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Most ideally, rather than a career or any sort of a job, I'd like to have a not-quite-immodest source of independent income that I could use to support myself in lieu of doing the same job day after day on a regular schedule.

Failing that, I might like to get paid to travel and learn stuff (notice how I don't want to have to write anything), or get paid to play vidya games. If there were a way I could do both and I could get that job, why, I'd be on cloud nine.

Realistically, I expect to become some sort of computer programmer, though I'm not quite sure what I'll be doing in that field yet. Failing that, I aim to get my fluency in Spanish up to a point where I could seriously consider a career as a translator, even if I just wound up working at a bank in Philadelphia or something. I'm trying to get to Maryland, though, rather than Pennsylvania, if only because I don't think I'd be able to handle the time difference with Europe and everyone here on the east side of the country if I moved to Seattle or Palo Alto.

Currently, though, I'm not paying a penny into social security; I'm just in the second semester of my first year of University. And sometimes, it really makes me miss high school.
I want to do something involving biology. It's massive and there are tons and tons of biological fields out there and I still don't know what exactly I want to do, but it definitely involves some sort of biology. Cell and microbiology are really, really interesting and there are all sorts of really cool advances coming out of both, but so is genetics and all manner of other kinds of biological disciplines.

;; it's so hard to specialise
Currently about-to-slightly-over-halfway to getting my degree in music education. Hoping to become an elementary music teacher, band director, university professor, something of the sort.
Right now I am working to become a full Paramedic. I work as a Security Officer. I sometimes bounce for clubs and weddings and such.

But dream job? Archaeologist. I love history and the chance to study around the world. Visiting places, and seeing things that haven't been seen in centuries. I'm just in awe of those sorts of things. I am particularly interested in Egyptology. Adventure, learning, and experiencing things that not many people get to... that's what I dream of.

archaeologist you say? me 2. lets start a club. cause history is the bomb.
I really want to either be a animator, working on new flash cartoons. :P or a voice over artist, or finally, Fixing up cars. :P

Taxi Driver WAS my dream job. :3

But, I plan to go to College in September...

And I wanna be an Art Teacher...Or maybe a Tattooist...Or to write graphic novels...or to own a coffee shop...or be a teens social worker...
I'm fickle, it changes weekly. Anything where I'm happy, whatever takes my fancy. As long as I can dress up every day, have pink hair, and help people...

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