Thunder used Explosion.

Samuel nodded at his Pokemon. He then heard a boom. "Let's check it out," he told his friends, and they walked alongside him, towards the cave.
(i'm gonna make new characters:
Name: Athena
Pokemon: Kadabra to Alakazam
Appearance: Looks like a Kadabra except she has two spoons, the mustache thing, longer legs, and no tail.
Gender: Female
Bio: She was being traded to another trainer, but the trade was cancelled whie she evolved. Her trainer abandoned her in a nearby forest.
Personality(may be PO): PO

Trainer form:
Name: Nick
Gender: Male
Pokemon you own: Gardevoir (Mia, F), Ninetales, Growlithe
Appearance: He wears a blue suit and a red tie. his hair is black and spiky.
Bio: Maya's old trainer. He is looking for Maya.
Personality(may be PO): PO
Rule time!

  1. Don't cuss-too much.
  2. Don't hate the player, hate the game.
  3. Any evolving Pokemon are allowed.
  4. Trainers may have only one legendary.
  5. Eevee does count!
  6. Put "Tropiking" in your post to show you have read these.
  7. Up to two characters only.
  8. Have fun!

Flareth? You'll need to cancel one of your forms(hopefully the mid-morph: Maya really wants her trainer back! Plus Amazing Sparkz or someone PMed me about the mid-morphs, so...) and if you need to know why, look at the bolded, underlined and italicised sentence,))

"Where is that Crocodile... Loyel, search!" Roye shouted and a Growlithe jumped from behind him. It began sniffing the air, and then suddenly turned direction towards a lake. "Woof! Woof!" The shiny Growlithe barked.

"Huff... Huff..." Blink ran towards the lake. If he could just dive into it, he would be safe, atl east for a while.

"There it is!!" A human shouted from behind him. "Loyel, use Flamethrower on the grass in front of it to stop it!"

Blink was too late. Suddenly a Growlithe jumped in front of him and breathed fire at the ground. He was circled by the flames. The Growlithe jumped into the circle and growled menacingly at him.

"Flooosh!" Blink soaked the dog Pokémon in water, and then put out a part of the fire circle, then dived into the water.

"Dammit!" Roye shouted.
Shockerz made tiny sparks to help her see the trainer who entered her cave. "He looks harmless, but I would like to stay a wild Pokemon..." she whispered.
Hugz reluctantly went into the cave, only to be frightened by a Haunter. She screamed. "Wh-what are you doing? Trying to kill us?" she cried quietly.
(Cancel the mid-morph)

Nick walked into the forest, Mia by his side.

"Mia, you've known Maya for a long time. Where would she go?" Nick asked.

Someplace with food, perhaps a waterfall. This forest seems great for Maya. Mia said.


Meanwhile, Maya ran swiftly as the Pidgey flew after. She ran into a cave and tried to hide behind a rock.
Can I make a Mid-Morph and a trainer, please?

Name: Victoria
Pokemon: Eevee & Glaceon
Apperance: Victoria is the height of a normal Glaceon. She also has the tail and ears of one. The rest is all Eevee. (Color, fluffy collar thing, ya know, the...uh...Eevee stuff~)
Gender: Female
Bio: Victoria's trainer had tried to evolve her into a Glaceon, but a Pokemon had pushed her from the Ice Rock that was supposed to make her evolve. Not wanting a freakish Pokemon like her, her trainer abandoned her.
Personality: Victoria is a sarcastic, joke-playing kind of Pokemon. She loves to play a prank here or there, but nothing too serious.
Other: Tropiking is the King of Tropicana juice! Or is he? Don't know.

Name: Leslie
Gender: Female
Pokemon You Own:

Zapz- Jolteon- Female- Leslie's trusted companion over the years.
Aqua Queen- Milotic- Female- Leslie's newest and first Water Pokemon
Flash Fire- Flareon- Male- Leslie's little troublemaker of the 6
Raine- Leafeon- Female- A injured Pokemon Leslie found
Velcro- Zangoose- Female- A quiet pokemon Leslie plays with
Airy- Salamance- Male- An energetic pokemon that accidently does things

Apperance: Leslie has black hair down to the middle of her back. Her outfit is a rainbow t-shirt and black jeans. She wears rainbow high-tops as well. She has a star-charm necklace and a rainbow headband.
Bio: Leslie was raised by a family who lived in a big city, which she was half okay with. She eventually went away when she heard about the "Mid-Morphs" to catch one.
Personality: PO
Other: Tropiking...Cool name. Yeah.
((It was at the mouth of the cave you're all hiding in, and coming from an Electrode, it should be a pretty big one.))
((Allright. Consider it responded to!))

