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Odd Truths Thread

*I have really uneven breasts. One's huge (DD) and the other's normal (C).

Same! >_> I'm not sure what the size difference is, but I think it's rather uneven, especially obvious when I bend over. It really irritates me (I'm guessing one's probably a C and the other's a B), makes bra fitting hard.

- I hate hygiene. That sounds weird but I'd happily go all through life without caring about my appearance at all. Getting rid of underarm and leg hair makes me go teary and sad for about an hour afterwards, much to my mom's annoyance.

Saaaame. I would shave more, but I get kind of teary after I do and all the underarm hair is gone. :C I think legs look better with grown hair rather than ugly stubble, anyway.

Some more I thought of about me:

  • I've lived in quite a lot of different places. One house in Wales, one house in Scotland, and four or five in England. I guess it's not that much but it's disrupted my schooling a bit, when I moved between Wales and Scotland they put me back a year or something and I missed reception and it was all very odd.
  • I have a make-believe friend in my head, and sometimes it feels he's the only important person to me. We talk endlessly, all the time. People think I'm just really dreamy when I space out, but really we're discussing things. It's more complex than just a childish imaginary friend, though. He often makes my thinking clearer, makes me able to set it out.
  • In a similar way, I imagine the inside of my head very clearly. I have my own house, though I never leave this one great big clean room with nice furniture. We sit down together and talk, he comforts and hugs me when I feel sad, and occasionally I'll open this great big door with all the stuff in my head and then shut it quickly before it all piles out. When I say I live in my head most of the time, I really do. I probably have mental issues or something. :D
  • I name imaginary objects, and occasionally talk to them! When I don't name them, I still personify them. My computer is called Oberon (it's black and I got it mixed up with obsidian), and my new iPod is called Winifred (bit of a long-winded, slightly boring story why).
  • I have a rather odd fashion sense. Half of the time I will wear really really masculine clothes, hoodies, jeans, all that. And then I'll surprise people by wearing long skirts, short girly skirts, corsets... I don't like how surprised people get. I just wear what I like. In fact, I get annoyed a lot by people's reactions to most things about me.
  • I'm so self-aware and it's very, very annoying. Other people just say the things they think, aren't aware of everyone in the room... whereas I'm watching everybody out of the corner of my eye. Not in a creepy way, just in a... hawkish type way. If someone moves, I'll turn to them, I notice every change in expression, and I'm very aware of everything I think and do. I especially overanalyse the way I think, to an extent that I don't think is very usual. It feels like it should be a good thing, being so aware of my surroundings and having finely-tuned senses (maybe my sense of eyesight and hearing are strengthened because of my lack of smell/partial lack of taste?) but it often depresses me and makes me feel worthless because I can't live boldly, can't say everything I want to or look people in the eye, instead looking at their body movement and the way their mouths are shaped, and why the person 10 feet away is staring at me when I really shouldn't care. Yeah. I constantly compare myself to others, thinking "look at my friends, they don't look around the room constantly, they just live fearlessly". But I'm beginning to feel better about it recently.[/ramblefest]
  • On a lighter note, I love cuteness. I'm so like Sakaki from Azumanga Daioh - people think I'm just this slightly tall, quiet, "cool and calm" type person when really I'm just often thinking about cute things like roly-poly fluffy kittens wearing bobble hats. It's not that bad a place, my mind.


Ah, also, like Ketsu I cry a LOT at things like character deaths. In fact, I get just way to invested emotionally in fiction. I'm proud of it though. XD I relate to characters a lot, constantly finding ways that I can see their point of view, so it really hits me when anything at all happens to them.
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  • When I was in kindergarten and first grade, I was obsessed with dinosaurs and the Jurassic Park movies (note that there were only two at the time). I remember having a journal assignment in first grade where I wrote about how I liked the Jurassic Park movies, but I liked Lost World better because more people got eaten in it. The entry was accompanied by a bloody drawing of a t-rex eating someone. Looking back on it I'm surprised I wasn't sent to the counselor. My elementary school teachers worried a lot.

