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Open Mutations


어떤 계절도 영원할 순 없으니까

Sunrise sat in an old, rickety chair, a ripped blanket twisted around her. Her hair was tossed around gently by the slight draft. "Why is it so cold?" she asked. She hated being cold. Uncomfortable, she didn't mind. But to her, oh no, cold isn't uncomfortable. Cold is hell. She growled slightly, adjusting the blanket to cover more of her body. It only could cover half of her being, maximum. She absent-mindedly stared at a larger blanket, across the cold wooden floor. "...? No, too cold to go over..." she thought. Staring harder, she clenched her blanket, and a purple light enveloped the nice comfy blanket as it floated to her and covered her entire body. Mm. Goose down. She smiled a crooked smile.
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Molly silently stalked the house in search of her friends, growing bored of being freezing in her room alone. She was wearing old, worn socks with numerous holes in them, and her ribbons were coming undone. Just the other day she had made a big tear across the front of her tee-shirt, so it was reasonably harder to make out the crackled words on it.

Not that it really mattered, but still.

Shivering a bit from the cold, crisp air that drifted through the house, Molly hugged herself tightly and glanced her purple eyes around. Finally, she passed by a cracked door she knew lead to Sunrise's room. Knocking softly on it, the girl popped her head in and smiled at Sunrise. "Mind if I join you?" she asked quietly. Without waiting for a response, Molly let herself in and shut the door behind her. "Awfully cold tonight, isn't it?" she commented, shivering again.
"Yeah." Sunrise nodded. "Too cold." She grabbed her small, ripped up blanket and tossed it to Molly. "Here." She gently pulled Molly an inch closer to her chair, and moved over to a side, beckoning. She selfishly moved her soft, goose down blanket so that it only covered her. More is better. "You could have asked to come in..." she muttered as her stomach quivered. Her eyes glared. She supposed she could settle for a drink. Wrapping her blanket around her, Sunrise got up and walked to the moth-eaten cupboard containing several cheap and cracked plastic cups. Picking one up, she walked back to her chair, sat down, and held her hand over the cup. Water streamed out of her fingers. Pulling her hand away, she sipped it.
The girl smiled as she sat by the younger female. "I'm sorry," Molly apologized as Sunrise got up, "I just get... what's the word... desperate, if you want to call it that. You know that I don't fancy being alone, and freezing my butt off doesn't help very much."
Molly lay the tattered blanket over her legs since they were freezing the most. Rubbing her arms for some hopeful friction to warm them up, Molly chipped away at her fingernails. "I must say, one of us is going to have to steal some more nail polish. Yellow isn't really suiting me anymore."

Being one to change to subject often, she rambled on. "My, my, Sunrise, I really wish that we had air conditioning here. Then maybe I could get it working, you know what I mean?" She scooted over a bit as Sunrise sat back down.
"It's fine." Sunrise began slurping her water loudly. Delicious. Glancing t the tattered blanket, Sunrise had a pang of conscience as she signed. Eyes glowing, she threw the torn blanket into the darkening distance, and lifted up a corner and covered Molly with it.

"I'm not stealing polish. I'd rather steal food." Cold made Sunrise cross. "I thought air conditioning was cold?" She quizzically stared at Molly. "We need warmth, not frost." She looked into the dark rooms ahead of them; her room led into a hall at the other side from the door, which expanded into another room seamlessly. Lifting a small, soft yellow ball belonging to Cascade, she threw it at the cobwebby light switch, a lightbulb crackling as a soft light radiated from the lightbulb.
"I wasn't referring to you," Molly remarked softly, straightening the warmer blanket on her. "Maybe Del or Dar could do it. I might even go myself so they won't screw it up like last time." She paused as she looked at her feet. "And yes...I agree with that. Food is a more important matter."

Lavender eyes rose back to Sunrise. "Oh, did I say A.C.?" Molly felt a bit stupid. "My bad, I meant a heater. I'm guessing this house came with one, but, you know..." She looked at the dim lightbulb and soon enough was annoyed by the buzzing sound it was giving off. Snapping her fingers with a loud, electric crack, a small spark came from her fingers as the lightbulb suddenly grew brighter than ever. Satisfied with the results, Molly smiled and leaned back into the chair, sighing.
Lucy flew around, not wanting to freeze. They say moving around helps to not be as cold. Those people, from what Lucy thought, should be gods for knowing that. Flying around felt good, and not as cold. She heard a door shut. She flew over to the sound, which was Sunrise's door. Opening the door, she flew inside. She saw a zap of lighting on Molly's fingers. Electricity equeals warmth, right? She went near the lightning, hoping to be warmer.

