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On Removing Clutter

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Yeah. Because you just posted something "lol so random".

Haha. That's wasn't the point. The point was you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover. And even if you look inside and don't like it, that doesn't mean that everyone has to not be able to like it.

That, my friend, is not democracy. And democracy seems to be the best type of government, considering there aren't many monarchies in power, and communism is only in China, North Korea, and possibly a few other countries I don't know. (Not in high school yet). Maybe some other governments, too, but democracy is most prevalent.
Just saying, but... if I were you, I'd try to think of an alternative way to do your Forum Games stuff instead of arguing your case.

... I thought democracy had to do with voting. :(
Wow. Well, I believe then that we should get rid of all social groups that have Watershed in them because he's weird

Thanks for reversing the argument wrongly.

See how that sounds stupid? This isn't my opinion at all because I don't know you, and I don't mean a word of it, but I say it anyway. That's what you're doing. You don't know if people are posting worthwhile stuff in there. If they aren't, then you can go ahead and delete them.

I do, I used to post in them when I was 14. Then I grew up. I know what these threads consist of. But it's not contributing to the forum. That is my point, and Eevee's, and I wonder why reading is so difficult for you?

If you don't like the Forum Games, you don't have to be here. Or better yet, you can just ignore it and we'll all live happily ever after...

This forum doesn't quite revolve around Forum Games, for if it did, I'd be at the wrong forum.
Haha. That's wasn't the point. The point was you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover. And even if you look inside and don't like it, that doesn't mean that everyone has to not be able to like it.

That, my friend, is not democracy. And democracy seems to be the best type of government, considering there aren't many monarchies in power, and communism is only in China, North Korea, and possibly a few other countries I don't know. (Not in high school yet). Maybe some other governments, too, but democracy is most prevalent.
Where did you ever get the impression that this forum is a democracy?

I don't think anyone decided HEY WE WANT BUTTERFREE TO BE THE ADMIN and somehow I really don't think anyone votes on who gets banned!
Haha. That's wasn't the point. The point was you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover. And even if you look inside and don't like it, that doesn't mean that everyone has to not be able to like it.

That, my friend, is not democracy. And democracy seems to be the best type of government, considering there aren't many monarchies in power, and communism is only in China, North Korea, and possibly a few other countries I don't know. (Not in high school yet). Maybe some other governments, too, but democracy is most prevalent.
This forum isn't a democracy.
edit: also, why the dim view of governments that aren't democracies? democracies aren't immune to sucking. For that matter, democracies aren't the be all and end all of "free."
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Why can't we do it here? Give me ONE reason why we should have to leave because you don't like our entertainment. We have a right to enjoy ourselves. If you don't like it, nobody is making you do it, look at it, or even stay. We shouldn't have to stop doing what we enjoy just because some people don't like it. I think these three threads are all incredibly stupid, but I didn't tell those who enjoyed them to delete it or leave and take it somewhere else. (The last one, yes, I did post in and say to delete, but that's only because the exact same was done to US vs. World and all other counting games, so that one shouldn't be treated any differently.)

Stop acting like your entertainment is so much better than ours better than ours that you have the fucking right to say that we should leave just because of it. Stop saying we should leave if we want to enjoy htat. You like your shit, and that's fine with me. I like my shit, and that's fine with me, too. It should be fine with you, but I guess it's not. I don't care who likes what as long as it doesn't affect somebody else, and I don't get why the fuck you do. Please give me one reason why anybody should have to leave beacuse of what they like. Then, please give me a reason why we should have to leave instead of you. I don't want "read vee's post" or anything like that, I don't want a reason why you think ours is worse. I want a reason why you think that anyone should have to leave for what entertains them, and a reason why you shouldn't and we should.

Let me explain to you how the threads you're pointing out aren't even close to Forum Games in terms of quality.

1) surskitty actually had that problem; she did not make it up for the lulz. Others took it as something humorous and posted thusly. Also, people actually had to read through the entire topic in order to post, meaning that each post actually had value to the thread.

2) That club I'm half and half on. While I admit that it's a tad silly, you still have to read the posts before yours unlike in most Forum Games where the value of previous posts don't matter.

3) That was a parody of previous forum games, as an example of how stupid and pointless they really are. Did you really think it was serious? ~__~

Summary of the rest of your post "wahhh wahhh baww i use curse words wahh" do you realize how dumb you sound? You're refusing to actually listen to Eevee. You're too dead set on "stop sucking our fun up!!1!" to actually realize what he's trying to say. Forum Games does not contribute to the quality of the forums. There is no discussion, there is no value. It is counting (!!), and you don't have to actually read but one (1) post in order to post, which means most posts that are made are actually only read once, which means it is a stupid waste of space.

Oh, and by the way, the mods will do what they think is best for the forums (preserving the quality). If they think quality is suffering because of idiotic threads in forum games (it is), then there is nothing you can do about it. We're not _forcing_ you to leave, but we're saying there has to be an end to the stupidity that is rushing forth from some members' keyboards.

StyliBoy said:
If you don't like the Forum Games, you don't have to be here. Or better yet, you can just ignore it and we'll all live happily ever after...

