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oh, what does she dislike about it (also, is she civil or diplomatic service)?

The politics. Which pretty much boils down to networking. :P And she's been in both; currently she's ambassador to Japan, but she worked at the ministry for foreign affairs for years before that.
Right now I am working to become a full Paramedic. I work as a Security Officer. I sometimes bounce for clubs and weddings and such.

But dream job? Archaeologist. I love history and the chance to study around the world. Visiting places, and seeing things that haven't been seen in centuries. I'm just in awe of those sorts of things. I am particularly interested in Egyptology. Adventure, learning, and experiencing things that not many people get to... that's what I dream of.
The politics. Which pretty much boils down to networking. :P And she's been in both; currently she's ambassador to Japan, but she worked at the ministry for foreign affairs for years before that.

Whoa? She's the full ambassador for your country to Japan? That's quite prestigious!
this is the greatest idea, yes

traveler! world explorer!

(I am looking at majoring in some combination of political science biology and japanese (majoring in three things is a bad idea) If I'm not tired of being a student I may take a stab at law school. you can't major in exploring)
At first I didn't understand what three things you were referring to. "Political science biology and Japanese are just two things!"
Actually my mother's ex-boss' current job is to stand around near the door of the European Council/wherever he's needed and greet all the world leaders, then entertain/hang out with them. And he gets paid buckets to do it.

I guess that is my ideal job.

I'll live in a cardboard box and mooch money off people.

And then I'll write a book about my hobo experiences and become a best-selling author.

It will be awesome.

Mind a traveling buddy? I also wanna be a hobo. I'll Spend my days chasing trains, eating pork and beans, and telling hobo stories to my hobo friends. It'll be a good life.
I am planning to be a professional writer, with some work in other media (i.e. the musical now in my siggy). Until I can survive off my royalty cheques, however, I'm probably going to end up in psychology, law or teaching, it's still up in the air. Also, if I do become able to survive on the money I'm making from writing, I'll continue to do my other job for free for people who can't afford it, i.e. free counselling/legal advice, etc.
My dream job doesn't exist. In an ideal world, I'd just have a stash of money I'd live off until I die. However I'm currently studying Science and Communication. So basically anywhere in the field of science and writing (marketing of science products, communication about science, PR, journalism, communication plans for companies, advice, consulting, etc) is what I'm going into.

I fucken hate research, that is why because I originally went into Chemical engineering, but after I finished my thesis I was like "fuck doing a masters in this" and went for the communication combo.

I'm also a freelance amateur music journalist, guitarist in a newly formed band, postman, apart from studentry.

So I pretty much have a life and this is good right now, my goal for now is just to finish education then get a well paying job which will bring in a good stash of money, then once I retire study random crap
My ideal job would involve staying at home and getting paid money to write my opinion on stuff. Like, I would write about anything. Philosophy, politics, languages, sex, whatever.

...holy shit, my dream job is "professional blogger."

And I want enough money to be able to travel and have experiences and do things. And also i would love to get paid to study and learn things but that also doesn't exist.

I don't know what job I want. I want to study linguistics buuuut I don't like the job opportunities in that field. :(
I'd like to be a programmer. Except I already am (albeit an intern)... so maybe one that's not an intern.

I think my dream programming job would be one where I get paid to write free software (or "open source" if that term suits your fancy more). It wouldn't have to pay much more than I already make, actually. Failing that, though, I'd like to have a programming/webmaster job with a non-profit.
I was going to do "something in English", though I had no idea what aside from liking to write fiction and I really needed a "real job" to go along with that because hahahaha living off of royalties. That didn't pan out for reasons, so now I'm studying web design and sort of enjoying it but realizing that I'd rather be doing programming/development, oops. I'm probably going to work freelance or for a small firm, I guess. (I really ought to be paying more attention to the job hunt emails from Career Services because I need to start earning/saving money now and already blew two opportunities for decent and reasonably accessible jobs. Also oops.)

Still want to write, or maybe do something with illustration, but at the moment I do both so infrequently that I'm not terribly good and would never be able to make any significant income with either. Probably just need to put a bit more effort into improving/getting more self-confidence in those areas and then dabble in them on the side. Editing fiction would also have been cool, but oh, well.

Being a paleontologist or archaeologist would've been awesome, too, especially given that dinosaurs are the very first thing I can ever remember loving and they are still awesome, but as fascinating as those are I'm not entirely convinced I'd have a head for either one. I am going to have to find some other way to be allowed to name dinosaurs now, sigh.

Also when I do become a paleontologist I'm kind of hoping to find fossil evidence of a missing link between raptors and chickens.
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