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NaNoWriMo 2009

I'm not sure you really want criticism at this point--first of all, worrying about the changes you might want to make is time you could be spending writing more that can just be critiqued and edited later. Second, off the top of my head I can tell you that one piece of criticism I'd offer is to lose the word "obviously" at the beginning of the second paragraph. This is NaNo. You don't want to lose words at this point. Hell, I made the mistake of deleting the part of my story that was in third person after I'd settled on first person and rewritten it, and now I'd rather like to have those 400 or so words back even if I'm not going to use them in the end. (Hopefully they're in one of my backup files... argh.)

Haven't had a chance to write much lately and so am currently a smidge behind, but I'll be doing a lot of writing in a little bit and should be more than caught up by the end of the day if all goes well. I'll post an excerpt or whatever later. Or at least the revised and more entertaining version of the one I posted earlier.

EDIT: Aahahaha found it. yWriter autobackups I love yooou, now I can get full credit for the words I wrote and I'm back on track again~
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Okay. I have 2886 words so far, and I've finished one short story. I'm guessing I'm about half to three-quarters done with my second one. It is epic so far. I love how I can have an idea for maybe part of the plot or just a single scene and transform it into something else. I am also still loving my characters develop before me. I am usually bad with actually /thinking/ about characterization. If I just write, they turn into different people, but it's okay. As long as they're still awesome, that is.

Also, I made a reference to /Waffle House/. I think I win automatically.
1383 words, and I just really started today. Not bad for someone who writes really short scenes.
If you guys want an excerpt here's one. Spoilered because it contains spoilers for the story (I'm starting out of order here)
"Wait", Ganymede said, grabbing Madara by the shoulder. "Did you just try to kill me?"
"I guess", Madara said, pulling his fangs back into his mouth.
They stayed silent for a second, then Ganymede's fist flew towards Madara's face. The tsuchigumo was hit by the full force of the blow, knocked backwards, and left to regain his balance while Ganymede began to circle around him.
"What the FUCK is your problem?", the halfbreed screamed. He punched his friend again. Madara made no effort to dodge, and the skin around his eye began to turn bright red. "Who put you up to this? WHO?"
"Nobody", Madara said. Ganymede clawed at Madara, leaving scratch marks on his face. Madara winced, tears welling up in his eyes.
"Why did you do this, then, you son of a bitch? WHY?"
Madara began to sob as Ganymede scratched him again and again. His teeth clenched and face covered in red lines and tears, Madara whispered the three words Ganymede would remember for the rest of his life-
"I hate you"

And yes, this is the same story as the one I did the RaTs prompts. I'm starting fairly from scratch with the plot, but the characters are starting to really develop themselves, it's fun~
Got semi-lazy today and wrote nothing. I was already over Day 3's wordcount target by last night, though, so I guess that's okay.

Just finished up the pre-fight stuff for the third match (Aragorn vs. Voldemort), though, and now I'm up to 5746 words. Seems like I have a habit of writing stuff between midnight and 2 AM... I've done at least a little bit of writing in that time period every day so far since November started.

Chapter 3 said:
On the other side of the arena, a stone plate slid to the side to reveal another staircase. From the underground chamber below came a bizarre-looking figure--a thin, hairless man with almost bone-white skin and a disfigured face, clad entirely in black robes. In place of a normal nose, he had nothing more than two narrow slits; his eyes were abnormal as well, blood-red in color and with slit-shaped pupils.

His arrival caused two entirely opposite reactions from the audience. A group of teenagers and children in robes booed loudly and made rude gestures, though a small number of them sat quietly and grumbled to themselves as if they wanted to cheer but were unwilling to show their support in front of everyone else. Several yards away, a crowd of black-robed figures with pointy hoods stood in unison and gave the dark wizard a standing ovation, apparently for nothing more than gracing them with his presence.

Once the crowd calmed down and both men had reached the arena's platform, the sections of floor that had covered the stairs slid back into place, locking both out of the rest areas below until their battle was complete. Just as the two had a chance to get a good look at each other, the serious mood was broken by Kurb's anything-but-serious voice.

