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Most Overrated/Underrated Games Ever

I agree that Kirby 64 is up among the best games ever, but I don't think it's that underrated, because a lot of people I know realize it's a great game.
i'll also pay respect for ikaruga, jet grind radio, shenmue, grandia (and grandia II!), puyo pop fever, astro boy: omega factor, zack and wiki, NiGHTs, and space channel 5 part 2 while i'm at it.

did anyone bring up skies of arcadia? how about chibi robo?

someone brought up xenogears, and that's one of the best games ever. i think someone else brought psychonauts up; i know at least one person here has played it. that is a great game too.
i'll also pay respect for ikaruga, jet grind radio, shenmue, grandia (and grandia II!), puyo pop fever, astro boy: omega factor, zack and wiki, NiGHTs, and space channel 5 part 2 while i'm at it.

did anyone bring up skies of arcadia? how about chibi robo?

someone brought up xenogears, and that's one of the best games ever. i think someone else brought psychonauts up; i know at least one person here has played it. that is a great game too.


On the note of Ikaruga, absolutely EVERYTHING from Treasure inc. is underrated. Yuke Yuke Trouble Makers, Radiant Silvergun, and Gunstar Heroes come to mind.

And, I can't believe no one's mentioned it yet, but Panzer Dragoon. Specifically Panzer Dragoon Zwei, and Sagas. Orta was great, but isn't really underrated. It's just fucking hard to find.
I agree that Kirby 64 is up among the best games ever, but I don't think it's that underrated, because a lot of people I know realize it's a great game.

Gamespot gave it 6.9 and IGN game it 7.9
Does that say enough?
It's gaming journalism. It sucks. If they want to rip a game to shreds, they will. And if they want to praise a game, they will (God of War a good game? Please.). Plus, those are the reviews of just one person, thus their opinion, from each website respectively. Reviews and scores don't reflect the opinions of an entire staff and community.
Well, I've noticed that Gamespot rarely gives Nintendo-Produced games high ratings. I've never played Kirby 64 but sounds like a good game


It might be a bit on the easy (and short), but it's fun and you can combine powerups to make new ones, which adds even more fun to the powerup system.
Over rated: Mario 64 and Ocarina of time... *flinches*
Whilst I agree they are both good games, the fact of the matter is, is that these games are OLD. Sure, they defined genres, but that doesn't make them the best examples. And If I have to hear one more bloody pretentious comment about how princess peach;s garden was like a wonderful playground, then I may consider becoming a serial killer. =P
I think Galaxy and Wind Waker are much better than 64 and Ocarina, and If you wanna shoot me down,That's just fine... =D

Under rated: Sonic 2006. *sees Hate meteor...*
Look, whilst the game had it's flaw's (a lot of flaws) the game itself wasn't bad. Sure the game had loading times slower than a big brother viewer trying to read, sure it had pointless RPG missions,SURE IT HAD LOADS OF POP UPS IN THE GAME ITSELF, but look past these rather big flaws, and you have a rather good sonic game, filled with speed and action and everything we wan't from a sonic game....Oh god did I rant for that long? =P
Over rated: Mario 64 and Ocarina of time... *flinches*
Whilst I agree they are both good games, the fact of the matter is, is that these games are OLD. Sure, they defined genres, but that doesn't make them the best examples. And If I have to hear one more bloody pretentious comment about how princess peach;s garden was like a wonderful playground, then I may consider becoming a serial killer. =P
I think Galaxy and Wind Waker are much better than 64 and Ocarina, and If you wanna shoot me down,That's just fine... =D

One thing I don't get here, is how one can say that they're better... They're practically the exact same game.
One thing I don't get here, is how one can say that they're better... They're practically the exact same game.

That's kind of my point. Everyone prefers Mario 64 and OoT, but If you play Mario Galxy and Windwaker, It's like playing the originals,only with better graphics.
So, it's a vain excuse, but It makes the game more enjoyable in a way.
Depends on one's tastes. I myself happen to prefer older stuff, because I get nostalgic really easily. Not to mention, they don't have the same charm OoT or SM64 did.
Over rated: Mario 64 and Ocarina of time... *flinches*
Whilst I agree they are both good games, the fact of the matter is, is that these games are OLD. Sure, they defined genres, but that doesn't make them the best examples. And If I have to hear one more bloody pretentious comment about how princess peach;s garden was like a wonderful playground, then I may consider becoming a serial killer. =P
I think Galaxy and Wind Waker are much better than 64 and Ocarina, and If you wanna shoot me down,That's just fine... =D

I never liked Wind Waker. I still say OoT was the best Zelda game I've played so far, but I haven't played that many, so.
And Mario 64 was great too. So was Mario Galaxy. I don't know if I want to say I like one more than the other.

Under rated: Sonic 2006. *sees Hate meteor...*
Look, whilst the game had it's flaw's (a lot of flaws) the game itself wasn't bad. Sure the game had loading times slower than a big brother viewer trying to read, sure it had pointless RPG missions,SURE IT HAD LOADS OF POP UPS IN THE GAME ITSELF, but look past these rather big flaws, and you have a rather good sonic game, filled with speed and action and everything we wan't from a sonic game....Oh god did I rant for that long? =P

It is my heartfelt opinion that there has not been a single good Sonic game since SA2:B. If a game has a lot of big flaws, then it's not a good game, really. ._. I'm not saying it should be flawless, but it should at least not have many glaringly obvious problems.
That said, the storyline was good. IMO, it was its only redeeming feature.
For me, the last really good Sonic game was Sonic Adventure for the Dreamcast. I didn't really like SA2 for the DC, but it was still okay. Same for Sonic Heroes. Although, i really liked Sonic Heroes, since it DID return to the series roots, and not have the players doing anything stupid, like searching for treasure... Which is why I liked both Sonic Rush games.

