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NaNoWriMo 2009

I got to 1407 in about one and a half hours last night, so I'm going to go on a writing spree now.

I've decided on calling my story "Rebel Against Destiny" for now. It's named after a song from Tales of Destiny, and it fits the villain and the characters struggle throughout the story. One of the character's lives is fully built around what she is destined to do, and she wants to go against that. Same goes for the villain.
Lol moment: I just hit 666 words in the middle of a passage about a televangelist.

A televangelist was there,
Who was widely known as the host
Of a quite popular talk show.
Sowing faith was his mission,
And charismatically, he did so.
I shall join the word war. Put me on whatever team; it doesn't really matter to me~

I'm writing mine longhand for now, so I don't know what I'm currently at. I counted and I got to 679 last night, and I've written maybe 300 more or so since then. Good luck everyone!
I'm at 1329 words right now; I'm hoping to get at least 2000 words by the end of the day while I still have some enthusiasm for this thing.

After five minutes of navigating through trees upon trees, Arin found a gravel path that led further into the woods. It was the only curious thing in the monotonous forest scenery, and without a second thought, he proceeded to follow it.

Arin was beginning to believe that he was not in hell. The gentle breeze and calm rustling of leaves were surely treasures only of earthly life! There was no agony or suffering here—at least, no more than there was on earth.
I've probably broken 2000 by now, though the NaNoWriMo site is loading too slowly for me to actually paste it in there and check. I'm coming toward the end of the first match now and my word-count was at 1528 or something like that the last time I checked (which was after finishing the prologue+pre-fight parts of chapter 1.)

Chapter 1: ~ Skysplitter ~ said:
"Interesting," the large man said. "The Cloud from my universe never used an attack like that."

"The Cloud from... what? You mean there's another version of me somewhere?"


He raised his weapon and pointed it at the spiky-haired man before continuing.

"And, although I believe my universe's Cloud may have more raw strength and speed... you are a far more skilled fighter."

The entire arena began to rattle as Lexaeus began to unleash more and more of his power. A faint aura of reddish-orange flames began to flicker up around him, and loose bricks fell from the sides of the platform, clattering onto the packed-down sand below.

"Be proud, Cloud Strife. You have proven yourself worthy of facing my full strength."

I'll probably get somewhere between 3000 and 4000 before the day's over.
We poked our sticks into the bag at the same time, and wound up picking up the same marshmallow. I suggested we try and roast it while it was on two sticks, and he agreed. I stared at him a bit longer than was necessary. I couldn’t help it, he was good-looking.

A few seconds later we were pulling the marshmallow out of the fire and arguing about who would get to eat it. He asked if maybe we could share it.

“Um… right… I could’ve thought of that…” I muttered grudgingly. Why hadn’t I thought of that?

Basically the concept of my story is a bunch of memories of a captured woman, who is telling them all to herself to keep herself sane. I've got a bunch of ideas for it, too. My excerpt is from the first of those; a memory of a camping trip.

I'm about to start writing again. If I really plug at it I think I can triple my word count by 7.
We poked our sticks into the bag at the same time, and wound up picking up the same marshmallow. I suggested we try and roast it while it was on two sticks, and he agreed. I stared at him a bit longer than was necessary. I couldn’t help it, he was good-looking.

A few seconds later we were pulling the marshmallow out of the fire and arguing about who would get to eat it. He asked if maybe we could share it.

“Um… right… I could’ve thought of that…” I muttered grudgingly. Why hadn’t I thought of that?
Basically the concept of my story is a bunch of memories of a captured woman, who is telling them all to herself to keep herself sane. I've got a bunch of ideas for it, too. My excerpt is from the first of those; a memory of a camping trip.

I'm about to start writing again. If I really plug at it I think I can triple my word count by 7.
I've been at it for most of the day and only got to 3,254 words. :B Slow start, considering. Fast running out of non-vague plot too. Erk.

