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Odd Truths Thread

I just remembered something else when I was in the middle of a conversation with a friend here =x

-I feel like I must have been some wild animal in a past life. I occasionally walk on all fours at home, especially when I'm going up or down stairs. I pounce onto my bed whenever I...need to get on my bed xP; when walking barefoot I can't stand to walk with my feet flat, I need to walk on my toes. And the idle position for my arms when walking barefoot in that way is held up, like...a raptor? My nose twitches when I'm trying to hide growing annoyance or anger, or when I smell something. When listening to something, my ear on that side of my head swivels toward the sound. My ears are erect when I'm happy, excited, or laughing and relaxed/down when I'm sad, serious, or angry.

Beast at heart xP

I would never be able to say any of this to the people I know irl. They'd give up all hope fixing my deranged mind O.o

Two more odd truths:

- I am extremely envious of you.

- I laugh evilly and conspicuously whenever I read or hear the word "envy." And when it's in strange context I usually laugh before I can get around to saying it.

(Hint: avatar. :P)
*I have never been stung by a bee/wasp/whatever. And I love watching them buzz around in bushes.

*I find bees adorable, but I cower in fear if they fly towards me.

*I think snakes and lizards are cute.

*I have horrible dental hygiene, in that I never brush my teeth. I haven't regularly brushed my teeth since I was little. I no longer get cavities.

*My teeth are crooked, and I adore them, I refuse to ever get braces. (I would accidentally ruin them anyway)

*I once accidentally hit myself in the face with the back of an axe, it hit one of my front teeth, and that tooth is now slightly farther back than the other.

*I have never broken a bone.

*I hate cold water, I think it tastes disgusting, I will only drink room temperature water. But I only like cold soda/juice/other flavored drinks.

*I like raw meat, and am ashamed of it for some reason.

*I still sleep with stuffed animals.

*I have a tadpole named Azsoargolath in my room. He only has his back legs right now, but he'll sprout his front ones soon.

*I have an obsession with ripping out single hairs from random places on my body.

*I still somewhat believe that white fluffy things floating in the breeze are fairies, and so try to catch them.

*I hate ketchup, mayonnaise, and miracle whip. I love spicy mustard and homemade barbecue sauce.

*I like barbecue sauce on many things, such as: potato chips, french fries, skillet potatoes, hot dogs, burgers, omelets and eggs, and I make grilled peanut butter & barbecue sauce sandwiches.

*I learned to tie my shoes when I was four.

*I refused to allow anyone to feed me as a baby, and fed myself as soon as I had teeth and could maneuver my hands well enough (which was around 6-8 months of age)

*Back when I played Pokémon Crystal as a kid, I wasted my Master Ball on a wild Sandslash because I thought it was cool.

*I thought that if you bred two Magikarp the egg would hatch a Gyarados, and got angry whenever a Magikarp hatched.

*I used to be terrified of Vacuum cleaners, as my sister told me if I got too close they would suck me up. I had many nightmares about just that happening.

*I think body hair is hot, and men with shaved chests creep me out, especially when their all sweaty and shiny and muscly :x *shiver*

*I have no problem killing bugs, fish, birds, and furry animals, but I cannot bring myself to harm reptiles and amphibians.

*Strawberry milk tastes disgusting to me.

*I love cheese, yet if I eat too much I start gagging on it. Sometimes I can't even finish a string cheese without almost puking it up. (I'm not lactose intolerant)

Eh. I think that's it for now.
Two more odd truths:

- I am extremely envious of you.

Me? Why, I wonder? xP

And reading over Amfibbian's post, I have a couple more things to say so i won't be completely off-topic =x

-I never broke a bone or got stitches~

-I've only ever been to a hospital once (obviously not including birth), and i wasn't even sick or anything. I just...got in trouble =x

-In fact, my worst injury was just three turf burns in 7th grade. i was playing football with the guys, and ended up falling and getting turf burns on my right knee, left hip and left elbow.

-I still have the tan lines from my sunburn in June '09.

-I despise body hair on women. I shave the hair on my arms whenever it starts to come back, and I absolutely refuse to wear shorts unless my legs are "perfectly" shaved. Even if it's 100 degrees out, I'll wear long pants if I didn't get a chance to shave my legs.