Sonic Chronicles is actually surprisingly good too. Especially for a Western JRPG...
For me, the last really good Sonic game was Sonic Adventure for the Dreamcast. I didn't really like SA2 for the DC, but it was still okay. Same for Sonic Heroes. Although, i really liked Sonic Heroes, since it DID return to the series roots, and not have the players doing anything stupid, like searching for treasure... Which is why I liked both Sonic Rush games.

Sonic Chronicles is actually surprisingly good too. Especially for a Western JRPG...
You didn't like SA2? Funny, I thought that was one of his best... the last good Sonic games IMO are the remake of Adventure and Adventure 2 (GC). Sonic heroes was crap to me, the team thing wasn't my style, and it was really a letdown after SA2B (which was gold). The treasure searching and mech roaming was a really good a idea that was new and worked well. Actually, Shadow the Hedgehog was a pretty decent game. Fun.

Surprisingly, hand-held sonic games are still pretty good, because there all the same side-scrolling, fast-paced games we used to know and love. Sonic battle was genius and fun, and was also something new. I haven't tried Dark Bortherhood... too catoony, kinda looks like a waste of time. Also, Gametrailers didn't give it a good review. D=

Under rated: Sonic 2006. *sees Hate meteor...*
Look, whilst the game had it's flaw's (a lot of flaws) the game itself wasn't bad. Sure the game had loading times slower than a big brother viewer trying to read, sure it had pointless RPG missions,SURE IT HAD LOADS OF POP UPS IN THE GAME ITSELF, but look past these rather big flaws, and you have a rather good sonic game, filled with speed and action and everything we wan't from a sonic game....Oh god did I rant for that long? =P

So many flaws, it's not even funny, and makes it a horrible game. First off, they made ANOTHER fucking hedgehog. How hopeless can Sega get? Really, is that all they can come up with? Shadow was a great addition to the game, since he had an excellent backstory, and is just a plain badass. Silver is just and uncreative idea, with nothing to support "it". Second, they made a relationship with a human girl... and a hedgehog who's head is much bigger than hers. Wow, I'm not going to even rant on how incredibly ridiculous that is, and where the hell is Amy? Desperate, Sega. Now, the controls in SA2B were a bit glitchy, I admit, but nothing compared to this game. I mean, REALLY, this game has the worst controls ever, TOO many technical problems, with no flow whatsoever. Everything is just so... broken. The story is crap too, seeing what they did with SA and SA2. This game, along with most of the other console sonic games, is a complete and utter fail. What happened, Sega?
VII is overrated but I still think it's the best FF game I've played so far. If there had to be any FF game that would be overrated, I'm glad it's that one. Before Advent Children and the rest of the Compilation it deserved to be overrated~

I think Ocarina of Time is overrated too. It's a good game... but the controls are iffy and it's really not THAT great. I can't get into it easily either, it's a little too hard.

Tales of Symphonia is a LITTLE overrated in the non-FF RPG circle. It's basically just Final Fantasy X with less substance. I do like the characters though, I think they really stood out.

Underrated... Okami. It's really good, but so few people have actually played it. And also The World Ends With You; there are loads of fans but it seems hardly any reviewers give it what it deserves. *glares at ONM's 88%*
Over rated: Mario 64 and Ocarina of time... *flinches*
Whilst I agree they are both good games, the fact of the matter is, is that these games are OLD.

wtf does being old have to do with anything? Mario 64's a great enough game that people are still playing it, still experimenting, still finding glitches. And the glitches they come up with are hard to find (they're not just your normal "glitch-through-the-wall" polygon-caused glitches; I mean glitches like the dry-pipe in WDW; the beating the game with 50 31 16 1 0 stars due to backwards-long-jump glitches; the 255-coin glitches; the 0-second Koopa race glitches; the Chuckya in the pipe glitches; the into-the-aquarium glitches; the secret lagoon glitches). Those glitches looked hard as hell to pull off when I read about them, much less find out about by simple experimentation. I've never played Mario Galaxy, but I doubt it has quite the same appeal as 64 (all the rumors of getting under the castle; of the "star world" shown in one of the paintings on the second floor; of glitching with the polygons and finding yourself in previously unexplored places...). Don't believe me? Read these. They started a seventh Glitch topic that's, as far as I know, still going on. If there's glitches to be found and places to be explored, no matter the game, people'll play it. Hell, I still play it on occasion, and I didn't even get my paws on it permanently until something like eight months ago. People play the game because they like it.
I'm not sure if I said this yet, but the NIS America games are highly underrated. Barely ANYBODY knows these games. And I'm talkin bout Disgaea, Ar Tonelico, Grimgrimoire, Phantom Brave, Altier Iris, Mana Khemia... all good- not the greatest- but still good. Amirite or amirite?
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