‘So?’ she said, blushing furiously and hurriedly minimising the window. ‘So? I – how long have you been stood there?’
Ethan shrugged, swinging his arms back and forth. “Not very long.” He paused. ‘You don’t have blonde hair.’
Charlotte cringed. ‘It’s not about me.’
‘It’s your name,’ he observed, running a finger up the door frame.
‘Because,’ she started, ‘I - couldn’t think of another one.’
Ethan blinked. ‘I know lots of names.’ He paused again. ‘I like Sarah.’
‘Yup. That’s my teacher’s name.’
‘Mrs Jones?’
‘Sarah,’ he corrected. ‘It’s a good name.’
‘Okay.’ Charlotte said, ‘I’ll keep Sarah in mind.’
‘She’s not blonde either, though.’
‘That’s okay.’
My friend got me into this and now I'm hooked.
I signed up just last night and wrote for a hour or so. I got back to writing today and as of now I'm up to 7478 words. Oh how I am loving this.
Basicly my story is has a cliched plot in which.. Forget a synopsis here. I'll Copy/Paste the one I posted on Nano because I'm lazy and my hands are tired.

Eh, it's my first NaNoWriMo and I just started this with no idea where it was going to lead. At this point in my writing I'm fairly certain that it will be dream-based and have a sort of an anything-can-happen vibe to it. There's also a completly ludicrouse girl named Palindrome (Pali for short) Who's unpredictable thinking patterns bring up just odd situaions that either turn out funny or just strange. I'm hoping to incorperate her in Beeches dreams somehow, though just how I really don't know..

Bartlbeech (Shut-up >_<), a pretty normal thirteen year old boy, ends up being dragged into the realm of a loonie dream dweller called, for now, a Mantich. The Mantich wants nothing more than to drive Bartlbeech insane, therby ruining his real world life through paranioa and irrational fear, just for the rush and pleasure of doing so. Bartlebeech will be put through a series of ridiculously challenging tests in dream worlds that the Mantich will create and tweak to how he see's fit. If Bartlebeech fails to complete/fails a challenge he will be plauged by a nightmare the Matich promises will affect him forever more. Not just one nightmare either, the Mantich has thousands of nightmares up his sleeve just for this purpose. Beech better watch out and keep his wits about him if he wants to come out of this with his psyche intact.

Beech has already:
Seen porcupines sleeping in his room
Been tackled by a crazed girl with a voice recorder
Eaten a cookie
Watched his friends face expand to the point of tearing
Been hit by a blue Honda going ten miles per hour
Been trapped in a filled cage made of molassass
And has been freaked out by a demonic alien couch

And that's just the first three chapters.
The plot sounds horribly cliched, I know, but this story could go in any direction at the moment. Look for updates, or something. I dunno. I'll work on it.
Took a break at 1802 words.

“Can’t you just tell me what Noir Theatre is?”

“One squirrel cannot divulge the secrets of this world by himself. If you want wisdom, you need to chase it. This isn’t like earth. You’re not going to be dying any time soon.”

The squirrel began to run away. Before completely fading into obscurity, he turned back one last time and yelled at Arin. “I will tell you this, though—you certainly will not regret going to Reveria!”

Arin’s mind was settled. He looked down at the seemingly endless path and continued to walk. He braced himself for anything and everything. If there was one thing he had already learned down here, it was that nothing was quite as he would expect it to be.
I made it to like 1638 words and I've been procrastinating for 3 hours because Flareth sent me a bunch of hilarious videos.
Halp :[
I have like 2000 words. So far I'm having a decent amount of fun.