-My eyebrows are thick but apparently neatly-shaped, but I still hate them. So I get them done every 2-3 weeks.

-I hate most things about myself.
-I utterly dispise water,and adore milk. I can't go a day without milk,or I'll complain to my parents about getting off their lazy butts and going to Publix.
-I enjoy Rick Rolling people. *looks at Blastoise,my first victim.* Heh-heh.
-Some people complain that certain Pokemon don't look like Pokemon,and when I look at them,I don't know why they say they don't look like Pokemon.
- *coughidontlikemistyatallcough*
- I think Giratina is freaking adorible.
- Most of the thing Melodic Harmony said,I agree with. This whole summer I was wearing jeans,and only jeans for that reason. That reason,and because I hate shorts. They are NOT comfy and easy to wear.
- Most people I meet think girls are all snobby and stuck up,but when they meet me they're suprised. I dispise fashion and clothes,but love video games,getting dirty,playing sports(some sports,most I find boring),and other "boyish" stuff. :D
That's all I can think of now. :3
  • I love children's books. I love the pictures and the escapism.
  • I don't cry in public. I don't know why, but I'm very uncomfortable crying in front of people - from sad scenes on TV, to people I love dying, to breaking bones - I don't cry if there's anyone around.
  • I really like collecting things. It doesn't really matter what; I like clutter and being surrounded by stuff. The more brightly-coloured the better. White, sterile rooms scare me.
  • I don't think I ever want children, but I like talking to them, sometimes feel more comfortable talking to them than with people my own age, and hate it when people talk down to them.
  • I don't cope well with change.
  • People often think I'm either a) shallow, or b) secretly dead inside because I'm happy so much of the time. I think I probably am very shallow, in that I have no 'hidden depths'.
  • I've been to two weddings and fifteen funerals.
  • From as early as I can remember, I've loved talking to strangers. Yes, I'm the annoying person who sits next to you on the bus and won't shut up.
  • I've been injured in some way by dogs, goats, horses, donkeys, cats, wasps, bees and hornets.
  • I'm actually quite looking forward to getting old.
Umm, yeah. This is an...interesting...thread. So, uhh, yeah. I'll just get started:

- I HATE it when people write with bad grammar. For example, every time Moonwalker (Actually, just every one I've read...) posts, she doesn't put a space in between her commas and her next word. For god's sake, woman, If you don't want me to literally pain myself every time you post, USE CORRECT GRAMMAR! No offense =3.

-I can't stand ketchup on something not cooked. It just feels weird.

-I liked the amine. Emphasis on liked.

-People that know me often think I'm gay, because 1) gay rights are important to me, 2) one of my favorite bands (Queen) was famous for having a gay lead singer, and 3) I've never had a girlfriend, because girls generally don't go for the, uhh, large type. *_*

-My favorite band is from England, and none of my friends like them, or even know who they are.

-My dad and brother love science ficton/fantasy, and try to get me to read those books. However, whenever I do, I fall into a deep, dark depression, and when I tell my family, they laugh at me. Not cool.

EDIT: Heh, I was ninja'd.
I'm a third year university student. (I'm 18.)

I'm transgendered. And a furry. Yes, these go hand in hand (in some way, I'm sure of it.)

I was born in the United States but "grew up" in Germany.

I use Linux. Microsoft and Apple are both terrible and I refuse to use their products as much as I can.

My first serious relationship was with a girl I met in Belgium. I was a shy, quiet, fundamentalist Christian then, and she was a brash, punk atheist of some notoriety.

I purposely got arrested once. Not particularly proud of this.

I aced my driving exam and got a speeding ticket the very next day.

I did AFJROTC in high school. I was vice-group commander my senior year (rank was Major) and received two national awards. I've not cut my hair since for obvious reasons.

My high school GPA was 3.996.

I am a musician through passion, but theatre is my escapism.

I fall in love easily. Falling out is very difficult.

I am secretly an aromatherapist. I find many stinky smells pleasant to some (odd) degree.

