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Odd One Out

Neither are correct.

You guys aren't following the hint. I'll say it again: should you find a move they all learn and that isn't extremely common, you're close to finding it out.
Ain't the logic I picked, again.

For the sake of this topic surviving, anybody want the answer?
No objections? Well, then, I'll give it away.

All Pokémon I listed are capable of learning Heat Wave, but only Torkoal can learn it by level-up.

So, who's next?
Growlithe is the only one likelier to be male than to be female.

And aren't you supposed to post 4 Pokémon?
Red is usually associated with fire.
Green is usually associated with earth.
Black is usually associated with death and darkness.
Pink is usually associated with love.

So luvdisc is the odd one out because its colours aren't associated with its type.

Luvdisc is the only one that isn't 2+ distinct colors? (i.e. growlithe is orange/black, larvitar is orange/green, duskull is black/white, while luvdisc is only pink)
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