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Most Overrated/Underrated Games Ever

I'm not sure if I said this yet, but the NIS America games are highly underrated. Barely ANYBODY knows these games. And I'm talkin bout Disgaea, Ar Tonelico, Grimgrimoire, Phantom Brave, Altier Iris, Mana Khemia... all good- not the greatest- but still good. Amirite or amirite?

B... But... But, Grim Grimoire wasn't made by Nippon Ichi Software! D= It was only published by them!

If there was a time Nippon Ichi Software was unknown/underrated, it was before their Disgaea series even began. The only reason they were able to make an American company is because when Atlus localized it, it was extremely popular, thus allowing them enough money to base a company in the US. If you ask me, they aren't quite underrated, but they're still very niche, especially by their own standards. But even then, most of their popularity goes toward Disgaea, and none of the other series.

Still, Disgaea isn't THAT popular, it's quite underrated from what I seen. And that's about the only thing people know from that company. Those other games are practically unknown by people.
Underrated? Terranigma. good god playin this was a ton of fun

I mean, when someone suggests you a game because you have the same name as the hero, you gotta listen right?

But nobody gets my Terranigma jokes. You know somebody said "I should die in a whole" and I told them "Go die in a wholehole". And a flame war ensues EVEN THOUGH my avatar had been set to a GIF of the letters LOL bouncing up and down. That's like the jokiest joker face you can put on.

Also Lock's Quest but that may just be my fangirl self talking. I'd say Drawn to Life too but word on the street says it sold over a million copies.
I'd say Drawn to Life too but word on the street says it sold over a million copies.

Drawn to Life honestly wasn't that great of a game. Without the "joo draw ujr charactur!!!" stuff, the game was ridiculously bland and generic.

N+ is underrated. Shame, because it's such fun.
Drawn to Life honestly wasn't that great of a game. Without the "joo draw ujr charactur!!!" stuff, the game was ridiculously bland and generic.
This was the same problem with Magic Pengel and Graffiti Kingdom. Although Graffiti Kingdom doesn't even count; that game was just plain garbage. I'm ashamed to have even played it, and I can't believe that it calls itself a spiritual sequel to Magic Pengel.

Odin Sphere is horribly underrated. Sure it were well liked, but it's from VanillaWare, a Japanese only company, which is just barely less known than the companies that publish its games; Banpresto and NIS.

It's difficult, but the only way I can describe Odin Sphere in a way that won't cause me to write novels is; A game with possibly the best art direction. Period. Seriously, the game will make newcomers scream the exact same thing I said when I played the game, "Jesus H. Fucking Christ in a chicken bucket for four!! Am I playing a fucking illustrated novel?!" It's got amazing voice work, and elegant and intricately woven story told from the different points of views of the five playable characters, and a fun synthesis system that lets you grow sheep from trees.

It's a shame the game never sold well. It received a lot of praise, just nobody ever noticed it.
EDIT AGAIN: Another underrated game: Klonoa. Sure the gameplay's simple, and the stages and bosses are really easy, but the stories are always so innovative, humorous and emotional.
It wasn't really underrated, it was forgotten, those who played it realized the games were fucking brilliant(Lunatea's Veil is easily my favourite game of all time) And most games got good reviews, it's just that no one played them.

Anyway, some underrated games.

-Donkey Kong Country 3, easily the best one in the series. Many says the game have the worst music in the franchise, but that hardly makes a difference to the game itself. And the music is STILL GOOD, and if anything, I think that the music was more about atmosphere then sheer ear candy like the music in Donkey Kong Country 2 was. I've also seen people who were annoyed because you had Kiddy Kong with you.

WHAT THE FUCK is wrong with being followed around by a Toddler who can ALREADY rival Donkey Kong in strength and size?

-Rayman 3, It did get good scores, but gets less praise compared to Rayman 2, which was by no means as good. The powerups were cool, and worked well with the Rayman kind of gameplay. And the boss fights were totally awesome.(Fight against a giant magician beast with awesome music, anyone?)

-Darkwatch, one of the few FPS games I enjoy, the multiplayer is insanely fun, and there is nothing as satisfying as shooting people with a rocket launcher the second they spawned from a teleporter.
It wasn't really underrated, it was forgotten, those who played it realized the games were fucking brilliant(Lunatea's Veil is easily my favourite game of all time) And most games got good reviews, it's just that no one played them.

That's exactly why I say a game is underrated; nobody plays it =P

no one played them.

That's typically what makes a game underrated though. A game gets good reviews. Nobody plays it, and it doesn't sell well. This is Okami, Star Ocean, and Valkyrie Profile in a nutshell. As well as a good chunk of the games I own.

