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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

@Mai: By "maybe" Silver means "yes totally".



uhm ill redesign her later i promise
WHOA! I leave for a few hours and ACTIVITY EXPLOSION.

...No pun intended.

(I'm too lazy to quote, so there won't be any in this post.)

Thank you, Doctor. :3

Ha ha, I love ponies, Moonwalka! Really amazing and well-designed. Especially Doctor's. I just love the colour scheme on that one. Dinru's is also awesomely cute. And yours is all blue and objectiony.

And I like your dragon too, Alraune. The colour scheme is really neat, ahaaha.

Can't wait to see this group picture too! And I second the idea of an RP.
No, I would excessively post in the RP. What would the plot be? If we do that it would be fun.

Also, whoah Mini yours is awesome. Of course she doesn't wear pants, she has to show off her cutie mark!

Maybe mine should get a dress or something. The blank flank...
Awwh, thank you so much Arylett. C: I'm glad you like them~ I'm not too proud of any of them, since they're all just sketches. Wait for the real picture, that should be good~ :D (I forgot to put the Objection! in the background. D:)

We've already got three people wanting an RP. I totally think we should do it!

NINJA'D: The plot...? Hmm, that's something to think about. I was thinking about something with Nightmare Moon, but... :/

Awwh, thank you! Well, yes, that's true, ahahah. But since she's wearing a shirt I thought that wearing some pants would be good, too. I prefer her not wearing any pants, though.

I like yours without a dress! I think that she should show off the fact that she doesn't have a cutie mark, it makes her different than other ponies!
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Maybe it could just be a simple 'live your life' thing that evolves into having a plot?

EDIT: Yeah, I don't think she'd be in any hurry to get one. Besides, I can't think of a dress, nor any suitable cutie mark.
Maybe it could just be a simple 'live your life' thing that evolves into having a plot?

EDIT: Yeah, I don't think she'd be in any hurry to get one. Besides, I can't think of a dress, nor any suitable cutie mark.

Hm, I like the idea of that. C: But it all depends on who makes the RP.

Or we just high-five a lot, and unicorn magic stuff.

I second this.
I sort of just scroll past the entire block of sections on my way to the mafia/clubs section. :3
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