"Hey, look at that! No guys in black cloaks this time!", he blurted out, pausing for a second before correcting himself.

"Er, well... I mean, I guess the guy with the snake-nose kinda has a black cloak, but... it's not the same as the ones from the first two matches! So I say it doesn't count."

The "guy with the snake-nose," as Kurb had so politely referred to him, glared up at the booth and suddenly produced a long wooden wand from within his cloak. When he noticed Zamkolo's single eye staring directly at him from the booth's window, however, he hesitated for a moment; after several seconds of direct eye contact with the tournament's organizer, he decided against whatever he had planned and returned his wand to its original place.

Nobody wins a staring contest with Zamkolo. Though I'm guessing the Burger King would do pretty well, what with his face that never changes expression and eyes that never blink...

Oh, and "Kurb" is the announcer. Zamkolo's too quiet--and not silly enough--to do the announcing for the fights himself... so he gets this little round guy (who looks a bit like a large white Kirby with five small horns and orange facial tattoos) to do it for him.

I should probably make it to 6667 before November 4th is over, though I'm not sure if I'll get to that point during the third match or if I'll have to start on the fourth (which will be Vivi vs. Wario, by the way.)
3381 words so far.

I've technically won NaNo 3 times, but aparrently I didn't log in last year because I don't have the '08 ribbon. :x
You need to add the ribbon manually. It's in your Author Settings somewhere.

Finally caught up for now, thank god, and only 40 minutes behind schedule.

Currently struggling through writing a semi-racy almost-sex-scene!

I know absolutely nothing about these sorts of things as I am genetically predisposed to dislike them and so don't read/watch this kind of stuff!

This is hard!

(damn you Zelos why do you have to be such a shameless horndog and why do Mitzi and Colette and Genis have to be so adorable otherwise this scene wouldn't feel so necessary and I could skiiiiip iiiiiit)

This is not part of the almost-sex-scene, because if I showed you that then you would all laugh at my racyfail. I do not want me or my racyfail to be laughed at. ;-; So for the sake of my dignity you can just have the expanded version of the beginning I posted before.

I knew what he wanted to say, so I cut him off. "You're the assistant, Genis, you're the one who should be keeping the files organized so that they aren't all piled in one place." Genis bit back whatever saucy remark I could tell he so desperately wanted to fling at me and reluctantly turned around to begin pulling folders and papers out of the drawer. "Good boy."

"You never told me what you wanted me to do with the Delaney file," he said at length, looking back at me again.

This was a blatant lie--I'd told him full well, and multiple times at that, that I'd wanted him to stick it under the D's and never ever speak of it again, but the little snot thought he was a riot and, in his boredom, had taken to bringing it up any chance he got over the past few weeks. The Delaney incident was the last bit of real work I'd seen in a while, about four months ago, security detail for a dame by the name of Jeanette Delaney and her expensive family jewelry while she was in town. A real tomato she was, too, sleek, dark hair, gams up to her eyes, an absolute knock-out in a red dress. She'd thought I was a knock-out, too--not that that was all that surprising, I mean hey, most of the dames around here feel the same way--and after a while she'd wanted me to start guarding her body a little closer. And then a little closer. And then I got close enough to realize that "Jeanette" Delaney, to put it gently, had a couple of extra family jewels under that red dress that she'd neglected to mention when we were discussing my contract.

"Well?" asked Genis, one hand brandishing the offending file and the other planted on his hip. "Where do you want me to put the Delaney file, huh?" He waved it back and forth with a sneer on his little face. I was about to tell him exactly where he could shove the damned thing when a series of loud woodpecker raps on the office door caused us both to jump. The folder flew out of the boy's hand and its contents soared out and scattered themselves in a disorderly heap all over the floor. I yelled at him for making a mess and hoped he hadn't noticed that I'd hit my head on the wall behind me.

The door opened without waiting for my okay and let a young blond girl into the office. "Mr. Wilder," Colette said, the words rushing out in a near-breathless tumble, "there's a puppy here to see you!"