(BTW, by possessing others, can that also godmod others if I say Lucy's possessing people?)
Cascade, however, seemed to not mind the cold at all - in fact, she currently seemed to be surrounded by a nebulous cloud of warm air. Her black hair fell loosely around her shoulders as she sat on the floor of the house off in a quiet corner by herself, not really paying much attention to anyone else. She had a tattered stuffed rabbit in one hand, and a little black action figure of a vaguely humanoid creature in the other, pushing them around absently.

She looked up every so often, whenever one of the others passed close by. She didn't mind them, but wished the older ones would play with her more. She took to watching Molly and Sunrise quietly, bunny held closer to her chest.
"Thank you." Molly and Sunrise's faces were both illuminated by the now strongly-glowing bulb, without even a spark flying from it. "Even if it did, it wouldn't matter. This house is so busted up it might not even work." Her stomach growled again. "Now would be a fine time to get food." Grumbling, she pulled the tattered blanket off the floor with a purple-pink aura surrounding it. Throwing it over her shoulders, it fell down, Sunrise not noticing. As she stepped ahead, she slipped on the blanket, stubbing her toe on the floor and banging her chin on the splintered floor.

"Aagh!" Standing up, she brushed the dust off of her. She angrily yelled, "Darn blanket!" before kicking it aside. Arriving to the cupboard where she got her cup, she looked at the dusty wooden counter below it, looking for food. "Bread. Hard bread." She picked it up, then started walking back torward the chair. She stuffed a slice in her mouth, and picked up the blanket with one hand, the other holding another piece of bread. She handed it to Molly as she snuggled up, hoping that she wouldn't need to get up again.

"Wait, look! A cat!" She pointed to a feline's shadow over the side of her chair, leaning down and picking it up gingerly. "Aww..." Even if she was cross, animals always make stuff better. She cuddled it, and upon feeling all over it, she saw it was a kitten. "Is it a boy or girl?" she asked.
Molly blinked as Sunrise fell the the ground. "Are you alright?" she asked with a concerned voice, kneeling beside her. However, Sunrise got to her feet, cursed the blanket and went to the cupboard. Molly shrugged. She guessed all younger children were like that.

"Why, thank you," Molly purred, chewing on her stale bread thoughtfully. However, she snapped out of her musings when Sunrise exclaimed there was a kitty. Looking at the midnight-black feline, Molly blinked. "I...I think it's a boy," she answered a bit awkwardly. She reached her hand out and scratched the kitten's ear, and it meowed with delight. Its odd sky blue eyes caught Molly's attention. "Such pretty eyes," she cooed, petting the cat softly.
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Del turned his head downward to look at Sunrise and Molly. Their conversation was quite the little irritant to his otherwise pleasurable nap. He was up in some wooden beams that were meant to decorate the room, and give it atmosphere. Most of the beams were broken, but there were a few that supported his weight. In truth, he couldn't remember how he got up here, but given his powers, it wouldn't be too hard. It made sense, to, because what little hot air there was, rose up to Del, which suited him just fine.

"Excuse me, but I think I did a fine job last time. It's not as though anyone here has any real mechanical training, so you, missy, can just forget about a donut next time I swipe a box." He was only joking of course; as much as he loved donuts, he never denied food from his friends. As he said this, he munched on the last, stale half-donut from the box he had picked up yesterday.

"You know that cat probably has rabies, right?"
Molly rolled her lavender eyes at Del. "Right, right. So you're saying getting the wrong color and not even caring is 'a fine job?' Unless you're a colorblind, Del, I'd say you did, pardon my French, fairly crappy." She was smiling at him, though, indicating that she was merely joking with him.

Turning to the blue-eyed kitten, Molly tilted her head at Del's assumption. "I don't believe so. He would've bitten us by now... Right?" Her eyebrow arched at Del.
Lucy flew up to Molly and Sunrise. Lucy felt more tired than usual. Pushing this aside, she stopped flying and stood on her feet. She wobbled a bit at first, but she quickly stood up normally. "Hey there. Sunrise, won't you give me that cat?"

Lucy had perfected the powerof possessing people. All a person had to do was talk to another person in a convincing voice, and they were possessed. She hoped it would work on Sunrise. Lucy didn't feel very guilty for trying to possess her friend. If she got the cat, then all was well.