  • One time when I was little, we were on our way to my grandma's house when we saw a turtle by the side of the road. My parents decided it'd be a good idea to pick it up so I could play with it (something I really wish they hadn't done now that I have some sense, but that's a different story). Anyway, we put it in our car and took it to grandma's with us, and when we got there my mom told my grandma we 'picked up a hitchhiker'. I thought I hitchhiker was a turtle for the longest time after that.

  • Also when I was little, I would sit at my magnadoodle and devise various plans to escape from jail. These involved making up maps of said jail and then... drawing the way I would run to get out. I came up with lots of awesome strategies, like hiding a coke can in my pants before they arrest me, then shaking it up and shooting it at the cop's face and running while they were momentarily fazed. I don't think I ever accounted for things like handcuffs or more than one cop.

  • I've only been out of the US once - I went to Japan last summer with a teacher and some friends. I really want to see as many countries as possible, and would love to study abroad in college.

  • I'm a city person. I love being able to walk down the street and look up at all the buildings, and explore all the little individually-owned shops and restaurants, and just people-watch. There's so much more variety in cities, and the people tend to be a lot more liberal. It doesn't need to be a huge city, per se, as long as there are interesting things to see, although bigger cities obviously tend to have a lot more of that. I'd be all over living in New York if the cost of living weren't insane.

  • While I'm pretty sure I'm not asexual, I think I'm probably aromantic. As in, I've never been interested in having any sort of meaningful romantic relationship with anyone. The most I think I'd ever be interested in is a friends-with-benefits sort of deal. Most of my friends even say they see me getting frustrated with a romantic relationship pretty quickly. This is odd because most aromantic people are asexual too, to the point where a lot of people define 'aromantic' as 'having no interest in sex or romantic relationships'.

  • My mom has managed to turn me into a huge label-reader. I try to eat things made from natural ingredients as much as possible now. Occasionally I'll say 'fuck it' and get Wendy's or something, yeah, and I'm rather addicted to Pepsi, but I still can't bring myself to eat much processed shit any more.

  • My favorite birds are zebra finches, just because of the little 'meep' noises they make.
- I have a number of very specific preferences when playing Pokemon games. First, unless absolutely necessary every Pokemon I catch is always male. Most of the time it's just that the first one I find that I feel like catching/have the chance to catch happens to be a male, but I feel like I have some strange aversion to catching females. No idea what that is, maybe deep down I'm a horrible sexist or something D':

- Second, I hate Great Balls for no apparent reason. I always use Poke Balls until Ultra Balls become readily available and then switch straight to those.

- Moths have some weird attraction to me. A while ago one flew into the bath with me while I was in there- twice- and last night while I was in the bath one hid in my underpants. D:

- I also have dreadful hygiene. I brush my teeth maybe a dozen or two times between dentist visits and am always told they look excellent, however.

- Two of my teeth have been broken. One of the happened when my mum slammed a door in my face by accident. I forget what happened to the other one, but I remember the filling fell out of it at school once and I expected them to search the entire school field for it.

- I've no idea why but I like to invent alphabets, though only once have I learned to fluently write any of them. And even that one was just a cipher of Latin. I've mostly learned the one I have going at the moment, though I plan to change most of the vowels because they suck.

- I also sometimes write things out phonetically in Cyrillic out of boredom.

- When I was younger I used to make up Pokemonesque things that sucked unbelievably. The most memorable was "Monstermon", or Monster Monsters. I planned to make several million of these things. There was a Wood type and inconceivably I decided there was a need for not just a Metal type but a Gold type and Iron type also. The Grass type-equivalent was called the "Etcetera" type because someone in the Grass Club on the Pokemon TCG video game had an "Etcetera Deck" and I assumed it meant something to do with plants. Oh, and the mascot was a small orange dinosaur which I called Agumon and pretended I'd never heard of Digimon.