"...What?" I rubbed the back of my head. That must've been one heck of a bump--there was no way I'd just heard her right.

Colette the secretary is a bubbly young dish of eighteen or so, full of energy and prone to letting her mind wander all up and down gods-know-where if she isn't careful. I've gotten used to her girlish whimsies, for the most part; you've got to be able to do that sort of thing if you're planning on working with someone for a good while. This, though, this "puppy"... even I'll admit that it caught me off guard. It had put a huge, childish grin on her pretty round face, a saccharine smile that was so warm and fuzzy it would melt the ice off of a wild lobo's back. She rocked back and forth on small, sharp black shoes that squeaked on the office's floorboards with each and every bounce; her short fingernails were practically gouging shavings out of the door frame, as if by tearing out the white paint in an attempt to restrain herself she might be better able to curb her overflowing enthusiasm.

"A puppy, Mr. Wilder!" she continued, fighting valiantly to choke back a giggle and failing quite miserably. "It's a really, really adorable puppy, too! It's the sweetest little baby puppy you've ever seen, it's just so fluffy! I think it's a Pomeranian, you know, with the cute little triangle ears and the itty bitty paws and the poofy tail -- oh, the tail! It's so colorful, Mr. Wilder, it's like it's got a big little feather duster rainbow attached to its precious little bottom! I think she must have used some sort of special dyes on it to get it to look like that--"

I was just about to try getting my head around the phrase "big little feather duster rainbow" when one of the words that followed it demanded my undivided attention. "Wait... she? Who's 'she', Colette?"

Colette's petite face flushed a bright red for just a second, but she got her wind back within mere moments. "Oh, right, sorry! The puppy brought a lady with it, too, Mr. Wilder. The lady says that she wants to see you and that it's very important."

Well, well... a lady who wanted to discuss something very important. This was certainly welcome news, music to my ears. Of course, the last time a "lady" wanted to discuss something important I ended up five seconds and some dropped suspenders away from pitching woo to John "Jeanette" Delaney, but what were the chances of that happening again, right?


Oh oh oh and! Yesterday was National Back Up Your Novel Day! My writing software magically ate most of my progress today, but thankfully I was able to rescue it from the autobackups. And I've been saving daily backups to Google Docs, too, so. Make sure you've got your word processor's backup feature turned on and that you're emailing your progress to yourself or finding some other way to have backups that aren't on your computer. Sounds obvious and all, but... I've had my writing/files in general magically eaten too many times not to be able to appreciate all the backups I can get.
Finished Aragorn vs. Voldemort at just over the Day 4 target wordcount... and when I say "just over," I mean as close as you can possibly get to the number while still being over it. Yep, exactly 6668 words.

Not sure why this one took so long to finish, since I already knew how I was going to end the match before I even started it. Next up is Vivi vs. Wario!
I'm doing it this year~ A bunch of my friends are doing it, so I thought I'd give it a go and actually try and motivate myself by doing it.

...by yesterday I'd kind of lost some of the motivation and did nothing. >_> So I'm only on about 3500 words now, and considering I'm going to remove about 1000 of those and start the second chapter again...

Still, I have lots of muse now. :D I suddenly decided on a massive plot change, and it's much better than my idea before, which I constantly fretted over. So today I should at least write some!

My username's 'cirrus', by the way. Which was awesomely not taken.
8342 words, 15 pages, 5 chapters. ~3000 words written today (I really lagged yesterday). Finally getting somewhere though, I introduced the main character today (it's not Attingley, he's part of the extended prologue)

Attingley shut his eyes for a moment, picturing the point in time where he would have to admit to the country that it was actually North Korea that was killing people by the truckload, and it was indirectly his fault. He pictured the triumphant grin on the Leader of the Opposition’s face, and cringed at the smugness of it. Attingley smiled at his own overactive imagination, before leaning over and beginning to scribble at a letter back to the American Ambassador.