The snake was known as Panda Bear. He glimmered in shades of orange, reflecting the sunset and the fields below in the dark patterns along his back and down his tail. For four feet he seemed to stretch, his whole body under control of the brain in the small head at the front of the whole elongated vessel. His beady eyes darted around and his tongue flickered in and out, taking a careful, precise taste of the air before quickly retracting it, making sure not to overdose on the potentially dangerous environment around him. With ease he controlled his body across his environment, the tail swishing back and forth, his midsections moving with a mind of their own to propel him across the world he lived in. Everything about him seemed to come together as he collapsed into a slow spiral, his head coming to rest at the center of his universe, supported by layer on layer of himself. This was the most comfortable position.
I got to about 2000 words yesterday but in school today they dumped this massive project on us with no warning. I'm gonna have to drop out on the second day D:
4,289 words, 8 pages, 2 chapters. That's 3200 words written today, which I'm quite pleased with. I only have to do 600 more words tomorrow, although I'll probably do more - I want to be ahead of the game this year.

Excerpt from my story.

“My fellows,” he said slowly. “The Koreans have declined our offer of negotiation and condemned our refusal to listen to their command. I have here the files outlining the virility of the disease they have developed.” He pointed towards a faxed file in his left hand. “They have outdone themselves this time, scientifically speaking. 92% communicability. No current vaccine, except in Korea of course. 100% death rate, tried and tested on humans.” The President sighed deeply, and it looked as though he was fighting back an angry outburst.

“It is a desperate situation for the world. General Lebraus of the US Army is already attempting to missile down these flu bombs, but it’s unlikely it will work seeing as how the Koreans can only have got long-range working in the past few weeks. How on God’s earth they did that unnoticed, I don’t know, but they did. This is the end, my fellows. Unless General Lebraus is successful, humanity is all but doomed. We have unleashed Armageddon upon ourselves. I have nothing more to say.”

“Goodnight, gentlemen.”
I'm at 8k~

Remember everyone: no matter how crappy you think your writing is, at least three hundred fanfics somewhere are worse. >_>
Okay, so I wrote ~600 words yesterday and decided to scrap it. Ironically, I can't write that well on weekends; I do much better in school, where I'm not supposed to. :v I'm at 1157 right now (with my new story) and am having trouble deciding whether I should keep it as a short story or have it be an actual novel. Basically, this gay couple has been arguing for a couple pages about being out and whether it's a good idea or not. I love how as I'm writing this, I'm developing their characters. Like, I had no idea who they are or how they think at the beginning, but now it's starting to take shape, kinda like how a story reads. And I like how this time I am actually making distinctions between the characters this time (last time, they were the same character. But the thing was 3 pages, so it wasn't too bad).

Also, I want to be ahead this year (I, um, gave up on the first day last year after painfully cranking out 500 words), so I have to have ~3333 today. Maybe I won't reach that, but if I break 2k I should be able to catch up tomorrow or the next day. Whatever. My goal is to be ahead by the end of the week. I'm not sure how late I can stay up, but it shouldn't be that painful.
Wow, I actually went over Day 2's target wordcount on the first day (well, technically it was the second day, but... I hadn't gone to bed from Day 1 yet, so I consider my randomly-writing-at-1-AM to be part of Day 1's count.)

And then I haven't written anything else since. XD

I should probably get back to that before the day's over... finish the second match (Rukia vs. Roxas... I stopped writing just before any actual fighting started) sometime tonight, and maybe get started on match #3.
4,955 words, 10 pages, 3 chapters - Written ~700 words today. My target for Day Three (4900) has been achieved. A new excerpt, which I'd appreciate crits on.

“Impact has been confirmed on the Western Seaboard of the United States. We are officially warflu positive.”

Obviously, “warflu” was a term that had been coined during the argument after Attingley had left. Soon after the fiasco had bubbled down, the Prime Minister would be hearing other words for it: words including “superflu”, death air and just “the spore” was being mentioned by an African leader.

A couple of hours later, another call came in to the President. His voice once again reverberated off of the walls of the chamber.

“Three missiles are confirmed as having hit London, Moscow and Harare. The Eurasian continent and Africa have been infected with the warflu.”

And then, another ten minutes later: “We’ve got confirmation of the spore being released in Melbourne. It’s only a matter of time before the other major islands have been contaminated. I’m sorry, my fellows, but the whole world has now had confirmed flu strikes. This appears to be the end.”
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