- When I was very small indeed I'm told I used to get frozen burgers out of the freezer and eat them. Apparently I also once ate cat food.

- I can say car, bus, taxi, ambulance, paper, ink, question, answer, mark, pink, brown, no, and Megatron in Welsh.

- I am obsessed with my fingernails. If they get the tiniest bit too long or are a weird shape I have to trim them.

- I have no musical preferences and generally only ever listen to it if it happens to be on in the background. And the rare times I listen to it purposefully, it's always just video game soundtracks.
I can move my ears both at the same time or individually. :P
I sprint heaps at school, and I trip on the stairs from time to time. I always get right up again as if nothing happened, telling everyone I'm fine, before sprinting across the balcony to the classroom. Goes to show - if you fall, you must rise again - I guess i'm tougher than I thought.
I hit the people that annoy me... v_v
I tend to walk on my toes subconciously, and hours later will notice that I've been walking on my toes. I don't have balance issues or anything while doing this.

I can also stand on the very very tips of my toes (as in, the end of them) without ballet slippers, which (according to my doctor) is rare.

I am the opposite of Stormecho. I always end up cutting my nails really, really short, and sometimes they bleed without me noticing.

I have OCD and have a lot of weird pet peeves. I cannot stand people asking me what music, artist, or song I'm listening to in real life. It just annoys the living hell out of me.

I tend to find long car/bus trips kind of fun for some bizarre reason, if the space I have to stay in isn't too cramped. I can stay still and look out a window at a featureless field of dead grass for five hours straight, without any source of entertainment.

I have to wring my hair out after I take a shower.

I am cursed, and every time I get into a swimming pool, a massive thunderstorm that probably kills a few hundred people starts within a few minutes, no matter how clear the sky is.

I have a weird problem where sometimes I'll get dizzy out of nowhere and my entire field of vision will turn brown. My legs then feel really weird, kind of wobbly but not liquid like some people describe it. My whole body feels really heavy when this happens.

I really, really love macaroni and cheese, and am obsessed with it. I insist upon eating Easy Mac for lunch whenever I have to cook lunch for myself.

It's really hard to go jeans shopping for me, because I have a weird lower half. My legs are really long and skinny, and I have a tiny waist, but my hips are really freaking huge compared to the rest of me and jut out really badly. If I were any thinner, it'd look like I had tumors or something around my waist.

The teachers once held a "paleness contest" at school when they got bored to see whose skin was palest. I was sitting nearby with some capris on, and I won.

According to the rest of my family, I am really dangerous while playing Wii tennis and swing the remote all over the place. I think they're lying.
- Second, I hate Great Balls for no apparent reason. I always use Poke Balls until Ultra Balls become readily available and then switch straight to those.

Because they're ugly and blue with weird red bits.

- I can say car, bus, taxi, ambulance, paper, ink, question, answer, mark, pink, brown, no, and Megatron in Welsh.

And Optimus Prime.

- I have no musical preferences and generally only ever listen to it if it happens to be on in the background. And the rare times I listen to it purposefully, it's always just video game soundtracks.

Same here :o
Because they're ugly and blue with weird red bits.

True, they do have an ugly design, but this applied even in generation I + II where all balls looked the same.

I also tend to hoard TMs, especially one-of-a-kind ones like those given to you by Gym Leaders, even if they're useless or I have absolutely no intention of using them.
I... I like Great Balls way more than Ultra Balls actually. >>

I hate using stat-raising items and will sell them all at the first opportunity.

I refuse to download songs that don't fit with the daydream I have, which means that even if I like a love song I can't download it. Same with any with modern references. :P
Ooh, as far as Pokemon-related odd truths go...

I can't stand having too many Pokemon of the same color on my team. It makes me get bored of training that team for some reason. Like, one time on a playthrough of LeafGreen I ended up with too many Pokemon that were yellow or brown, so I had to ditch my Hypno (and this may be the reason why I don't really like the Drowzee line). So now when I plan teams I pay specific attention to what color each Pokemon is.