Almost subconsciously, as he moved his pen in long strokes across the paper, Attingley put his hand to his mouth, and coughed three times.

school is a bitch. I've had so little time to do anything, so now I only have 3000 words, which means I'm at like... 1/3 of what I should have.

this weekend, though, I hope to kick it up a notch. I don't have school tomorrow, and I'm not really busy with anything, so... by the end of the weekend, I hope to end up ahead of the game. wish me luck.
There are other people way behind on their word count, too?


4000! The plot is advancing really slowly. Considering that there aren't that many events in my book this is worrying since I'd like to actually finish a novel this year rather than stop halfway through.
Whoa... I thought I wasn't going to make it to the target wordcount today, but I ended up doing a hell of a lot more than just making it there--I went almost 1000 words over the target!

Chapter 4 said:
"Eh? Whaddya talkin' about?"

"Is this place real, or are we all just imagining it?"

The man in the overalls reached up to his face with one hand and picked his nose for a few seconds, then wiped it on the nearby wall before scratching his crooked moustache and answering.

"I dunno about you, kid, but that wall feels pretty real to me."

"But," the small mage asked, "How do we know if we exist?"

The fat man gave him a confused look and then burst out laughing, bending over and slapping his knees at first before finally losing his balance, laughing so hard that he fell backward on his rear.

"Waaa-ha-ha-ha-ha! You've gotta be kidding me! How do ya know if you exist?"

Standing back up and brushing the dust off of the seat of his pants, he finally answered.

"Look, kid... listen to yourself. You're sittin' here 'n' thinkin' about stuff. Ya can't do somethin' like that if ya don't exist!"

Yep, done with Vivi vs. Wario... which somehow turned out to be the longest chapter so far, between the fight itself and the pre-/post-fight stuff. Next up is Celes vs. Dedede.
won't be able to write today because I'm having a friend come home from school with me and she's staying overnight because she's part of my awesome sleepover birthday party of doom.

unless "we're having a party in computer apps" means "we eat things and don't do any work on the computer", so that I can write my almost-2K in Microsoft Word and message it to myself. I mean I did that on Wednesday. I can write my daily writing in as little as 45 minutes.

(by the way TCoD is not accessible from my school computers, the basis being that it's a forum)

(but Wands and Worlds is perfectly accessible wtf how does that make sense)

(I mean Wands and Worlds is a forum too)
10,017 words, 5 chapters, 18 pages. ~1667 words written today.

“OK,” said the doctor. “I helped operate on your wife. She has literally just come out of theatre, and is up on the Intensive Care ward at the moment. I have to tell you, there was considerable damage to the circulatory system, but we were able to salvage most of the veins and arteries. She is in an incredibly delicate situation at the moment though, and is still positive with the flu. Another attack of heart failure like that, and I doubt there’d be much we could do. Do you want me to take you up to see her?”

“It’s very kind, but no thank you,” replied Nick. “I’d rather go up on my own, you know? Thank you for your help anyway, it’s much appreciated. Angela owes you her life.”

Dr. Brennahan laughed. “I wouldn’t say that much, Mr. Cooper. It’s only my job. But it is a job that’s been made considerably harder with the sudden epidemic of flu. I’ve never seen anything like it! Anyway, I wish your wife the best of luck.” And with that, he turned around, and walked back in the direction of the theatres.
unless "we're having a party in computer apps" means "we eat things and don't do any work on the computer", so that I can write my almost-2K in Microsoft Word and message it to myself. I mean I did that on Wednesday. I can write my daily writing in as little as 45 minutes.


Actually we had a sub but still

I've already written the daily writing~!
El Garbanzo, I'm rather interested in reading your novel. If when it's done, I could, that would be very much appreciated.

Anyone who wants to can read mine, by the way. Even though it sucks.
I, um, have finished two short stories so far. I started another one with an idea I got from a music video. I wrote ~350 words of it and have no idea what direction it's going. So far, a guy was hit in the head with the shoe of a girl that was about to jump off of a building. He ran upstairs and convinced the girl to come down and now they're headed to a coffee shop. Does anyone have ideas?
Since I last counted I have 5200, but I've written a couple hundred since then.
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