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New Zodiac Sign - Ophiuchus


Uh, I didn't do it.
Apparently they've added a Zodiac sign, between Scorpius and Sagittarius, called Ophiuchus, or Serpentarius, obviously represented by a serpent.

If, hypothetically, your birthday was on the 30th of October, would you change signs?

I like being a Scorpio in the year of a Snake. The character traits for both are the cunning, seductive, cold-yet-sexual femme fatale and it amuses me way too much.
Okay, let's clear some things up here:

A. Ophiuchus is not a new sign.
B. The zodiac signs are not changing. See this.

The professor told the Associated Press on Friday that all the hubbub is based on "2,000-year-old information."

"This is not new news. I have no idea why it went viral this time," Kunkle said. "Almost every astronomy class talks about it."
I am this new zodiac sign....it apparently means "serpent bearer".....>_>

Yeah, but I don't really care.

EDIT: Oh, they aren't changing...kinda disappoints me. Yeah, fine with being a Saggitarius again.
Hasn't Ophiuchus/Serpentarius been around since forever, but it just wasn't used in the 'modern' zodiac? I think I read somewhere (a while ago, when I first heard this news) that there are at least three different zodiacs, the 'modern' one (based off of equinoxes or something), and two others based off the constellations, which contain the Ophiuchus sign.

Either way, I think I'd prefer being a Capricorn to a Sagittarius. I think it suits me more :)
If they did get changed I'd be incredibly amused. Simply because A. I never gave a crap in the first place and B. Horoscopes are inaccurate to begin with.
I read a comment on a different article that said it does affect your sidereal sign, since that relies more on suns and houses and all of that other crap, and really no one should care because all anyone bothers with are the tropical signs, which supposedly remain entirely unchanged by this earth-shattering revelation. Somewhere in here (+ moar reasons about why people shouldn't care in general).

Not that I remember how the sidereal zodiac works or give a rat's ass either way, but the thought that I might've been a Gamzee instead of an Eridan for a little bit there was mildly amusing. Woulda been a motherfuckin' miracle.
I'm kind of confused about this, actually. I was apparently a Capricorn under the "old" zodiac but if this is 2,000 year old information, perhaps I never was actually a Capricorn?
Astrology is silly and hasn't matched up with the actual constellations for thousands of years. Though it would be amusing if everybody's zodiac sign suddenly changed: what better proof is there that zodiac signs don't actually mean anything than seeing that actually you were never the zodiac sign you've been insisting defines you for your whole life?
This affects me in the most horrifying way imaginable.

If my new sign is Gemini then my patron troll isn't Karkat anymore.

Bachuru said:
Astrology is silly and hasn't matched up with the actual constellations for thousands of years. Though it would be amusing if everybody's zodiac sign suddenly changed: what better proof is there that zodiac signs don't actually mean anything than seeing that actually you were never the zodiac sign you've been insisting defines you for your whole life?

The problem with that would be the people who checked their "old" signs for accuracy, found them to be wrong, and then realized that the "new" one actually did fit them. It'd be a smaller number, but even with all the complaints flying around the socialwebs (or so I'm told; frankly I don't give a rat's ass about most of that, either) there are sure to be plenty of people going "Oh! That makes so much sense now!"

Depending on who you ask, both Capricorn and Aquarius are either way off the mark for me or pretty damn close, so a change wouldn't mean anything to me either way.
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