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Nerds VS Socialite?

Sadly, at my school anybody who's popular is failing or near failing.
I'd like to have a bigger group of friends, but I try not to push what I have. Count your blessings, you know?
One can be both a nerd and a socialite (like my group of friends). (said before, moving on)
However, it irks me to no end when people are like "/math is confusing/." Honestly, though, I swear some people at my school (considered "popular" I guess, but that's a grey word and therefore I dislike it) are fucking idiots. This one girl in particular I heard ranting about Spanish verbs (regular ones, to boot) and how they are oh-so-hard to conjugate in present tense. We don't even use second person plural (our teacher says Spain is the only one to do it and thus shuns it)!
I suppose (because I like to have everything nerdy and objective) that nerdiness, sociality, and intelligence (new words lol) should be plotted on three different axes (yay nerdy mathematics [confetti]). That is, none affects the others, e.g. one can be all three, none, or any combination of the two. (For those who say nerdiness is somewhat correlated with intelligence: I think of the two as different qualities. Nerds do nerdy things (read: WoW) and intelligent people score high on tests. Many of my friends are nerdy and make anywhere from C's to F's in school.)
I don't think intelligence is directly proportional to your grades. All you have to have is a decent memory and basic logical skills and there you go.
For example, I consider myself to be of average intelligence and I get very good grades in subjects like history and geography because I have a good memory. I know people who have good grades but are absolute morons and people with bad grades who are very intelligent (it's a shame though, they're kind of wasting their smarts because of laziness).
Some intelligent people have average/bad grades because they just don't give a fuck. Like me. I could probably be valedictorian if I wanted.
I'd love to have the ability to have good grades in certain subjects, knowing some people can but just can't be bothered frustrates me to all hell.
However, it irks me to no end when people are like "/math is confusing/." Honestly, though, I swear some people at my school (considered "popular" I guess, but that's a grey word and therefore I dislike it) are fucking idiots. This one girl in particular I heard ranting about Spanish verbs (regular ones, to boot) and how they are oh-so-hard to conjugate in present tense. We don't even use second person plural (our teacher says Spain is the only one to do it and thus shuns it)!

But some people find things like maths and languages incredibly difficult; personally, I find maths extremely confusing, and worked ten times harder for my maths GCSE than anything else and it was still one of my weakest grades.

Plenty of people find things like artistic and musical creativity confusing and difficult, but nobody faults them because it's okay to suck at art or not know how to play an instrument. But if you can't memorise mathematical formulae, you're automatically dubbed a moron?

Besides, like VPLJ (kinda) said, almost all exams you'll take in school are little more than giant memory tests, and I think that's a pretty unfair way of measuring intelligence. :/
Besides, like VPLJ (kinda) said, almost all exams you'll take in school are little more than giant memory tests, and I think that's a pretty unfair way of measuring intelligence. :/

Maybe in later grades, but in some other math units, it can be based on logic.
For example, I don't need some moth formulas because they make sense.
However, I see some people who have to keep looking back at the formula even though it's really easy, like area of a cylinder, or surface area of a cube.
My best friend is the biggest nerd I have ever known and he is the most social person I have ever known

Therefore he has won at life before he's even started really :v
bisexuals get twice as large a potential dating pool ;O
I love that statement.

I classify myself as a nerd. I listen more than I talk, but I can still speak to people normally if they do strike a conversation with me. (Like my crush. :3)

Either way, these stereotypes don't necessarily matter in the long run, as countless people said on this thread. It just matters if you can actually contribute to society, without caring if you have the stuff that most of the mentioned stereotypes would be known to have.

So basically, who cares?
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