I absolutely abhor being unclean (barring a couple very exceptional exceptions). Showers are sublime.

I am mortified by insects, including butterflies, except bees.

I am manipulative, yet submissive.

Casual sex is a neat concept. Depending on your definition, I may or may not be a virgin.

#tcod is my second home. (Most regulars used to despise me!)

I met someone I love dearly on TCoD. We've been "together" (on varying levels) since 15 March 2007.

EDIT: This one's for surskitty. During Reputation TCoD, I had the most pretty green boxes.

(More to come later???)
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From as early as I can remember, I've loved talking to strangers. Yes, I'm the annoying person who sits next to you on the bus and won't shut up.


So, I agree with Vixie: I find several "stinky" things to be pleasant smells. It probably helps that I live in a small community with bunches of dairy farms and cows around, so I've grown pretty much immune to the smell of poop. I find several "pleasant" things to be unbearable, though. I hate smelling most things cooking, cannot stand the smell of Mexican food, and want to die whenever I smell hay.

According to my grandma (who's visiting from Saudi Arabia), I had my own language when I was young, and never ever spoke English. I taught this language to all the kids at my daycare and they started speaking it too. If they still remember it somehow, I am fairly sure that the language I have forgotten will rule the world. Not really.

I also apparently learned to read when I was three without my mom or my grandparents realizing it. I guess that after my grandma bought me a new book to read at bedtime, I snatched it out of her hand and read it to her.

As a finale, the people here at TCoD have taught me many words that my family doesn't know I know, such as ejaculate, orgasm, orgy, and testicle.

The people here are way better than parents about this stuff.
So, I agree with Vixie: I find several "stinky" things to be pleasant smells. It probably helps that I live in a small community with bunches of dairy farms and cows around, so I've grown pretty much immune to the smell of poop. I find several "pleasant" things to be unbearable, though. I hate smelling most things cooking, cannot stand the smell of Mexican food, and want to die whenever I smell hay.
Hay smells fine, poop smells fine; mix them together (common manure compound) and then we have a problem. Most Mexican food smells fairly nice! although there are certain things my mother cooks (as an expert culinarian, mind) that I cannot stomach at all.

As a finale, the people here at TCoD have taught me many words that my family doesn't know I know, such as ejaculate, orgasm, orgy, and testicle.

The people here are way better than parents about this stuff.
Shouldn't you have, like, learned all of the above (sans orgy) in school by now?
Haha, I got another thing:

-Apparently, when I was 2, I got expelled from kindergarten because I always looked at what books the other kids had,their toys, ect. and it annoyed and scared them. Mweheheeeh. Heard that from my mom.
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Umm, yeah. This is an...interesting...thread. So, uhh, yeah. I'll just get started:

- I HATE it when people write with bad grammar. For example, every time Moonwalker (Actually, just every one I've read...) posts, she doesn't put a space in between her commas and her next word. For god's sake, woman, If you don't want me to literally pain myself every time you post, USE CORRECT GRAMMAR! No offense =3.
Uhm...Okay? I understand the 'no offense' thing,but could you please not use me as an example? Using me as a bad example really hurts me - I'm a sensative person. And I see that you're a person who dislikes bad grammar,but I'm just used to doing this. I don't like having to put a space in between my words, like this, because I, in my own opinion, think it looks too spaced out. I'm sorry if it "pains" you,but I can't please everyone. And it litterally pains me when people use me as a bad example. Again,I can't please everybody. Very sorry. So will you please not use me as an example? Pleeeeaaasseee?
Uhm...Okay? I understand the 'no offense' thing,but could you please not use me as an example? Using me as a bad example really hurts me - I'm a sensative person. And I see that you're a person who dislikes bad grammar,but I'm just used to doing this. I don't like having to put a space in between my words, like this, because I, in my own opinion, think it looks too spaced out. I'm sorry if it "pains" you,but I can't please everyone. And it litterally pains me when people use me as a bad example. Again,I can't please everybody. Very sorry. So will you please not use me as an example? Pleeeeaaasseee?

not using spaces does look bad, and I assume you're the only person with bad grammar that wyoming could find to pick on. :/
not using spaces does look bad, and I assume you're the only person with bad grammar that wyoming could find to pick on. :/
Not using capitals when starting a sentence or when writing somone's name/Username looks bad. But hey. That's my opinion.

