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On Removing Clutter

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It's also not like the US vs the world thread was the only place on this forum that you can have idle conversation with no real topic. We have a thread entirely dedicated to that, and it's called the Cafe of Doom.
Why not? If you can download other bloated IM protocols, the only reason for not having Pidgin is stubbornness, something I wouldn't really put behind you.

Talking about people who can't download anything.
I don't exactly have anything to say that hasn't been said, but I hate forum games all together. I used to post in there on occasion, but I quit doing that. Oh I kind of enjoyed that one game where each person adds a word to the paragraph and it makes a story. Questionable Content was cool, (or whatever it was called).

A forum is used for relevant discussion, as already said.

Also, some people are getting up on Arylett for stuff. I find this amusing.

...And for those who can't download that?

Alexi why do you keep going? You're going no where.

EDIT: God.

Talking about people who can't download anything.

Then don't download? I don't know.
It's also not like the US vs the world thread was the only place on this forum that you can have idle conversation with no real topic. We have a thread entirely dedicated to that, and it's called the Cafe of Doom.

It's funny you should mention that thread, since the reason it exists is to prevent there being a whole bunch of threads full of idle conversation.
Alexi, you realize forums have these things called PMs


and social groups

and profile messages
Social groups interface fails, and PMs and profile messages aren't the same as having a space where a large group of people can chat.
Social groups interface fails, and PMs and profile messages aren't the same as having a space where a large group of people can chat.

Then download an IM client or get Xchat. It's really, really not that hard. "O im standin up for teh pple who cant get the clientz". then, I'm sorry, use the Cafe of Doom or, oh I dunno, use the forums as they were intended to be used.
...Or they can just have something to do in Forum Games.

Are you just trying to argue because you feel like you're the only power against "the man"? Are you a rebel against the meanies that are trying to clean the forums up?

Well, make sure you finish up your fantasy on your own. None of us want to bother with your little role play of you thinking you're actually going to save the day.
The Fourm Games isn't something to do

It's something people use to get their postcounts up

Discussion about subjects is doing something (saying something, i guess), not posting numbers.

If all you have to do is post in Forum Games find something better to do with your time
That's not what I meant. Forum Games exist because people like them. It gives them something to do that's pretty pointless, yes, but it's something to do regardless. If Butterfree thought they were pointless, she wouldn't have made them.

Dewgongeru: When people get bored, they become assholes. And then they do things that make other people angry. Then shit happens.

Also, I can't see why not just stop the Forum Games from counting as posts?
When she made the forums she didn't think people would be counting for 17k posts. Did you even read her post in this thread? x_x She's AGAINST stupidass threads like US vs World. Christ, who fucking cares if people like them? It's useless and pointless and has no reason to exist.
Dewgongeru: When people get bored, they become assholes. And then they do things that make other people angry. Then shit happens.
That's not true. You're almost implying that because the Forum Games is "something to do" people aren't going to be like that? Because they aren't bored?

Also, I can't see why not just stop the Forum Games from counting as posts?

Because it's taking up space and doesn't need to exist.

Read the thread we aren't even talking about stopping posts in the Forum Games as counting towards your post count that was a while ago.
Alexi said:
Also, I can't see why not just stop the Forum Games from counting as posts?

because then they'll whine and cry about how their e-peens won't grow anymore without having to contribute actual value to a real thread
No, because postcount should count posts and if it's unworthy to count for postcount, it's unworthy to exist.
Why don't we just remove the 'what are you listening to?' thread too, then?

I've seen little-to-no discussion there either.
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