Shockerz saw what looked like an Electrode explode. Next thing she knew, she was flying. "AAAAHHHHHHH!!!!" she screamed. She didn't care if the whole world heard her, she just wanted to live!!
At the explosion, Guardian phased out. He floated up to the Aron, phased in, and picked him up. The Steel-type cuddled his hands as the Haunter placed him outside the cave.

"Thank you for rescuing my Aron," said Chip, amazed at the Gastly-like Haunter. He turned and wandered through the forest.

"How about a new friend?" he asked his Pokemon.

Shockerz landed. She found a real Pikachu(whom I'll post the form for later). "H-hello. M-my name is Shockerz." "I'm Erican. Pleased to meet you!" replied the Pikachu. "And you don't look like a Raichu, yet you have the markings of one. Tell me, are you a Raichu or a Pikachu?" "Both." "What? is that even possible?" "I guess so." Shockerz replied. They saw a Gastly/Haunter in the distance, and a trainer. "Oh, no! No trainer must own a mid-morph!" said Shockerz, running off. "A mid what?" replied Erican, following Shockerz.

((Time for Erican's form!

Miscellaneous Pokemon Form:
Name: Erican
Pokemon: Pikachu
Appearance: Looks like Pikatwo(aka the cloned Pikachu) and the tail has a crack in it.
Gender: Girl
Personality: PO
Other: I am accepted! :D And may aswell show you the trainer that eventually catches both of them:

Trainer form:
Name: Mysti
Gender: Girl
Pokemon you own: Umbreon shiny, Espeon shiny, Eevee shiny, Charizard shiny
Appearance: Blonde, curly hair; wears pink a lot of the time; has pink glasses.
Bio: Abandoned at three, a shiny Eevee found her and cared for her. She eventually evolved in the night while Mysti was asleep. At first, Mysti didn't know it was her Eevee friend, but she finally proved it. She then found another shiny Eevee, which evolved in the day to Espeon. They then bred(Moonlight the Umbreon=boy, Sunshine the Espeon=girl) and produced yet another shiny. She got a Mudkip from Prof. Birch, then recieved her first Pokeballs. Her Pokemon friends then allowed themselves to be caught.
Personality: PO
Other: Accepted!))
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Samuel finally reached the cave. At the entrance was a mischievous-looking Electrode... or was it a Voltorb? It look like an Electrode, except its colors were swapped. "This thing looks pretty cool," he said to himself. "Go, Nidorina! Double Kick!"

The blue Pokemon leaped at Thunder, kicking him in the face with her rear legs twice. Thunder shook itself, and used Spark. Nidorina was knocked back, but still good to go.

"Now, Nidorina, Fury Swipes!" Samuel commanded.

Nidorina fiercely raked Thunder. This time, Thunder was more badly hurt, and it used SonicBoom on Nidorina.

Nidorina screeched in pain. She was getting tired now, but wouldn't give up.

Samuel said, "You can do this! Poison Sting!"

The four-legged Poison-type jabbed a spike on its back into Thunder. Shocked, Thunder rolled backwards, and started to look sick.

Samuel nodded, and threw a Great Ball at the Electrode. The Pokemon was consumed by the ball. The ball shook once, twice, three times, then clicked shut.

Samuel praised, "Great job, Nidorina." He picked up the Great Ball and released Thunder, who immediately used Selfdestruct.

Charmeleon shielded Samuel from the blast, along with Sandshrew and Nidorina. After it was over, Samuel laughed, and withdrew his fainted Pokemon.
Spirit ran behind a huge rock in the cave and ducked to avoid the explosion. It helped, but when she stood up, there was a human. She wasn't sure if she wanted to attack or ask about her trainer.
Guardian was curious about the human. He swirled around him, licking the air as he went. "What are you doing?"

Chip couldn't understand, so he kept walking.

Guardian hung back and his head. All he wanted was a friend... but everyone hated Ghost-types.
Suddenly, and explosion in a nearby cave. The water shook, Roye jumped, and Loyel started barking.

Blink stayed in the water.

Roye ran over towards the cave. However, he stopped by the entrance, as grey smoke emerged from it.

Blink, thinking it was a fire, jumped out of the water, ran to the entrance and shot water into it.

Loyel barked at Blink, but Roye said, "Wait. Wait till it's stopped putting out the fire... If there if fire in there..." Loyel stopped barking and looked at his owner.
"Ack!" Maya cried as a Electrode exploded near her hiding place.

She flew out at high speeds, smacking her head onto a tree branch. She hung on to the tree branch. She was very high up.
Samuel saw a Jigglypuff with big ears fly up onto a tree. He wasn't interested in catching it; he just thought that he should help it. He stood under the fluffball and held out his arms. "Just let go. I won't hurt you."
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