-Darkwatch, one of the few FPS games I enjoy, the multiplayer is insanely fun, and there is nothing as satisfying as shooting people with a rocket launcher the second they spawned from a teleporter.

Still better than me; I can't enjoy any modern shooters unless it's Quake 3, Unreal Tournament GOTY, Half-Life or older. F.E.A.R is a good exception, and I love Half-Life 2. Although nothing can knock Goldeneye and the original Perfect Dark off the throne of greatest FPS games ever...

there is nothing as satisfying as shooting people with a rocket launcher the second they spawned from a teleporter.

I prefer doing that in Quake 3 =P although that's usually the reverse; you kill someone with a rocket the instant YOU spawn in a teleporter. Because everybody knows that spawn camping is... well, lame.

I could totally say Melty Blood is underrated but... It really isn't. It's not only hugely popular in Japan, it's also created quite a fanbase in America, where all versions of the game are illegal, and it has some of the largest Netplay communities I've ever even seen on the internet (Melty Bread comes to mind...). What just started as a PC doujin fighter became popular enough to gain a series of revisions that are still ongoing, and even got so popular to warrant 2 PS2 ports, the second of which is gonna be released next month. And it's one of the most popular games I've ever seen, not to mention one of the best I've played.

Plus, it does what Street Fighter doesn't, and is scrub free. It's got one of the most newbie friendly communities I've seen in my life, possibly THE most, and some veterans/frequent tourney players (aka, the people who spend every moment of their lives playing with others over Hamachi servers) are even willing to give some of their time to some of the newcomers, and help them learn how to use a specific character, or learn specific mechanics of the game, particularly the relatively difficult things that I'll refrain from naming due to jargon.

It's a shame it's only fanwork, because if not for that, the game might've actually been localized. Can't wait for Actress Again, on that note. Totally can't wait to play as School Uniform Akiha, and Ryogi Shiki (Cause Kara no Kyoukai is <3)
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I don't want to get in huge detail, so here's a list:
Overrated: Mega Man 2
Final Fantasy 7
Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time
The Halo series
Metroid Prime 3
Mega Man X

Luigis Mansion
Legend of Zeldas Wind Waker, Majora's Mask, & Phantom Hourglass
Banjo Kazooie Nuts & Bolts
Mega Man 5, 6, 7, 8
Mega Man X7 and X8
Diddy Kong Racing
Pokemon generations 3 and 4
ARG! Forgot a few more: Sonic Heroes, Billy Hatcher, Mega Man Powered Up, and the Viewtiful Joe series (Got great reviews, but not many people played them. Boy, are they missing out) for underrated games.
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I don't want to get in huge detail, so here's a list:
Metroid Prime 3
Mega Man X

Mega Man 5, 6, 7, 8
Mega Man X7

Really? You say Megaman X is overrated and then proceed to say X7 is UNDERRATED? I'm sorry, but that has to be the worst thing I've ever seen; Megaman X7 was not underrated. The only reason nobody even played that shitty game is because it's an abomination; it only stains the good name of Megaman for the horrid, malignant tumor of a game it is. If you're going to say any Megaman games are underrated, give us an actually good one. X6 and Command Mission both come to mind.

And Metroid Prime 3? Really? That game was hardly overrated; keep in mind that the only people who play Metroid games are Metroid fans. And even then, Corruption gets nowhere near the amount of praise Prime or Echoes get on account of it being easy, and short.

I do agree with you on Megaman games 5 up to 8 though; outside of Megaman 4, Megaman 6, 7 and 8 are probably my favorite classic series games. Megaman 10 is right up there as a favorite too.

Anyways; I can add a couple games here as of the last couple of weeks;

Metroid: Other M
Parasite Eve
Parasite Eve 2
Cross Edge
Bomberman Tournament <-- Just picked this game up for the first time since I first got my Gameboy Advance. I forgot how awesome this game was.
Sengoku Basara 3
Panzer Dragoon Orta
Steel Batallion
Tales of Graces
Fatal Frame 2: Crimson Butterfly
Fatal Frame 4
Jumping Flash

God of War 3
Eternal Darkness <-- It was an awesome game, in all honesty. But everything failed to even remotely creep me out. Must be all the Fatal Frame.
Super Mario Galaxy 2 <-- Sorry, but having 240 stars spread out through so many stages, about half of which are irritating does not make a game deserve its praise. It's a fun game, but it would be more fun without the irritating gimmicky stages.
I don't understand people who say that Final Fantasy VII is overrated. I'm biased, as I think it's the best game in the series by far, but from what I can tell a huge amount of the hardcore FF players constantly scorn or at least ignore it.