Well,like I said,in my opinion,using spaces looks bad. In my opinion. And when was it right to ever even pick on someone? And just because I use commas without using spaces after doesn't mean I officially have 'bad grammar'.

Geez,I'm usally a calm person,but this 'bad grammar' thing is getting me all worked up. >.>

Anyways,It's over. Completely over. Wyoming and I are friends now,and we have nothing to further discuss about this. Now,let's all go back on topic and forget this ever happened. Thank you,and have a fantastic day.
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- I'm painfully shy. I have trouble shopping and ordering things from restaurants on my own because I don't' want to talk to the cashier. I tend to get really quiet and stammer. If someone else is there I always try to make them do it. The first time my Mom saw me buy something on my own, she asked me like, 50 times if I was okay while I was doing it. It didn't help.

- My passion is storytelling (not necessarily writing), but art and computer programing are what I want to make a career out of.

- I adore Formspring and wish people would ask me more questions. Hint hint hint ;3

- I feel like I can express my emotions better with emoticons then I can with natural facial expressions, prose, or any other way except maybe drawing. Why? Kitty face :3

- One of my secrets is that I am a direct descendant of the marriage of an Isabella and an Edward. It wouldn't be such a big deal if it wasn't for the fact that I strongly dislike Twilight and if I tell a Twilight fan, they inevitably ask me if I'm related to anyone named Reneseme (sp) (or any other Cullens, but that one pops up most often).

- I adore Vocaloids. There's just something insanely awesome to me about being able to synthesize singing. Probably because I've always wanted to be able to sing.

- I've listened to so much Japanese music and listened to people speak it so much that it no longer sounds like a foreign language to me. I can't usually understand what they're saying (although I've picked up a word or seven here and there from paying close attention to subtitles), but it doesn't sound foreign anymore.
- I'm painfully shy. I have trouble shopping and ordering things from restaurants on my own because I don't' want to talk to the cashier. I tend to get really quiet and stammer. If someone else is there I always try to make them do it. The first time my Mom saw me buy something on my own, she asked me like, 50 times if I was okay while I was doing it. It didn't help.

- I feel like I can express my emotions better with emoticons then I can with natural facial expressions, prose, or any other way except maybe drawing. Why? Kitty face :3

- I've listened to so much Japanese music and listened to people speak it so much that it no longer sounds like a foreign language to me. I can't usually understand what they're saying (although I've picked up a word or seven here and there from paying close attention to subtitles), but it doesn't sound foreign anymore.

Why are you exactly like me? :3
I was dropped down the stairs as a newborn. Well, actually, my mom was holding me and she tripped down the stairs. But it still shook me up pretty bad.

I think I haven't watched one movie and cried. I cry during every movie for some reason. Even Despicable Me, Toy Story 3, and almost every episode of Doctor Who. Why? I have no idea.

I'm scared of the dark. And monsters. Yes, I am ashamed of my paranoia.

I slept on the floor of my mom's room until the sixth grade because of said paranoia.

I feel so bad about how small my breasts are, I usually filled my bra with tissue or toilet paper before I went to school. I think I'll do the same thing when school starts again this year, also. And then cry about that, also. Yes, I am a wimp.
I feel so bad about how small my breasts are, I usually filled my bra with tissue or toilet paper before I went to school. I think I'll do the same thing when school starts again this year, also. And then cry about that, also. Yes, I am a wimp.
Why do you feel bad about them? Breast size doesn't really matter, other than pretty much everyone is uncomfortable with their breast size for at least part of their lives. :/ Small boobs aren't large; large boobs are heavy; medium size boobs aren't small enough to not be in the way and aren't large enough to be, well, large.

Also? You're thirteen. Your current breast size is likely not what you'll end up with.

And ... I don't really want to make you feel bad or anything, but ... it kind of looks dumb if you try stuffing a bra with toilet papers or tissues or paper towels or something. They don't have the same consistency as boobs. They're kind of pointy and pretty obvious not-boobs. :(
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