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Mindscrew Mafia [INNOCENTS WIN]

Re: Mindscrew Mafia - Day One

Final tally: InvaderSyl 7, pig-serpent 5, Kirby-Chan 1

Fingers are pointed in a wild flurry over the course of the day, but ultimately the inverse of "Out of sight, out of mind" is proven, as the townspeople converge on the most wildly shouting citizen. Lacking the creativity to think to hang her or the bloodlust to hack her to death, the townspeople finally decide to lock InvaderSyl in a small cage and leave her, unprotected, to the harsh Alpine winter overnight. Citizens observing through the windows in their wood-heated cabins report that she was frozen to death in less than an hour of her imprisonment.

InvaderSyl is dead. She was mafia.
48 hours for night actions.

Did you know that it can get down to -20 degrees Fahrenheit in winter in the Alps, and depending on body size, one can freeze to death in under an hour in freezing temperatures? **Disclaimer: I pulled this from Yahoo Answers so it may very well not be true.
Re: Mindscrew Mafia - Night One

The next morning, the townspeople wake up for another day of debate in the town hall. Approaching the central square, they find the body of Blaziking of the Keyblade in the snow, lying just where the shadow of Karkat's body falls at sunrise. His trenchcoat, fedora, and pipe are strewn around his body, while the shoddily-sharpened end of a magnifying glass is stuck firmly into his heart. The town coroner*, however, concurs that he was killed by blunt-force trauma to the head, and the stabbing occurred after the victim was already dead. The townspeople mentally upgrade their judgment of the killer or killers from murderer to psychopath.

*Fridge Logic: Why do we even have a town coroner? There's seventeen freaking people in town. People can't die often enough for him to make a respectable living. Is he the murderer(s), killing so as to give himself a job? Who knows?

Blaziking is dead. He was innocent.
48 hours for dicussion.
Re: Mindscrew Mafia - Night One

There goes our inspecter. :/

At least we know if the person's death can narrow down if they are either one of the innocents or other roles that make finding mafia harder. Or a mine/death miller died or the mafia want to mindscrew us by killing one of their members and passing as a death miller.
Re: Mindscrew Mafia - Night One


So, it just occurred to me that we could easily determi--

Wait, this is one of the games where I died night 0, isn't it.


Re: Mindscrew Mafia - Night One


So, it just occurred to me that we could easily determi--

Wait, this is one of the games where I died night 0, isn't it.


* Rises from dead* Yeah, I know just how you feel. I'm going to shut up now before people start telling me to XD *dies*
Re: Mindscrew Mafia - Night One

^shut up. Jkjkjk

Twilight Sparkle, then? I don't have anything to really contribute.
Re: Mindscrew Mafia - Night One


For whatever reason, repeated editing of the original post's title is no longer effective in changing the thread title. Dunno if this is a glitch or if the place to change the thread title changed or if I can even change the thread title at all anymore. Derp.

We all know it's Day Two anyway.
Re: Mindscrew Mafia - Night One

I don't know what day it is...

Silver/Twilight Sparkle then.
Re: Mindscrew Mafia - Night One

Unless people have any information they can share without getting risk of getting killed, an inactive lynch is all we can do right now. I wait and see if there are any more people posting today before lynching off someone.
Re: Mindscrew Mafia - Night One

Pfff only quote me when like, 5 other people vote for you I see how it is.
Re: Mindscrew Mafia - Night One

I don't know, actually. I did say you posted. But anyway, is anyone else inactive/hasn't posted at all?
Re: Mindscrew Mafia - Night One

There was only two that voted for me and I didn't feel like quoting the both of you...I'M NOT THE ONLY INACTIVE ONE, SERI. ...I think.
Re: Mindscrew Mafia - Night One

And I didnt ~start it puposely, I just asked if she had posted, adn Seri kinda jumped the gun and voted.
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