It's the most famous, has sold the most copies, is the most well-known to people who've only played one or two FFs, but as for actual people who've played all the Final Fantasies, I'd go as far to say that it's sadly looked over. New players are told to steer clear of it. The Compilation is mostly bollocks, I'll agree with that, but the actual original game I genuinely don't think is overrated. Few critics think it's the best game - that usually goes to IX or X. VII does get too much attention, though.

As for games that are overrated, I'm gonna go with Ocarina of Time too. Lauded as the best Zelda but I really can't get into it, and I find the controls horrible. Also, the Kingdom Hearts games.

Underrated... the awesome Rayman series. Also, the World Ends With You and the Persona series (although it's popular, because it's a JRPG not that many people know of it).
War of the Monsters for Playstation 2 is seriously underrated. Well, from what I heard it got critic scores, but not many sales. It's a real shame, as I could easily see the WotM video game getting a really awesome sequel, plus online mode and new monsters would have made it perfect. Ah well.
I don't understand people who say that Final Fantasy VII is overrated. I'm biased, as I think it's the best game in the series by far, but from what I can tell a huge amount of the hardcore FF players constantly scorn or at least ignore it.
It really is one of the weakest in the series. II, IV, V, VI, IX, XI, and XII are all better. The best thing about VII is the mini-games.
I hope you're not including the Raving Rabbids series in that :p

Hell no, I don't even consider Raving Rabbids to be part of the Rayman series. :P

It really is one of the weakest in the series. II, IV, V, VI, IX, XI, and XII are all better. The best thing about VII is the mini-games.

Well... I've played VI, IX and XII and still think VII is by far the best. IX comes close, but not close enough. For me, most parts of the game (especially music, characters and gameplay) are superior to anything else I've seen in a Final Fantasy game.

Also, XII is better than X? Really? Maybe we're just judging them differently. I've also heard that II is godawful from pretty much everyone I know.
Well... I've played VI, IX and XII and still think VII is by far the best. IX comes close, but not close enough. For me, most parts of the game (especially music, characters and gameplay) are superior to anything else I've seen in a Final Fantasy game.

Also, XII is better than X? Really? Maybe we're just judging them differently. I've also heard that II is godawful from pretty much everyone I know.
VII is better than X! X looked pretty and that was pretty much it. XII is just sorely underrated. Most people haven't played XI so the new combat system was foreign to many. And wtf II is great. It just probably feels too old for them or something.
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I'm going to go say Halo. Seriously, what is special about this game? It's a generic FPS game about a Badass Action Hero(tm) with pretty graphics. I can't see anything about this game that is interesting in the slightest.

Another game I think is overrated (let the flamewars begin!!!) is Megaman 2. Everyone seems to love it, but I personally believe 3 and 4 are far superior. My reasoning? Let's make a list here.

  • The weapon balance. I can safely say that the only time I used a weapon in 2 that wasn't Metal Blade was for boss weaknesses and to get past the annoying yoku segment in Heat Man's segment. Compare with 3. Needle Cannon, Shadow Blade, and Top Spin were all great weapons, but they were balanced. Hell, even Gemini Laser and Spark Shock had their uses! In 4, we got Flash Stopper, Pharaoh Shot, Dust Crusher, and Dive Missile, all of which were absolutely fantastic, and the other 4 had their uses as well.
  • 2's bosses were either ridiculously hard or complete jokes. Quick Man is an unpredictable spaz and Air Man is a cheap bastard, but the award has to go to Buebeam Trap, who requires you to commit suicide if you don't come to that room with a full bar of Crash Bomb. On the other hand, Bubble Man, Heat Man, and Flash Man were complete jokes, and the final boss was just... what the hell?
    Compare with 3 and 4, which had a nice difficulty curve; the Doc Robot stages in 3 were a nice addition, and having two weakness cycles required you to do some buster fighting. Having two castles in 4 increased the game's length, yes, but they were fun.
  • 2's soundtrack was good, but 3 and 4 have fantastic soundtracks as well. Please note that I do not think that 2's Wily 1 theme is the best song ever; Wily 2 from MM3 is better. And 4's RM themes are better. Toad and Dust Man's are just fantastic, that is really what I think. (Oh, by the way, Cutman's pink?)
  • 3 and 4 had acceptable final bosses. The big twist of 2 is just... just... I have no idea what Capcom was on with that thing.
  • 3 and 4 had some cool bosses, actually. Gemini and Snake Man were just badass, and Needle, Magnet, and Shadow Man were also cool. 4 gets lots of crap for having some weird bosses, but they were pulled off pretty well.

