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NaNoWriMo 2010

woo word war!

here is my profile, number 695017.

I have a vague story planned out (note:vague), and it has the worst title ever. Tinieblas. i could not for the life of me think of a decent title. I might outline the plot later if anyone wants me to, but I can't be bothered right now, tbh.
Behold the glory of 695678!

I'm going with one of the novels I've already planned, "The Right Hand, or the Book of Tizoc". Based heavily in Judaeo-Christian mythology, Biblical apocrypha and demonology.
510820. I have an easy number. =D

Whoever is on my team...beware of my dangerously low wordcount that I will try to raise but will very likely fail.
Mkay, no one so far other than Blazie (sort of) has actually expressed any sort of preference, so I'm assuming teams? I think I'll bank on three teams for now, and just add people to each one alternately--first person is Team A, second is B, third is C, fourth is A, so on, unless there are any objections or anyone has a person they'd particularly like to be with/against/whatever. If so, speak up and I will to fix it maybe. On the off chance that there are a lot more/a lot fewer interested people, I can change the number of teams.

'scuse me, off to go hijack Blaziking's post. (Will just use the widgets from last year for now; supposedly there are sexy new ones but they may not be up on time!)
Oh. Iunno, I assumed we were doing teams. Silly me! But yeah, if we did it individually I know that I would lose miserably, so at least on a team I might have faster writers to help the team, and some motivation not to give up in the middle of the month.

I'm up for a word war, though last year I think I was the only person on my team to get past 15,000 and that was pretty lame.

Also have decided on my novel for this year. Fanfiction didn't work out so hot last year, so I'll be doing another origfic this year, basically an extended play on "Our Elves are Better." I have the premise down just fine, but I haven't got much nailed down in terms of characters or plot. We'll see.
...you wrote fanfic last year? o.o I know the year before was the thing with the necromancy and the squirrels, but... uh. I thought you did more origfic in '09, too.

(My elves are cats. So there.)
...you wrote fanfic last year? o.o I know the year before was the thing with the necromancy and the squirrels, but... uh. I thought you did more origfic in '09, too.

(My elves are cats. So there.)

Elf-cats is the best idea ever! Think of it:

Cats Are Mean + Our Elves Are Better + Cant Argue With Elves + Cats Are Superior + Cats Have Nine Lives + Immortality Begins At Twenty + Cat Girl + The Beautiful People= Awesomeness with a side of snooty.
That was pretty much the exact thought process, though without direct TVTropes tropes because I'd never heard of the site at the time of the original idea. That and some bastardized evolutionary theory--"if I had to pick one non-primate for elves to have evolved from" (don't ask why I actually asked myself this) "what would it be... omfg a cat"

...I wish I actually had enough knowledge of the world the elf-cats were in to write that this year! Maybe I should try and get enough worldbuilding work done to have it ready for November 2011.
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...you wrote fanfic last year? o.o I know the year before was the thing with the necromancy and the squirrels, but... uh. I thought you did more origfic in '09, too.

(My elves are cats. So there.)
It was more or less a 50/50 split between a story about the first pokémon trainers (far, far weirder than it sounds) and a Bleach/Pokémon crossover.

Then the flash drive I'd been storing it all on got stolen 12 days after NaNo ended. So. Backups blah blah.

Edit: To clarify, I worked on two different stories. It was not a Bleach/Pokémon crossover and a story about the first pokémon trainers (although the crossover did touch on the latter subject a bit).
Stolen? D:

Also I am having trouble envisioning you writing a crossover of any sort.

(And in case you new people didn't know: yes, backups blah blah. Back up your story like a million times I'm not even kidding because stuff like that happens really often and it will suck if you lose all your hard work!)
Ugh, I remember I was so worried about losing last year's that I kept the damn thing saved on no less than five separate computers, which were all updated with the latest draft every day.

Shouldn't be a problem this year though since I never have to go anywhere!
I'll still back it up, but.
Stolen? D:

Also I am having trouble envisioning you writing a crossover of any sort.

(And in case you new people didn't know: yes, backups blah blah. Back up your story like a million times I'm not even kidding because stuff like that happens really often and it will suck if you lose all your hard work!)
I left it plugged into a computer I'd been using in my technical writing class, came back an hour later and it was gone and not turned into either the professor or the lost and found. I had to retype my entire stupid writing portfolio after that, too.

Crossover was pretty awesome and ridiculous; I wish I could have kept what would have been the first chapter of it, as I thought it turned out pretty well. It turns out that scenes of pain and distress are good NaNo fodder, too, since I managed to drag one bit where the shinigami protagonist is in agony after having been wrapped up in a tentacruel-hollow's (poisonous and quite painful) tentacles for around a page and a half or so. Also, I am a sadist.

It was impractical to keep writing it after NaNo because of how long it was set up to be (but with short chapters, more like "episodes") and given the number of other chapterfics that wanted my attention.
...I'm not really going for a word count, but I'll join, I guess.

Superbird, 647763

...Does it count if I already have an untyped Rough Draft?
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