I can overlook this if it's a monotype team or something, but for general teams they need to be different colors! >:o
I tend to walk on my toes subconciously, and hours later will notice that I've been walking on my toes. I don't have balance issues or anything while doing this.

I can also stand on the very very tips of my toes (as in, the end of them) without ballet slippers, which (according to my doctor) is rare.

Hi, twin.

And some additional things no-one cares about:

- I have a strange aversion to catching Pokemon I don't need. My boxes are nearly completely empty as a result. Then, I get yelled at by my friend because he loves GTS hunting and the lack of Pokemon on my file, obviously, makes GTS hunting considerably harder.

- If I use practically any Pokemon for long enough, and it pulls its weight, then chances are I'll love it. Happened with Altaria, Kyogre, and Marowak, to name a few.

- On the other hand, if I find myself getting beaten to a pulp by the same Pokemon repeatedly (I'm looking at you, Scizor), I'll begin to hate that Pokemon to bits and I'll never ever use it, no matter how useful or overpowered or whatever it is.

- I have an obsession with art materials. I can spend hours in an art store inspecting papers or pencils or markers or what have you. It's like how a lot of girls shop for clothes, except for, y'know, art supplies.

- After I wash my hands, I always wipe them on my pants or shirt. It's more convenient that way, and plus I feel like I'm unnecessarily killing trees when I used paper towel.

- The human eye is attracted to motion. In my case, though, both eye and brain are attracted to motion. If you so much as wave something in front of my face, I can't stop following it so long as it keeps moving. This also means I can watch insects crawl about for hours on end if given the opportunity.

- My blood must taste excellent, because mosquitoes always go after me. Usually, when my family goes out for a walk in the evening without me, most will come back with at least one mosquito bite. But when I go with them, they come back untouched, while I have like six or seven bites.
- I use Caps Lock instead of Shift. This is apparently weird.

- I like eating plain Super Noodles.

- My mum trolled my grandmothers at my christening. They wanted me to be named after them (so I would've maybe been Moira Anastasia/Anastasia Moira or something), but HA HA HA HA I was named after nobody! They were super-pissed.

- I have no living grandparents. Actually, I haven't since I was about nine or ten.

- I have an unusual chest size - 30F. This pisses me off because 30F bras are not generally very cute :(

- My boyfriend's house is my favourite place in the world. :)

- I have a phobia of bellybuttons. Even thinking about them makes me feel sick. People touching them genuinely makes me throw up.

- I have very narrow feet with long toes. This makes it a pain to buy adorable flats.

- Most songs sound better to me when sped up by about 30%.
- I have a number of very specific preferences when playing Pokemon games. First, unless absolutely necessary every Pokemon I catch is always male. Most of the time it's just that the first one I find that I feel like catching/have the chance to catch happens to be a male, but I feel like I have some strange aversion to catching females. No idea what that is, maybe deep down I'm a horrible sexist or something D':

- Second, I hate Great Balls for no apparent reason. I always use Poke Balls until Ultra Balls become readily available and then switch straight to those.

- Moths have some weird attraction to me. A while ago one flew into the bath with me while I was in there- twice- and last night while I was in the bath one hid in my underpants. D:

- I also have dreadful hygiene. I brush my teeth maybe a dozen or two times between dentist visits and am always told they look excellent, however.

So weird how these things in a row are just like me. I do the opposite instead of male though; I usually tend to catch females and just feel wrong if I have a bigger ratio of males than females on my team. When I was younger, I was much more inflexible. I would ONLY catch female Pokemon and absolutely refuse a male. I'd restart like five bazillion times until I got a female starter. Nowadays, I just... happen to get random female starters without even trying, which makes me happy. I tend to try now so I won't be sexist to make my teams even; three females, three males. But I don't mind if I have more females than males.

Did the same with Great Balls, even in the earlier generations. I think it's just the name... Great Ball. It doesn't sound all that great to me.

