• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Oh god I feel so ancient.

Princess Darknight II

so i'm destroying alien zombie nazis, right.
Going back here makes me feel years older then I should, really. I'm...not sure... why I came back. Maybe surskitty is to blame.

Whether I feel like old hag stew or not doesn't matter - I'm, uh, back. If you can even remember my obnoxious and annoying presence long before, congratulations, give yourself a pat on the back.

I've gotten a bit out of Pokemon, although not enough to get a new favorite Pokemon - Roserade. But every time I pick up Diamond, I feel myself failing to give a damn. I haven't even bought Platinum, how awful of me. Sonic has pretty much fallen flat too - although I sometimes buy his stuff for nostalgia. Nowadays I like to play horror shooters like Dead Space and Doom 3. Yeah. Doom 3.

...it wuz pretty coo guises.

I've gotten pretty talented at art and writing - talented enough to admit my own flaws and modesty even. How about that? But if it's enough to perk the interest of an art college teacher, it must be partly decent. And if you can even remember C-4 (Haha fat chance) I'll tell you - it's turned into a completely different animal. Ask GF0.

...And pineapples. Oh god the pineapples. Why, I ask myself. Why.

Uh, can't think of anything else. So I'll come back to this place to old and new faces. I just hope the drama llamas have fled this web page to more lulzier pastures. Really, guys.
Aw, thank you. It's nice to know that I am vaguely remembered as a minor presence. Either way, I appreciate it.

...I should really be sleeping. I heard that's important, you know.
Ah... I sometimes forgive, but I never forget! I will have my venge -

Yeah, uh, welcome back. Nice to see you again.
Imprudent and audacious fool , you will gain no vengeance because you are the demons.




damnit it turn into a zombie I missed you too. All of you. Now let's hold hands and sing a distracting musical number. Which will divert attention far away from me.

Hey, I remember you! ...And all your name changes...

Please tell me you've gotten out of that habit - I have an issue remembering who is who enough.

It's like a cancer eating at my brain. A memory cancer.

Parasitical Memory Cancer aside, it's nice to see you again,
I wonder how compelling 'compelling' is.

Would the knowledge that "Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo" is a grammatically correct phrase be compelling enough?

If you don't believe me, look it up.
I wonder how compelling 'compelling' is.

Would the knowledge that "Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo" is a grammatically correct phrase be compelling enough?

If you don't believe me, look it up.

I don't even remember why I changed my name the first few times. If I change my name it would probably be... actually never, I've had Leafpool for well over a year now and I like it enough that I really can't imagine changing it.

Also haha at the buffalo sentence. I saw that for the first time just a few days ago. x3
Well, it's good to keep a name on the internet. It's like giving yourself a distinguished title, so that everyone knows it's you and can say "Oh god it's her again everyone get in the car."

If it gives you any comfort, I've had this title for so long that I can't remember when I first started using it. Or why the roman numerals; I think it was some kind of verification mishap or other.

Ahaha, it is pretty hilarious how grammar can run itself into the ground. I just heard about it a few days ago as well.
Hey! You might have known me as The Ninja Pikachu/One Winged Kitten. I'm a lot less of an idiot. xD
What's sad is that you've managed to improve since you left, whereas your contemporaries who stayed have had no such luck.

Welcome back.
I vaguely remember you.

How are you? I was GoldYoshi. On the new forum before it collapsed, I was LynxRunner. Now, I'm just ... .
*reading a card in monotoned voice* Hello, [insert new person's name here], and welcome to the CoD. The only place to eat/drink Tea/CoD (get it? T+CoD = TCoD) Haha

*regular voice* Anyways, welcome. I'm Magnemite the guy who reads the welcoming cards to the new peoples
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