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Odd Truths Thread

It just gets me because there are sixth graders that have a larger cup size than me, and a lot of time my guy friends thoguht it'd be funny to make comments like 'If you had boobs, you'd probably be hot' or 'you have the same bra size as my sister - she's in third grade!', which wasn't the greatest for my self-esteem.

And the tissue has actually fooled quite a few people. But then again, they weren't exactly the brightest people in the world.

Trust me, big breasts aren't all they're cracked up to be. Back pain, can't find bras, can't find shirts, can't find dresses, I could go on, but I won't.

And if you're going to stuff, use those silicone push up... Things. Take it from someone with really uneven boobies. (Ones a C. The other's a DD. They fight crime annoy the hell outta me.)
My right leg is twisted inward from the knee down, so whenever I stand up straight, while my left leg looks like a straight line, my right leg... doesn't

I'm underweight for my age group

Whenever I swim, I usually spend more time under the water as opposed to above it.

I drink more milk than I do water, or any other beverage

Whenever I'm trying to fall asleep, I always get this feeling that everything except me is tilting in one direction.

I could count the number of people I actually trust enough to be considered a real-life Friend on one hand. And much like Cryptica, I've never liked anyone in a way higher than friend, family notwithstanding

I have a strange tendency to mutter lyrics from songs whenever I'm alone, or sometimes even when I'm in public, but quietly
I am naturally ambidextrous, meaning I can use both hands equally. Though I am considered to be ambidextrous with a right hand dominance (My handwriting with my right hand less of a slant, and I didn't like bumping elbows in school.) They figured it out during handwriting in first grade. Also ambidextrous people are more likely to have ADD or ADHD, I have ADD.
Trust me, big breasts aren't all they're cracked up to be. Back pain, can't find bras, can't find shirts, can't find dresses, I could go on, but I won't.


Ok, I will agree completely! I have a size G, yes it exists! It's really annoying, back pain gets bad too.
I really, really, really have a passion for exploration. I frequently go out in my neighborhood and just try to go somewhere, oftentimes during the middle of the night. The problem with that is I can never go very far because my neighborhood, a quite pretty, upper middle class, mostly Jewish community, is surrounded on all sides by hardcore ghetto. I tell myself that I really have nothing to be afraid of, but easier said than done, you know?

This might sound like I'm bragging, and I kind of am, but I get pretty low grades in school despite the fact that I allegedly have an IQ of 147. :\ You might just say "well you must be lazy and not pay attention then" and I don't deny it, but I got 720/800 and 760/800 on the math and biology SATs, respectively. These two tests directly evaluate material I learned this year in school, (material that I got Cs on) and I didn't study at all for either of them. Meanwhile friends of mine have gotten As in those classes, and lower or equal scores on the SATs.

I see myself as a bit of a huge douchebag. Every day, I try to change it, but I end up just feeling worse about myself. You'd think it would be easy, wouldn't you?

Dude... are we, like, twins separated at birth or something? Because seriously, that's... really similar to me. Except that my (alleged) IQ is apparently only somewhere around 130 (although, it was an internet test.)

Possibly the weirdest thing about me is that I am actually guilty of smuggling. You see, this spring my french class had a trip to France (you had to sign up in autumn and pay about 3 grand, though), and I bought a butterfly knife in Chartres, not realizing that they were illegal in Washington. After that, I figured, "hey, already have one..." and bought a stilleto (spring-loaded) in Paris. I brought them both back in my checked luggage. Apparently, they are technically legal if used in private. Still.... better hope the FBI doesn't do random searches of TCoD...
I hate the thought of being blind, deaf, or any other form of being "cut off" from the sensory world.
I occasionally perform social expirements on Omegle, starting of conversations in different ways and seeing how people react.
I really hate uncanny valley type things, or anything that's some sort of human-animal hybrid (except monkeys, monkeys are cool).
I am a poet and a writer of (mostly) various types of fiction, but I often find it hard to get around to finishing something.
I also write music for the acoustic and electric guitar, and lyrics.
I have never kissed someone who isn't a family member (does being kissed by someone else count? Sort of, by surprise?).
I sometimes will start thinking about the meaning of life, the apocalypse, death, etc. as I'm trying to sleep.... needless to say, on those nights I don't sleep well.
Wherever I go, for reasons I don't understand, I feel like I'm universally shunned/ignored. Ever since 6th grade, that's how it's been. Even with people who seem like they would get along with me, I'm just... not noticed.
Okay, sorry for basically pouring out all my life's troubles. That's it.
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Okay...In no particular order:

My eyebrows are mostly normal, but on the inside end of each there are hairs that stick out in the opposite direction of my normal eyebrows. If that made sense.

I've always been good with music. In choir in elementary school I was always the first to memorize the song, and I'm good with rhythms. I always remember my part after I learn it. I'm also good at remembering choreography and memorizing lines for productions.

I love singing the harmony part to music. So much that if I'm listening to a song I like and there's an easily audible harmony part, I learn it and sing that instead of the melody when I sing along. And sometimes if the tune isn't too complicated I make up my own (fairly decent) harmony parts.

Though I've gotten decent parts in all of the musicals I've been in, I've never gotten the part I wanted. I've either gotten rejected altogether, cast as ensemble, or given a part that was better suited to me but smaller. (The group I'm in is a class that you register for so everyone gets a part.) I'm hoping to change that this year...

Never kissed anyone aside from my family, and don't plan on changing that any time soon, unless I get a romantic role in a play which involves kissing.

Uh...last night I constructed this rope thing out of a ribbon, gauze and yarn to held and sort all of my hair ties, because I needed somewhere to put them and I wanted them sorted by colour. ^^;

I was one of those snowboarder dancer people at the beginning of the Vancouver 2010 Closing Ceremonies. =D Fun fun fun.

I like performing because you have a script, and you're behind a character so people will think whatever you do is the character speaking, but when I have to do anything that involves just being me I get really nervous and anxious and am way less confident.

I get straight A's apart from PE (which, at my school, is TORTURE), but I'm disappointed if I get less than 90% because I'm used to just getting A's and to me doing really well is getting that top percent. I hear people say they're satisfied with B's or C+'s, and I'm like, how can you be happy with that? On the other hand, if it's a subject I'm struggling with slightly or have a hard teacher for, I'm happy to manage an A.

Wow, lots of stuff. I think I'll stop now.
Where to begin...?
About 50% of the music I like also falls into that dreaded stereotype that my parents hate. i.e, Lady Gaga, the Black-Eyed Peas, Owl City, and a vast majority of techno/trance.


(in)Famous restaurant chains I hate: Krystal, Church's, Popeye's, Long John Silver's, and Taco Bell.

You're now my favorite person on this entire forum.

As for my odd truths:
~I hate manmade light, and I love the outdoors. Especially during fall.
~I have an alleged IQ of 180 but I am far too lazy to get great grades. :P
~I obsess over one single thing in my life exclusively for about two weeks before moving on to the next obsession, but I think that's gone because my Gaga obsession has lasted 7 months now.
~I used to be really, really short and people thought I was a 4th grader. I was really an 8th grader. Thankfully I grew a lot this summer.
~I like music from Gaga and Rihanna to Evanescence, but: I hate almost all country, hip hop, and rap. With the hip hop exception of the Peas. :)

That's all for now~
I have extremely flexible hips.

I can only imagine how handy this would be XD

~one of my friends (who isn't on here btw) currently ships me and Mike. It's..a bit awkward but funny.
~on the topic of shipping, i kinda ship two members of a band and feel horrible for it but they're so freaking adorable and squeeeeeeee (in case you were wondering, this is all my friends' fault).
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