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On Removing Clutter

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I had a huge one when Surskitty killed TCoD (How dare you!!), but nothing ever before...
Well, people seem to be doing it for postcount++, so perhaps stop posts counting in that forum?

This Clubs thing, why not just name the clubs forum to 'Fanclubs', then it takes things like Spriters' Club out of context, because it isn't a fandom. It would re-organise everything.
Post count should count posts, though.

Why not just start forcing people to stop posting useless crap?
Why not just stop talking and actually do it because these measures are looooong overdue
Forums Games should be allowed, but there should be a higher standard of quality. counting games and rate my something without commenting on it games (which make up most of the threads there right now) should be dropped.

So agreed that something should be changed.
Yeah, because your opinion is automatically only good one!

It's not, but it's a damn sight better than most people's. Plus the stats back my opinion up. I dunno if you actually read the thread, but if ONE IN TWELVE posts are dedicated to a COUNTING THREAD, and ONE IN THREE posts is devoid of content, I'd say there's enough reason to yell: "Houston, we have a problem."
actually I'd trust him with a hell of a lot more than I'd trust most of the forums with

and I've been here for a while so I think I know what I'm talking about dawg @_@
I wouldn't trust myself with authority, I don't have natural authority besides yelling at people and I am a terrible decision-maker. All I've seen that came from this thread is some statistics that allow me to gravely doubt the need or existence of this forum, maybe not as a whole but many parts of it. I don't hold any authoritative power anymore and I am very aware of that, but I have been a pretty long-standing member of this community and even though I have had falling outs with many people on here thanks to me being one of those people that has opinions and won't shut up about them, I pretty much do think I have a grasp of how this forum and its people work; and I think I can safely say some improvement could be done with. If this is what the forum is going to be, I might as well yell and get banned again because what I say isn't going to make a goddamn difference to the admin and I know a lot of people agree with me in general, especially the people whose opinion I value the highest (opal, surskitty, Eevee, Tailsy) so yeah.

I don't want to sound like a broken record, folks, but I've said this in a hundred other threads and I'm gonna say it again and again and wave it in people's faces till this fundamental issue of the existence of this forum gets its proper attention from the people that have the power to change it. I sound really petty and I sound like a grumpy git, I get that, but I really feel it's necessary here at the moment. If we're all gonna enjoy this forum would you guys make sure there is some form of level to the entertainment and some sort of quality to it that we can't get anywhere else, because if I want to I can still talk to opaltiger on IM and I won't have a need to post here, and I'm sure this goes for many other people. This forum is big enough to not deserve that falling apart.

Ok, so I phrased it nicely for once.
It was US vs World's fault.

Actually it was probably Arylett's fault.

Nice blame game going there. Sure she posted a lot, but if it wasn't her posting, it would have been other people. Over time, that thread would still have grown. She just sped it up a bit.

It wasn't just a counting thread, it was a place where people talked and hung out. I don't see why you're all so against people enjoying themselves.

Admittedly, some games are kind of stupid, like the rating games. But how does this affect you? You could easily go on with your life without looking at the games. It's not like people are posting like that everywhere.
Yes, but you've said yourself that some of these 'posts' are just numbers. If a sandwich lacked bread, it wouldn't be a sandwich. Same with a post, if it lacks content, it isn't really a post any more.
Then they shouldn't be here at all, and that's what we're trying to get across.

Admittedly, some games are kind of stupid, like the rating games. But how does this affect you? You could easily go on with your life without looking at the games. It's not like people are posting like that everywhere.
Read the damned thread, especially Eevee's post a few pages back. It explains everything.
Just throwing this out there: what if we stopped displaying post count in the postbit? I'm sure that this is possible with vBulletin.

After all, the stat sort of lost its meaning after the vB crash, and it encourages people to make incoherent, low-quality posts in order to add to their postcount, instead of making interesting, relevant posts.

Oh, oh oh! I just got a great idea. What if, instead of (or in addition to) postcount, we had word count? I don't even know if this is possible, but if it is, it would be awesome!
What? No. The people who are stupid enough to care about post count shouldn't be on these forums anyway. And it's a huge hindrance to those of us who actually enjoy statistics.

We've had this discussion dozens of times and it always ends up the same.
Eris, stop throwing yer apples in here.

Post count is a meaningless statistic; we can have it, but I don't set any store by it (though people who enjoy those statistics can have it, but it should be representative of what it is measuring, above all). That is the problem. This thread is about removing redundant and idle posts, which I agree on. The only issue is how drastic do we want the removal to be (in my case, I would opt for removing a whole bunch of threads and subfora), or in the case of some other people (the admin) less drastic.

I know my opinion counts for shit but there you go. I think the case has really been made and everything else is going in circles. As it is, people, have fun enjoying your enlarged e-genitals thanks to the forum games increasing your postcount.
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