Or you can listen to us when we say that when people think it's okay to post mindless dribble in Forum Games, they'll think it'll be fine to post mindless dribble elsewhere in the forums, which wastes space and is a SUPER TOXIC FORCE to the forums just like Eevee is. It'll just make the quality of the forums suffer. [Example: That long-ass introduction thread which, wow, hasn't been an introduction thread for a really long time and is filled with spam.]

StyliBoy said:
Haha. That's wasn't the point. The point was you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover. And even if you look inside and don't like it, that doesn't mean that everyone has to not be able to like it.

Shouldn't judge a book... what? Have you confused that with another saying? @_@ We're not judging Forum Games by its cover - we've actually gone in and read the junk you're posting. SURPRISE! Betcha didn't expect that! That's why we're still saying it's awful.
I think removing it would do zero harm to the forum because people would be forced to actually post something worthwhile (something scarce).

They can still post other things now. Deleting it wouldn't change the fact that Forum Gamers can post worthwhile things, and it wouldn't force them to. It would do harm to the people, in that they would feel like they were being treated unfairly, because their board would be taken away. If people are willing to continue arguing, doesn't that show that they would care if it was gone? What do you gain from it being gone?

Deleting the most pointless games like counting ones would be a good thing, and you've already done that. I don't see why we need to delete all of them. We should just delete the dead ones, because the ones that are left all rely on the last poster more than just relying on a number that they post, so they aren't just pointless or unrelated to each other.

Honestly, if people are enjoying it, I don't see why you care. It doesn't affect the quality of the rest of the forum, and you don't have any more right than I do, or any other member, to decide that it's worse quality than something else.

EDIT due to being ninjaed:


1) Even though she didn't make it up, the posts in it were still pointless, and shouldn't be treated like they're better. Even if they are more related, the point that I was trying to make was that I didn't like it and thought it was pointless but didn't act like that made it pointless, or that it had to be deleted.

2) Even if they are related, as I said before, I was just saying that I didn't like it and considered it to be pointless, but that doesn't mean it is.

3) No, I didn't think it was serious, and because of that, I think it was even worse, but I still didn't feel the need to go in and act like it was a bad thread. I posted in it, but simply because it was breaking the rules just as much as, if not more than, the serious counting games.

Just because I use curse words doesn't mean I use them for the sake of using them. Maybe I was angry and they were just the words I felt I should have used. Maybe I was actually upset enough to use them. The only reason I'm not know is that I know I'll just get mocked again because of the words I choose to use. Not all the threads are counting. Also, not everybody just reads the post before theirs. I go through and read the posts before mine because they amuse me.

Being a mod doesn't automatically make you right. It doesn't automatically mean what you do is definitely best for the forum, it just means that you think it is. It doesn't make your opinions correct, it makes them have more power and be more valued by most members.

I know I'm not being forced to leave, but deleting an entire board and forcing me to go somewhere else if I want to have that fun is still bad. I understand that some members might think that what they post in one board will be okay in all of them, and I don't think that's a good thing. Just because it might happen doesn't mean it will happen. I don't think that the kinds of posts that are there should be allowed in another board. If anyone starts posting in another board like they do there, then they should be punished, and they'll learn from the punishment, not do it again, and their posts will probably be deleted, which is what I want.

I don't want Forum Games style posts to go anywhere else in the forum. I don't think that they belong everywhere, and if anyone does, I'm not attempting to justify that. I think that they should be allowed in one board, the Forum Games board. Just because I like Forum Games, that doesn't mean I want to see members post that kind of stuff anywhere outside of it. I definitely agree that it wastes space. I like something in one board, that doesn't mean i want it showing up everywhere else too.
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Yeah, because you know, posting art that they actually took TIME and EFFORT on is totally comparable to spamming up forum games~~
my coughing cupboard thread was posted because I actually did sneeze candy, thank you very much, and I have a desire to punch people who believed otherwise in the face. Yes, it is an inherently humourous complaint and certainly not as important as a lot of other threads in the area, but "one of my classmates mocked me slightly and now I want to cry" isn't exactly that important, either, and no one ever said that every Coughing Cupboard thread ever had to be important. At least mine was moderately interesting, I guess.

How does "You're Banned" rely on previous posters? I wouldn't even be surprised if people kept repeating the same ones. I don't particularly see why any forum games thread that neither requires nor particularly expects interaction should exist; it's a waste of space.

Also, since you seem to be missing that point: dead threads do not tax the server as much as large and active threads do. It's querying through each post that hurts it, not its existence in general.
So how about instead of arguing with us in a futile effort to get us to change our minds you could be making that forum games social group like someone suggested and /do/ something about it.
Spoon seems to have deleted it, presumably to do what has been suggested in this thread and move it to either the artists' lounge or a social group. It would've been nice if she'd waited before doing that so people could recover things if they needed to, though. Could a mod with more power than I have maybe undelete it so that people at least have a chance to get things if they need to?
thank you surkoots
ES said:
Why do people say Forum Games has no discussion if we discuss things?

Why do you not read the thread?

This has been addressed so many times. :|
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