Moths always follow me around too, there's like a bazillion in my room always flying around my head.

Aaand me with the hygene.

- I have a strange aversion to catching Pokemon I don't need. My boxes are nearly completely empty as a result. Then, I get yelled at by my friend because he loves GTS hunting and the lack of Pokemon on my file, obviously, makes GTS hunting considerably harder.

- If I use practically any Pokemon for long enough, and it pulls its weight, then chances are I'll love it. Happened with Altaria, Kyogre, and Marowak, to name a few.

All those are me too, ahaha. I'm just always so lazy when it comes to catching Pokemon I won't use. And I absolutely love Snubbull now that I've used one.

Now for some more weird Lettruths nobody really cares about:

- I always think REALLY REALLY carefully about what nicknames I give my Pokemon. I don't like to pick random or humorous ones, but generally combinations of letters that sound pretty to me. If a Pokemon has a nonserious name, I won't use it. Period. I also refuse to use Pokemon I get off the GTS because most of them have names in Japanese letters or don't have nicknames. I'll always breed traded Pokemon rather than use the Pokemon themselves so I can have my OWN version of it because it doesn't really feel like it's mine if I didn't catch it. Yeah, I'm weird. I refuse to use Pokemon without nicknames that I like. The only case I actually used a traded Pokemon was when I got a Misdreavus from the GTS with Shadow Ball, Psychic, and Thunderbolt. And well, obviously, that's free TMs. It also had a good nickname by my standards: Meline.

- For starter Pokemon, I always will pick the Grass-type on my first playthrough, no matter what.

- I have this strange obsession about evolving Pokemon. I CANNOT keep or use a Pokemon in its unevolved stage forever. I HAVE to evolve it eventually, even if I like the prevolved version better. It feels "incomplete" if I don't. In Generation II, because I had nobody to trade with, I would never use any of the Pokemon that evolved for trading on my teams because well, I couldn't evolve them.

- Like Mike, who I'm too lazy to quote again, I too hoard TMs even if I won't use them. Using them makes me sort of feel like a waste, even if I used them for a good purpose.
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- I want Mario Party 3, I have a Nintendo 64, and I can buy it at my local gaming store, but for some reason I haven't yet.
- I get annoyed whenever I'm using Windows.
- I play my Virtual Console version of Super Mario Bros. more than my other two versions.
- On vBulletin forums, the style I choose has to have a specific color scheme.
- My username on almost every website is NismoZ.
- I'm using a PC keyboard on my Mac.
- I like Internet Explorer better than Safari, but I use Safari all the time.
- I've only used Bing once.
That's all I can think of off the top of my head, but I'll edit this sometime to add more.
And I add more weird things... Now!

I am extremely hygenic. I refuse to speak in the morning until I brush my teeth.
I bring my Jump-drive with me everywhere.
I like the smell of crayons.
I use VBA(Google It.) waaayy too much.
I use headphones whenever possible.
I archive-binge alot.
And isn't hot-glue wonderful?
I can move my ears both at the same time or individually. :P

Me too <3

-I'm afraid of fire. I have no idea why, because I've never even experienced a bad one, but I do. Even lighting a match or lighter next to me will cause me to scream, run, hide, then cry =[

-I hate raisins. I once ate a cookie thinking it was chocolate chip and when I bit into raisin I spit it out and cried.

-Fire, raisins, and this boy who we'll call Michael are the only three things that can make me cry instantly =x

-I'm actually not a whore, I've just given up on trying to please the world with my apparently sky-high potential. And I get confused and I'm way too naive. As a good friend once said to me, "Maybe you're just too nice for this city." Because my city is mean =[

-I hate starting conversations, and I hate phone calls.

-I'm actually pretty shy, but once we become friends, you won't get me to shut up.

-Cows are adorable, and so are snakes <3
- If I use practically any Pokemon for long enough, and it pulls its weight, then chances are I'll love it. Happened with Altaria, Kyogre, and Marowak, to name a few.

