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Naruto Fanclub

Darksong: It may just be me, but Sai looks a bit chubby. I'm not sure how it can be corrected, but...just thought I'd give my perspective on it.

But I do like Sai a lot. X3
I got a Naruto Shippuuden calender in the mail today. :)

Are you guys talking about the Uwajimaya in Seattle? I've been there, it was amazing. <333 I got so much stuff, I love Seattle.

I can go on and on about Seattle
I got a Naruto Shippuuden calender in the mail today. :)

Are you guys talking about the Uwajimaya in Seattle? I've been there, it was amazing. <333 I got so much stuff, I love Seattle.

I can go on and on about Seattle
It rains too much there ಠ_ಠ
Yes, that's the one we always go to. If you come to Seattle, you can see us too :D

Last night I had a dream where I met Gaara, Temari and Kankurou. Kankurou claimed that his name was Flannery, but I knew it was Kankurou.

Temari was just plain cool.

And Gaara had a staring contest with someone. :D
Maybe, but I'm not as interested in shopping as you are, and there's not much I want anyway.

I also once had a dream about a Floatzel on an elevator. I think that Floatzel represented Itachi gaining power. D:
You guys have a lot of dreams. :|

The only Naruto-related one that I can remember having is that I was reading scans of the manga like I always do on Thursdays. That was about it though, because after that it was about Butterfree teaching me to code styles in MS-DOS... :|
Don't worry if you don't have dreams. You're further ahead than us, which means you don't have much to dream about.

And, adding to my other dream: The people were still Shippuuden-style.

I've been thinking about translating the fourteenth theme song for Naruto with the new Japanese-English dictionary I got :D
I have a Japanese-English/English-Japanese dictionary

Translating just through that is something I used to do for fun, even though I already knew the English lyrics.

Closer? Closer is the fourteenth one right? I can play that on piano. =w=
^Cool. OwO All I can play on the piano are two Animal Crossing songs XP

I'm pretty good at singing openings 9 (Yura Yura), 13 (Blue Bird) and 14 (Closer), but I still don't do it unless they're stuck in my head.
Dewgongeru: If possible, can you record yourself playing it and send me a link to the movie? I wanna see! ^w^
Eeeeh I don't usually record myself, I'm not very confident at it. Kinda still learning.

Can I do a pokemon song I'm good at? :D
I can sing everything theme song from 7-14 (NKS, Re:member, Yura Yura, Hero's Comeback, Distance, Blue Bird and Closer), and I sound bad on 6 and 10 since they're the more "er" songs.... >< I think I sound nice on Closer, though. :D

Short and sweet because I am tired of typing this over and over again:

I can sing: Openings: 1, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14. Lololol 11 (Distance) total narusasu awesomeness. Endings: 4, 9, 14, 16, and the latest one. Opening 14 (kinda, i'm working on it), and ending 16 on piano. :)

Uuuum I'm gonna play the Johto Bike Theme for Darksong. Then after I finish getting Closer down, I'm going to the Crystal version of the Lucky Channel song. I love that song.


Scanner washed out the colors a lot... D: Here's a link of one of his songs. Here.

I just love him. >:)
I have a few interesting Pokemon...

My Spoink, named Ino, has the ability Thick Fat, ironically.
Chouji is my Hariyama. He is a Quiet nature, which does not fit.

On the other hand, Naruto, my Ninetales, has a Hasty nature, which is perfect.

I don't usually pay attention to endings.

EDIT: My dictionary has a few things that are wrong, but not many. Anyway, according to it, the first four lines to the fourteenth theme are:

"You have to be careful with the things that are closest to you
You know the more excessively close you get to something
The more you lose sight of it"

Of course, that's not exact
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