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On Removing Clutter

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You can subscribe to them so they appear in your CP.
Yeah, but that is as easy to forget to go to as the actual social groups area.

What about having a tab at the top where the User CP button is, and have it drop down, showing your social groups?
Besides, if all of the activities you're already used to keeping up with were moved to social groups, wouldn't it be harder to forget about? If you want to continue doing whatever it is you find so amusing about those games, it's not as though there would be anyplace else to check. You'd get used to it pretty fast, I figure.
It's not any less convenient than going down to Forum Games and then finding the thread... -___-
Well Forum Games in social groups could work...but whoever made it is in charge so it'd have to be someone who wouldn't mess with it and randomly delete stuff. And they'd need to be active and everything. Unless every Forum Games thread has a group each but that'd be rather spammy.

Personally I say we should not put Forum Games in Social Groups but if people really want it not in the main forum then try to get Butterfree to make a Social Group like place for Forum Games.

*breath* Longish post. Sorry if it isn't very understandable, I'm rather rambly.
Er, just jumping in here. I didn't take part in most of the Forum Games after Guess the Pokemon Above died, as I really liked that one, and the others just didn't seem as much fun. :P For one thing, making up riddles and having others guess what Pokemon it could be was much more thought provoking than counting, or rating, so I only took a look at those threads. Forum Games being in Social Groups is fine for me - I'm used to the format and it's easy to find them if you suscribe, if you're really, really lazy (like me).

Anyway, what I'm getting at is that, if it would keep the forums from crashing, lagging and all that, it would be best to move them - or go to the trouble of locking the threads when they get too long and making new ones. Actually, it might be a good idea to do that to the RSP soon, considering it's 158 pages, and it's hard to keep up with everything... New members often have to go through a whole heap of posts before they can find out what's going on. :P

Bleh, starting to ramble. >< The point is, Forum Games would still be fun if they were moved elsewhere, and, if I'm following this thread correctly, it wouldn't cause as much trouble for the rest of the forums, correct?
It's not really moving forum games that'd help as much as simply removing the counting ones and probably the rating ones and starting new threads whenever they hit a certain number of posts.

It'd also be a good idea for someone to start a new Rack Shackle Pack thread, yeah.
...Well KQ hasn't posted in a while in there, so wouldn't it typically be a good idea to wait for her consent before doing that?

If you're just starting a new thread and continuing from where you left off? I don't think it'd matter, really.
This version of TCoD has existed for only six months, and already there are fifty thousand posts in Forum Games. Fifty thousand in six months, if you ignore the threads which surskitty removed. She was right to remove them. But getting rid of two or three threads will not fix the problem, because Forum Games will grow back like a plant. By March all the deleted posts will have been replenished. At this rate, in Forum Games, by this time next year, the number fifty thousand will have bloated to a hundred and fifty thousand. There will be as many posts in the Games forum as there are today in all the other forums put together. If Forum Games is not dragging the server down already, there can be no doubt that it will be by then. Why should we wait? We should delete the whole of Forum Games now, instead of coppicing it every few months for ever.
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I don't know if I'm the only one that has noticed, but even since the deletion of the US vs. World thread there have still been slowdowns in the site, and have been growing in frequency, so I would say it is say that it wasn't those threads.

Also, just because you don't think that those forum games could possibly be fun doesn't mean that it is the truth. Remember, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
Actually, more threads are being deleted, which is causing the slow-downs and such. :/
I actually had some interesting music discussions in that thread in the past. Seriously, ever noticed how a Now Playing thread is present on nearly every forum on the internet?

I mean, really, if processing every post in the thread prior to the most recent page is what has been slowing the forums down, would it not make sense just to make new threads for it every now and then, like most other forums do? I, for one, have gone through searches on old Now Playing threads to find some of the discussions I've had there, which hits me as it being straight-up more useful than half the threads in Insanity that are left to be buried under mountains of dust. What is this bull about people "not taking us seriously" for having a Now Playing thread?

The original problem was that whenever somebody loaded US vs the World, the forums would slow down, but to be honest a bunch of people now are just unnecessarily attacking threads that they deem to be postcount++ threads. What significant harm do they do?
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