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[OOC/ Sign-ups] Grimoire of Dragons

Uh Kusa...you are aware that Carbuncle casts Reflect on a large area, right? Basically, the only ones that wouldn't have the boon are those that were a) in the trees, or b) a bit out of the range.

Those lighting attacks will be bouncing back like crazy.

......and you blew up the cart. That carried our supplies...like....shells, bullets, arrows, swords and what not. As well as items that will explode.
The enemies are all in the trees, and most of the ones that weren't are dead. Which is why they're in the trees. This probably means the Gradivus can reflect the toad card, though, yes?

FMC said that spells only reflect once, though, and a reflected spell does not bounce again. The FF wiki implies that too. The missed thundagas wouldn't be bouncing unless you mean the ground gets a reflect effect as well, in which case I suppose I can have more trees explode.

And a cartsplosion? Excellent! The enemies want to hinder us as much as possible, so it'll be exactly what that black mage was going for. If you carry all of your supplies around, well, loss and damage is the risk you take. What are the explosives of which you speak?

... we need to take more damage as a whole, anyway. If we can't die, then it's the least our enemies can do.
*rubs temples* Kusa. She knew there were five living. She vanished, went into the woods and scouted. That how she knew how many there were and of what kind they were. You killed a Seeq that should not have been there.
There can't be three left, actually. There's already the three (viking and two sword-users) that Gradivus was fighting, and they didn't die since your post confirmed Gradivus was turned into a toad. This would have happened before he could kill them. I also mentioned a ranger with the viking that originally thundagaed Greed, and he was not addressed in any other post.

In any case, your post does not sound like she did a thorough search. Very short, first of all, and secondly, it sounds like she counted through scent alone. After that, she vanished and climbed a tree, and from that one spot, looked for five enemies and identified them. She had already determined there were five, and it sounds like she stopped looking after she found five.

You know what. Fine. Fine. Kill as many you want, I don't care now. I'm trying to get this fight to end so we can start the whole "We need to get more supplies now that our cart was blown up" But fine. Go on a killing spree. Forget the fact that you asked me how many were left last night.

I. Don't. Care. I just want this over and one with so we can move on.
The ranger was mentioned before I asked you, actually, which means it would have to have been included. There were three (a ranger, cannoneer, and viking, and that viking was actually not killed either) there, and then the second viking plus the two swordsmen which you added, then the black mage, plus two other cannoneers; if the cannoneers were assumed to also know how to use arrows, that would probably account for everyone I mentioned (nine, and you never answered after I asked if the estimate could be boosted a bit after I miscounted my kills, plus you said it was minimum six). Alraunne added two seeqs which is understandable since she wasn't informed about the number, and if it is proclaimed so, it could have been my viking and ranger.

Either way, even if I added too many characters in passing, the ranger exists, and nobody killed a ranger between his being mentioned and my post (only possible candidate is when Lodrick shrapnel'd the two seeqs, but it's possible it was not fatal).
I never mentioned if my imaginary Seeqs died or not, but if it makes things easier let's just say the same thing happened to them as what happened to Luroa's legs, only their vital organs were there instead of legs and they don't have a judge. So they were out of the picture just as quickly as they were thrown in. Or you could use them to fill in the gaps. They're just imaginary seeq so you guys can do whatever is easier with those. I'm sorry if I complicated things with those two.

So is the take-home message to take more initiative or just stand back? I'm kind of reluctant to actually do a whole lot to any of the main players in case I mess up a planned-ahead event or something. Which ideally is part of the fun I guess, improv, but I wouldn't want to be the one to cause some kind of implosion
*has calmed down after finding chocolate*

Alright. Sorry about the snippy-ness there. Now, I want this battle to end fairly soon. So...let's say either these guys, who ever is left, either run for the hills or...well. Kusa, you can have your gunner blow their heads off...though, she is in trouble here...hmmm... Any one up to killing the last three or so...or maybe we should have the three in the woods that abandoned their food deal with them? They do need to do something, fun, no?
The three remaining fighters will be the ones Gradivus did not kill - the silenced axe-wielding viking, and a bangaa and seeq sword-users. They will be fairly easy pickings for anyone with a lethal ranged attack. They are, however, on the opposite side of the path from Hawkeye, and therefore she can't be shooting them as they go past her. Of course, they are melee fighters (with temporararily disabled ranged attacks), and they have witnessed their entire team's slaughter. Presumably they are not actually suicidal. It is reasonable for them to just run away.

Lucis and Deus could take them easily, if no one is the type to run after people who now, technically, may be considered noncombatants, and it would be sort of like murdering an innocent. Not like they managed to kill anyone.

I sort of have to point out that the battle should not end just so you can focus on the newest problem. Issues can stack for a bit, and really, the destroyed cart is not technically something that must be responded to immediately, unless someone will die if the cart is not fixed within x hours. Problems - and worries - can and should stack.

(Also, Alraunne: if it was not made entirely clear, the sword Sonja picked up was Abelat's. Also, I guess we'll say the first viking was one of the seeqs you got, and the other seeq was just some random fighter. If they got hit in the leg, they may be more likely to die quickly than if hit in the gut, since there's less flesh to go through before they nick an artery.)
I know that problems stack. I just kinda wish this one will end soonish. We need to leave these woods before we cause any more damage and have monsters pouring out and finishing us off for messing up their homes. And we need to dip into the supplies, like weapons, stored in a place further down the road. Caoma to tell the truth.
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