Same here!

For me, it happened with Magcargo, Dodrio, Feraligatr and Staraptor.

- I like Reshiram and Mijumaru. GASP!

- Mosquitoes love me.

- I tend to finish most games I buy (lately, at least) in 2 days or so. Not Pokémon, though.

- I've never broken or sprained anything.

- I've never been stung by a bee or a wasp.

- I pwn.
I cannot blush. Seriously. I can't.

I used to think that, too, but shortly before I turned 13, my mom caught me, and I have been extremely sensitive to doing so ever since. Not only that, but I make a habit of looking down or to the side when I know I'm going to blush.

I will not kill bugs or insects.

I seem like I'm going to treat my new birds as if they were my own children.

I often consider myself more wolf than human.

I am practically addicted to roleplay, and it's usually the main reason I join a community.

However, I cannot handle more than one character at all. I'm getting better, though...
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I have depression, but act like I'm always happy for the sake of everyone else's feelings.

I also have ADD and OCD.

I care too much about other people's feelings. If I say something harsh, then I'll say more things that are nice to cover it up. If someone says something harsh to me, depending on what they said, I'll either agree with them, or just say 'I don't care.'

I hate girl clothes. The last time I wore girl clothes was in 5th grade. I'm going on to ninth. Well, besides panties and bras.

Speaking of undies, I wear the same panties until my period starts, then I'll switch to clean ones till it ends. I also wear the same bra until the rare times when I'm still asleep while my clothes are being washed.

The only legitimate shiny I've ever seen on any of my games was the Shiny Gyarados in Soul Silver.

I have to shave my feet because they get hairy and I'm afraid either people will call me Big Foot (cause I have huge feet too) or somebody with a hair phobia will get offended or something. My mom is the same way. She calls it "Hobbit Feet." :3

I feel lonely when I see a couple when I go out somewhere. One time these two kids kissed right beside my locker at school and I had to go to the bathroom to calm down or I would cry.

I like the emo style, I guess because my depression makes me connect with them, I don't know. But I mostly wear black, dark green, blue, or red, and I brush my hair over my left eye, so people tend to call me emo. :x

I only wash my hands after using the bathroom in public places.

If I get stuck on some part in any video game, I'll restart the game. With Pokémon, I trade my best and/or favorite Pokémon over to my brother's Diamond, since he never plays it.

I have a cross between insomnia and hypersomnia. It's really hard for me to get to sleep, but when I do, I sleep up to twelve hours.

I don't like talking to adults and/or a large group of people. But when I do, I use the word like a lot, so I can use that second to let my thoughts slow down and order themselves out so I can talk without stuttering.

I hate biting my nails. Instead, I bite the skin around my nails, so my fingers usually look raw around my fingernails.

I've ordered all of my Pokémon cards by alphabetically, then in numerical order.

I've played the card game YuGiOh since I was at least four years old.

I always think of my brother as two years younger than he really is because of his height and maturity.

When I get mad, I cry, and when I cry, I think other people will think I'm just trying to get attention, so I start to get mad at myself for not being able to control myself better, and it just goes on and on until something or someone calms me down.

I think that's all for now. Um, yeah, bye.
I just remembered something else when I was in the middle of a conversation with a friend here =x

-I feel like I must have been some wild animal in a past life. I occasionally walk on all fours at home, especially when I'm going up or down stairs. I pounce onto my bed whenever I...need to get on my bed xP; when walking barefoot I can't stand to walk with my feet flat, I need to walk on my toes. And the idle position for my arms when walking barefoot in that way is held up, like...a raptor? My nose twitches when I'm trying to hide growing annoyance or anger, or when I smell something. When listening to something, my ear on that side of my head swivels toward the sound. My ears are erect when I'm happy, excited, or laughing and relaxed/down when I'm sad, serious, or angry.

Beast at heart xP

I would never be able to say any of this to the people I know irl. They'd give up all hope fixing my deranged mind O.o
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