She glanced at the blanket that was with Molly. Oh, how cold it was! "Molly, won't you give me that blanket? You're warm enough already." she said, trying to possess Molly.

There are two ways to possess. One is voice using, which Lucy preferred. The other was sight, where a person gazes at another person with a convincing look, which controlled their very being, possessing them. Lucy stepped back a step and waited to see if she had possessed them correctly.
"If it did, it wouldn't be so friendly!" Sunrise said defensively, still caressing the kitten's sift, black fur. "How so?" she turned to Molly. "Why do you think it's a he? It could be a she!" she said, despite not having bothered to look under, at its belly. "Del! Do I get a donut too?" she said. "If I get one, I'll give half to you," she whispered to Molly.

"Oh, hello, Lucy." Sunrise glanced at Lucy. "I could give you this blanket, you know," she said, holding up yet another blanket.

The cat purred, burying its head into Molly's arms. "What should we name it? And Lucy, why not just sit here?" Sunrise spoke the second sentence sternly, well aware that it might be a trick.
"Huh?" Lavender eyes set upon icy blue ones. "Oh, yeah, sure. Here," Molly handed her blanket to Lucy willingly, completely unaware that she was being possessed. She turned back to Sunrise. "Well, I mean...If you look near down its stomach, Sunrise...I'd say it's pretty obvious that...Uh..." Molly felt a sweat drop roll down her face. "Look, I'm certain it's a he, okay? Just trust me on this."

"As for names..." Molly looked up at the ceiling, a thoughtful finger on her chin. "Nothing too original, because that would be boring..."
"Ah." Sunrise smirked, nodding gently. She giggled.

"Well..." She focused at the kitten. "Midnight?" She paused, looking at his blue eyes. "I don't know."

She gasped a little as she heard a plastic something hit the floor faintly. "What's that?" She turned her head to look into a small corner at the other end of the room, seeing a small person's figure playing with some shiny plastic toy and a small rabbit. "Cascade!" Sunrise called. She stared at the yellow ball, and as it began to glow pink, she quickly threw her head in the direction of Cascade, mentally letting go as the ball bounced to the little girl. Sunrise smiled at her, beginning to walk over to her.
Molly took the kitten from Sunrise as she went over to Cascade and eyed it questioningly. "So what should we call you?" she asked him. "Midnight? Moonlight? Kitty? Dark? Shadow? Ghost? Jasper? Spiritus? ...Umbra?"

A small meow from the kitten. His blue eyes blinked at her. "You like that, huh?" Molly smiled warmly at the kitten as she ran her fingers across his soft, silky fur. "Hey, Sunrise!" she called to the girl, turning throat way, "He seems to fancy 'Umbra!' Any thoughts?"
Lucy made her voice morepersuasive. Molly was easy to possess, but Sunrise was a bit more challenging. "Oh, but Sunrise, you would just love to give me that cat! You wouldn't want to embaress yourself by begging me to take it. So why not just give me the beautiful kitten?" she sai, with much persuasion in her voice.

She looked at the cat. She checked under it. It was so not a male cat, unless Lucy got biology seriously wrong. Staring into the cat's eyes, she immedietly knew what to name it. "Crystal. Name the cat Crystal." She just spouted that sentance out, not knowing how she got Crystal as a name.

Lucy hoped Sunrise would fall into the possessing powers. She probaly would.

Turning to Molly, she said, "Oh, you wouldn't want to name it Umbra! You'd think Crystal would be a much better name!" she said, in her best possessing voice.
Glancing at Cascade, then walking back to the kitten. Sunrise stroked hum. "I like Umbra." The kitten meowed again upon hearing 'Umbra'. "Yeah!" Sunrise went back over to Cascade, remembering her friend's love of cats. "Cascade, look at this! Molly and I wanna call him Umbra; what do you think?"

"No." Sunrise said firmly to Lucy. "Crystal is really overdone, and why would I beg you to take the cat?" Sunrise was becoming more irritated with Lucy by the moment.
Molly turned to Lucy. "Crystal is a girl's name," she remarked, "This is a boy cat. See?" She held him up to her. "Obviously some male body parts down there." She held him like a babydoll again. "I think he likes the name Umbra," she said again, caressing her fingers on his stomach. "Yes, that does sound good for him. Umbra the blue-eyed cat. Right, Sunrise?" She looked over at Sunrise as she began to walk toward her, free from Lucy's possessing powers. Although Sunrise already gave her answer, Molly asked again just to be sure.
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