...so yeah. 2 isn't as good as everyone thinks it is.
Another game I think is overrated (let the flamewars begin!!!) is Megaman 2. Everyone seems to love it, but I personally believe 3 and 4 are far superior. My reasoning? Let's make a list here.

  • The weapon balance. I can safely say that the only time I used a weapon in 2 that wasn't Metal Blade was for boss weaknesses and to get past the annoying yoku segment in Heat Man's segment. Compare with 3. Needle Cannon, Shadow Blade, and Top Spin were all great weapons, but they were balanced. Hell, even Gemini Laser and Spark Shock had their uses! In 4, we got Flash Stopper, Pharaoh Shot, Dust Crusher, and Dive Missile, all of which were absolutely fantastic, and the other 4 had their uses as well.
  • 2's bosses were either ridiculously hard or complete jokes. Quick Man is an unpredictable spaz and Air Man is a cheap bastard, but the award has to go to Buebeam Trap, who requires you to commit suicide if you don't come to that room with a full bar of Crash Bomb. On the other hand, Bubble Man, Heat Man, and Flash Man were complete jokes, and the final boss was just... what the hell?
    Compare with 3 and 4, which had a nice difficulty curve; the Doc Robot stages in 3 were a nice addition, and having two weakness cycles required you to do some buster fighting. Having two castles in 4 increased the game's length, yes, but they were fun.
  • 2's soundtrack was good, but 3 and 4 have fantastic soundtracks as well. Please note that I do not think that 2's Wily 1 theme is the best song ever; Wily 2 from MM3 is better. And 4's RM themes are better. Toad and Dust Man's are just fantastic, that is really what I think. (Oh, by the way, Cutman's pink?)
  • 3 and 4 had acceptable final bosses. The big twist of 2 is just... just... I have no idea what Capcom was on with that thing.
  • 3 and 4 had some cool bosses, actually. Gemini and Snake Man were just badass, and Needle, Magnet, and Shadow Man were also cool. 4 gets lots of crap for having some weird bosses, but they were pulled off pretty well.

...so yeah. 2 isn't as good as everyone thinks it is.


You're my hero. I haven't met a single soul that agrees with me on the horrible balance in Megaman 2.

[*]2's bosses were either ridiculously hard or complete jokes. Quick Man is an unpredictable spaz and Air Man is a cheap bastard
Untrue =/ Both Quick Man and Air man are complete jokes.

And 4's RM themes are better. Toad and Dust Man's are just fantastic, that is really what I think.
Dust Man's theme is much better on the Official Complete Works disc. Cossack Stages 1 and 2 are nice ear worms too, as with the X stage theme from 6~

I am going to have to say that practically the whole X series in Megaman, and the Zero series are horribly underrated. Almost nobody seems to pay attention to them, especially in recent years when neither series have had any new games, aside from a collection for the Zero series on DS; although for good reason with Megaman Zero, considering it's the only Megaman series ever to have a definitive ending to it.

Megaman X5 and X6 are particularly underrated. Sure, X6 had a horrible story, having been created without Inafune's knowledge, and it sure as hell did have some terrible balance, and overall awful stage design, but the soundtrack is excellent, especially the Investigator's themes (Rainy Turtloid's theme is awesome), and it's got some really cool bosses (Metal Shark Player, anyone? Or how about Blizzard Wolfang?). Plus, when you've played it as much as I have, you realize that the stages aren't as awful as I'd mentioned, but that they're somewhat decent. And when they aren't spikefests, they (Alternate Shield Sheldon Stage? The first stage in Gate's Lab is awful with this too; it's impossible to get through without X's Shadow Armor. Barely doable with Zero and his double jump) can be quite challenging~
Quick Man is basically a spastic asswipe that I can hardly even shoot. The fact that I had difficulty getting seven shots in on him should tell you something!

His stage is pathetic, though.

Air Man isn't really hard because you can just BS the fight, but he's incredibly cheap.
Hell no, I don't even consider Raving Rabbids to be part of the Rayman series. :P

Well... I've played VI, IX and XII and still think VII is by far the best. IX comes close, but not close enough. For me, most parts of the game (especially music, characters and gameplay) are superior to anything else I've seen in a Final Fantasy game.

Also, XII is better than X? Really? Maybe we're just judging them differently. I've also heard that II is godawful from pretty much everyone I know.

well they lied to youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Seriously, it's not that bad. I thought it was kinda fun. Although it was lacking in some aspects like story and the level system, while cool, had some weird things (attack yourself and gain xp).

*notices IV is not on that list*

@_@ GO PLAY IV NAO. The DS version is pretty good even though it's hard as hell. Harder than the original Japanese version hard.
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