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Naruto Fanclub

That's actually a pretty... well, REALLY close translation to the real words.

I finished that video. It's uploading. It'll be a while.

lol photobucket

Yeah, there it is. It's not very good, I only learned the song about a week ago. The very last clip at the end of me fixing my shirt is my favorite.

The ending mess-ups are for your enjoyment. xD
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Cryptica and I slept over with one of our friends last night, and she talks in her sleep. We asked her a few questions, and usually, it was hilarious.

Me: What is the message from Hyuuga Neji to [my first and last name]?

Friend: I love you....

And then, later...

Cryptica: Do you want to marry Shikamaru?

Friend: Yes... he's pretty... he's ugly... he's pretty ugly. [hysterical laughter in her sleep]

We had a lot of fun.

I especially like Episode 33 of Shippuuden... it will never get old.
Whoops, sorry, I forgot about that. Thanks, that song's great! I haven't heard it in a while, but, if my memory is correct, that's exactly what it sounds like, but on a different instrument. Good job!

EDI: Remembered another one.

Me (this is the first time I asked): What is Neji-kun's message?

Friend: Wooden...

She did that a million times.

For the last one, whenever I repeated the question, our friend replied, "I told you..."

I'm afraid that someone in class will say Byakugan and I'll unintentionally say "Yeah...!" This is because my sister said Byakugan last night when I was in bed and I unexpectedly and accidentally said "Yeeah!" It was kind of funny...
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Last night I had a dream that Cryptica was with me at school, and said said "Shino" twice in one sentence. One of our classmates called out, "The twins are [there's a c-word here, but I can't remember what it is] Naruto fans!" And everyone started shouting at us, and suddenly I snapped at them like they had said that. And then, even inside the dream, I had a sudden urge to draw Shippuuden version Chouji... o_O

We've also made rather odd English lyrics for part of the 14th opening, based on the pictures.

On the 5th line: "Anata ga saikin that looks fun" Based on Lee doing a whole bunch of flips.
On the 6th line: "Shiawase wa ittai that looks fun" Based on... I don't know.
On the 7th line: "I wish I could do that -teite" See previous two.
on the 8th line: "But I'm not a ninja -i kamo" See previous.
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Thanks Cryptica~

I always mess up, but it wasn't that noticeable. The end is where I cut all the mistakes out the the twenty videos I took. xD
Last night, I had a dream that one of Orochimaru's hideouts was where Jamba Juice was :D

((If you don't know, that's a fruit smoothie place))

I went inside and there was a model of Naruto things, and there was a clock tower. Neji (Shippuuden version) was standing in it (there was a room near the top) doing either a taekwon do stance or
Air Palm.
However, he was wearing blue clothes and a hat. When my sister pointed it out to me, I said, "He's a funny gentleman." Hence my avatar and user title. But for some reason, when I said "gentleman," it felt like I was saying a Naruto word at school (my heart started beating fast and my eyes widened), as if I had just made a big mistake.

But then, we were somehow associated with Orochimaru. o_O

There was a boat course thingy, but I can't remember why it was important or why it was even there.

And at one point, I was an Umbreon, and I was carrying the Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow movie. I put it on a table at one point, but then something made me hide under a dresser for about two minutes as I shook with fear.

I think I was holding a Jamba Juice at some point, too.

End of dream.

Yesterday, Cryptica and I were watching Naruto episode 207, the last one about Yakumo and Kurenai (the one where they destroy
the monster inside her (I think it's spelled "id")
). It had a lot to do with paintings.

At anotherdayanotherword.com, guess what the word is for today.


Another funny thing:

We made a tombstone on a generator about a year ago that went like this. It's silly because one: there are two mispellings, and two: it's false.

"Here lies Choji, who was killed on November 10th by a fat guy named Girobo."

Bolded things are false/mispelled things.

For those who bothered to look, no, Chouji did not really die.
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I got a Current Science magazine today. There was a comic about cloning. They (the makers of CS) put a dumb picture of Naruto and thought that the Shadow Clone Jutsu was magic. XD
Technically, it uses chakra to create it.

But that's kind of confusing. I don't know whether it's magic or not....
I've memorized theme 13, Blue Bird ~ :D

I might get a recording of it, but I want your opinions first. I could also do 9, Yura Yura, but I'm not as good at that one because I haven't memorized all of it.
I have a slight problem.

I really like the 14th song (Closer) and I want to sing it for the people in this fanclub but I sound terrible singing it when I'm recorded. Any tips? D:
Yes, we still post here. :D

I've just been wondering... am I the only one here other than Cryptica who likes Chouji? I... think he's cute XD

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