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New years resolutions?

I have plans. It's got nothing to do with it being a new year, though
Most of January, my classes for the day end at around 8am. I am going to exercise like mad and see what it does for me.
Getting into the college I want would be nice, but I'd resolved to do that long before the new year.

Maybe work on being more confident?
I need to eat better. I have to stop buying crappy food because it's cheap (last month, I had Sainsbury's 19p tomato soup for dinner three nights in a row); I have to cut back on things I don't really need and spend the excess money on food that's actually good.

And I need to make more of an effort to keep in contact with people. I'm horrible with communications, and I keep letting friendships suffer because I'm so bloody uncontactable most of the time.

And also, I need to start drawing again. I miss it ):
Never made on before, so I'll make one this year!

I'll study slightly more.
Ill watch more wrestling.
I should write a story.
I'll finish my poem.
I should improve my electronic marksmanship.
I should make an attempt to recover my heath.
I should maintain my grammar.
Any list I make should not have more or less than eight points.

All done for this year.
These are all long-time resolutions, but since I never get an opportunity to state them, here we go:

1. Do my best to study for the AP French test.
2. Go to the second round of at least one debate competition. See, the last competition I went to, I one a single debate and lost the other five by one point. One point. I am quite upset.
3. Read "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix in Russian. It hasn't arrived yet, so obviously I'll have to do it in the next year.
4. Follow world news more often. I've vaguely started doing this!
5. Read more. Self-explanatory. I'm going to read more books. I wish they were fiction, but recently I've been very into history and linguistics so I'm probably going to end up reading a bunch of history books and grammars. It's a start, eh?
6. End the school year with awesome grades. Doing well on this so far. 8) I don't need New Year's for this, but w/e.

By the way, Happy Hogmanay! It's a Scottish New Year's festival of awesome.
A) To eats less sweets
B) To get off my ass and finish thing I start


HAHAHA, YEAH RIGHT! I'll fail miserably, as usual.
I have a to-do list instead of a resolution;

1. Get a job.
2. Read 100 books.
3. Finish my novel.
4. Record a demo.
5. Reach a weight conformable to international medical standards.
6. Attend a CTYI course.
7. Do something cool with that bomb I made.
8. Play someone in a game of chess.
9. Get 100% completion on Assassin's Creed II.
10. Go to four concerts (30S2M, Lady GaGa, Green Day and Seasick Steve being my preferred concerts)
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