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My dog.


Don't Mistake Coincidence for Fate
...is turning nine years old today. Lupita is a toy poodle given to me in 2000. She will be happy if you all greet her.
Happy Birthday, Lupita :D Toys that have survived life so long deserves to be congratulated. I know myself, I have a teddybear that I've had for almost 11 years now x3 I love him so much. (I was so original to call him teddy :P)

Anyways, my wishes for many many more lucky, happy years with GW~
...Toy poodles are a specific type of breed, Bakun. XP

Anyways, hello to you Lupita. Have a happy late birthday or something.
Happy birthday, Lupita! You have a cool name and will probably live longer than my cat.
Happy birthday Lupita.

[When you said Toy Poodle, I actually thought you meant a stuffed toy for a moment... I feel quite bad about that now.]
Thanks everyone. Maybe I'll fly everyone down next year to Rhode Island for her tenth birthday.
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