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NaNoWriMo 2009

Was Butterfree pulling from Hexxeh's server when she installed them, though? Cryssie said last year that she was wary about using that much bandwidth, which is why you and a few other people also offered to host the script. I assumed Butterfree had put it on her own server.
Viewing the source is telling me they're still running from it.
<div align="center"><b><u><i>oh noooo</i></u></b><br />

<font size="1"><br />
<img src="http://wrimo.hexxeh.net/?uid=200427&showname=1" alt="NaNoWriMo Progress Bar" /><br />
<b><i>Incarnadine Harvest</i><br />
  </b>a gritty tale of mafiosos, monsters, machine guns, martial artists, magic, puppies and other things that may or may not begin with the letter "m"
The bar worked just fine when I initially posted the code a couple of weeks ago, so unless the site's made changes to their API quite recently or Hexxeh axed support within that time period, they should start working again whenever the official ones do.
I just realized that I have not developed my plot in any way yet. All I know is that it's going to be a satire of typical fantasy stories.

... that's about it. I think I'll have fun trying to figure out how to set it up... :x

(I mean last year I had the whole plot planned out by August

actually I was on the verge of writing it when last year's NaNo topic was posted and I was like "ohay maybe I could write it for NaNo"

what the hell

i've forgotten my password, yet nanowrimo isn't sending it back to me

god damnit i'm going to end up losing because i forgot my password

You may need to wait for the load on the servers to slack off before you can get a successful password request. The site is going to be nearly impossible to access for the first few days, so slow emails are only to be expected.

What I was thinking was a bunch of short stories roped together into one big story somehow. I was just gonna come up with it as I went along.
ah fuck, less than half an hour and I was at a halloween party all night so... i've had no time to mentally prepare. :\

let's do this
I still haven't decided whether I want to write in first person or third person. I'll probably try a little of both for the beginning just to see which I like better. Which means for the first day I get to cheat and only have to write approximately the same 800-odd words twice instead of 1600-odd once. :B

Still need to fix my outline, dammit!
"There have always been prophets."

And away we go~ :D

Well okay, away we go later today because I'm just killing time until my friend gets back and we watch our Halloween movie and eat candy but I got the first section done so I'm entitled to slacking. >:(
My friend gave me a good bit of advice: she told me to write as much as possible in the first day or two because by the end of the second week or so you'll be suicidal. I'm taking her advice to heart.

24 minutes to go!
You get two disjointed bits and that's it.

Possible opening line:

"Mr. Wilder," Colette said, the words rushing out in a near-breathless tumble, "there's a puppy here to see you!"

And this thing, from the third-person half of the draft (can't deciiiiiide):

"Now make it say 'antidisestablishmentarianism'," Zelos said, leaning back in his chair and ignoring the petulant growls of the fluorescent talking Pomeranian.

The woman snorted irritably and planted both hands firmly on Zelos's desk, bringing her face close to his and her well-endowed bosom even closer. "I've got a better idea, wise guy," she said, irritation lacing her every syllable. "How about I make him say 'Do you want our money or not'?"

Also, this year I have no candy. This makes me sad. Damn you, Dad, damn you and your decision to purchase trick-or-treating candy that I don't like. We had like one kid come to the house and there's all this candy left over and it mocks me.
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