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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Never Ending Cheat

...Once you have done this you need to go talk to Proffessor Davies, and he will tell you how to get gloriously shiny hair like his, but only if you can my series of long and complicated challenges first. First challenge is...
You must carry 200 pounds of cheese down a very steep hill using only wooden backpacks held together with spit. If you complete this challenge, you can move on to the second one, which is...
...saying 'fob fob fob' exactly 8.495 times. he will turn into a real chicken and give you a ninsonysoft multi-game-player, which contains the game....
...pokemon the complete game which includes every pokemon game in one revamped to 5th gen style and has a new...
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