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My somewhat-okay (I hope) Spritework

First, these.


Moon-panther's Fakemon. My first reasonable-quality almost-entirely-scratch sprites, and yes I'm no good at that. Tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiny parts of Blaziken and Lucario in the last one.

So Tarin! I do tend to edit the shading where it seems too heavily or not heavily enough contrasting. The colors tend to look okay in my opinion, though I will probably be going through and editing them when I'm done. Also some of them don't have any others I can do sometimes - note I skipped Geodude, Kakuna, Ditto and possibly Metapod since they're monochromatic.

The shading thing is something people have pointed out in the past. I'm most likely not to change anytime soon really (read: stop trying to persuade me on that I think they look better this way) but I know I need some practice on shading in general. The eyes have been pointed out too, and I do my best to keep that in mind. The ones you mean are my early ones in which I didn't do that. The outline shading is a style quirk I have (and share with Ryubane). I do have darker colors on the outline, though, and I do know I need to improve there too.

I appreciate the C+C. I am a reasonably new spriter, so it's heartening to see a more senior spriter likes my work to some degree.

Oh look. These things.


Mmmm, chocolate Articuno.
Look, man, I'm gonna be honest. You just don't seem to have an artistic sense. At all. You have no sense of colour-coordination and that is something that you are either born knowing or have to be rigorously taught; you will not learn that by practice. The fact that you think these colours:


Work together just proves that you don't have an eye for what you are doing. (Not to mention that recolouring sprites really is the simplest thing when it comes to spriting - you are not challenging yourself at all, which is why you spit out so many of these daily.)

Now, I don't mean to be disheartening. I'm just saying; you're working on the wrong thing. To be honest, I'm not sure what exactly you are working on, but it's clear what you should be learning is colour theory. Here are some lovely tutorials that will hopefully show you the basics.

Tomato-apple-colour-theory (for applying actual shading), color theory crash course, quick and dirty color theory. You can continue browsing through dA for more tutorials. Tutorials are good.

Basically if you want to improve your spriting, improve your art. If you don't want to improve your art, your spriting will remain stinted, which is fine as long as you acknowledge it and stop acting like you are doing your best to improve.
(My internet crashed three times in the posting of this message)

Firstly, only one of those tutorials actually loads on my computer, namely the second one, which actually says brown and red do go well together.

I know they're not great or challenging. The main reason I actually do these is from a sheer lack of anything else to do, so. I've also been practicing at art for many years now but to no avail. I think I read somewhere that it's one of the traits exhibited be those with Aspergers', though, which would explain it.

You know, this actually happens with just about everything I do. I'm happily doing something and I think I'm doing it well and then along comes someone better at it than me and says no, actually I'm doing it all wrong, go back and practice something else that I'm invariably no good at. Repeat cycle.

Okay, I think I'm done whining now. Just ignore me.

Well, I'm going to continue doing these even if only for a sheer lack of anything else to do.




For those of you wondering why no Steel Arceus, its body is the same color as its... whatever that thing is.
All art is open to interpretation. Remember that Pentimento's opinion is just that: one person's opinion. It's clear your just doing this for fun; it's not like spriting is going to be your profession or anythng.

Remember, your opinion of your work is the only one that matters. :3
I'm not trying to use it as an excuse as much as an explanation. See, I see the colors together and I tend to think "they look fine" no matter how much I try to make it otherwise.
I'm not trying to use it as an excuse as much as an explanation. See, I see the colors together and I tend to think "they look fine" no matter how much I try to make it otherwise.

Dude, I have aspergers. Get over yourself. You just don't know what you're doing. Accept that, it's not the end of the world; you don't have an artistic sense. End of.
Kammington: no. This is not what I am implying. I am saying what happens when I look at the colors together. I know full well that it is one of a possible range of symptoms and that I happen to display it.

Pentimento: I know I don't know what I'm doing overmuch. I have accepted this, I know it's not the end of the world. End of.

Look, guys, please no more about this? I am not trying to say that it's what every person with Aspergers will do or that I don't accept my lack of artistic talent. End. Of. Story.
...I'm curious, what were you expecting us to say when you made that comment? That's a fairly inflammatory statement.
Which comment? I just type what it seems to me that I should type. Now, please leave, as this is not constructive in any way or spriting-related.

And uh.

Mike the Foxhog's fakemon's menu sprites. These things are tricky to make but fun.
Those are much better than your previous work. Although menu sprites are supposed to be from a different angle - looking from the top, rather than a frontal view, i.e.
, however there is stilled a marked improvement from your previous work, likely because they are scratched rather than simply recolours.
Look, more things.

Mike the Foxhog's fakemon. Only the second is entirely scratched: the first contains Gastly, the third has Aerodactyl, Luxray and Golbat, and the third has Haunter.
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Thank you, we've gone over the Palatte-swaps already.

The over-dithering is intentional, and I *think* the reason you can't tell the wraith's shading is its blue tinge, but I'm not sure exactly. I tried a bunch of stuff though, this works the best of what I tried.

EDIT: Also, let it be known that it is very difficult to shade something that exists only in a reflection.

EDIT: Things

They are not my best work.
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The reason why everyone brings up the palette swaps is because they serve as very good examples of poor color schemes; sine that's quite literally the only thing you've edited on them; it stands out moreso than on your others. Basically, you can apply the advice you've been given on them to anything with color, preventing you from repeating previous mistakes.

The Foglobe line's sprites suck because they aren't mine.

...just kidding!

-Foglobe is good. There is quite literally nothing I can say about it.
-Armoraith is okay, but it needs much more contrast; I had a very had time seeing the shades on it without squinting. The shading looks a bit odd on the arms because of the way that the highlights are applied, but w/e.
-Gargraith looks really weird against a black background. I can't explain it... it's related to the outlines in some way. Maybe lighten them up in certain places and darken them in others? It could really help on the wings.
-Mirroraith is weird, but it does use way too much gradual shading. It's not bad (better than my attempt, lol), but it does look like the thing you'd have difficulty with spriting. I FEEL YOUR PAIN, BRO.
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