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[OOC/ Sign-ups] Grimoire of Dragons

So is anyone gonna try to break the ice in the RP? It's been not posted in and it's driving me insaaane.

*dashes off*

Moony, I think it may be time for our first battle soon >:3

ETA: okay maybe not ;w; writer's bloooock
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lol @ Avan sparkles

I'm still waiting for a chance for Lodrick to try to explain ether shells with the phrase "I shoot you with this" :c
Technically Lucis isn't a blue mage, she just learned to Learn >>;

And god, just leave already D:

The longer I wait, the more likely I am to

Name: Oculus
Gender: Male
Race: Gria
Job: Hunter / Ravager / Raptor (none mastered)


Name: Hawker
Gender: Female
Race: Moogle
Job: Fusilier / Flintlock


Name: Domasadore
Gender: Male
Race: Nu Mou
Job: Beastmaster / Black Mage

you're not even useful
Because FMC won't.

Gender: Female
Race: Moogle
Job: Fusilier / Flintlock

Appearance: Hawkeye is a rather small creature of child-like proportions, with a large head compared to her small, fragile arms, legs, and body. Dark purple wings sprout from the back of her shoulders, looking like they're too small to physically lift her off the ground. Her body is covered by grey fur. She has large brown eyes, a small mouth, long rabbit-ears almost as long as her body, and like most moogles, a large red pompom sprouting from her head, attached by what looks like a wire. Long whiskers grow on either side of her face. She is generally well-groomed, but her pompom is always clean.

She wears what looks like a simple robe, and also pants because she tends to stand on higher ground than others whenever possible. She also wears a dark green cape and shoes, though she rejects the scarf and hats that are also in fashion. Her trusty hand cannon on her back and the gun at her side are always within reach, as are the pouches with bullets and shells.

Home-area: Neslowe Passage

Personality: Hawkeye is generally calm, collected, and patient, although she's not cold. She does not tend to be wasteful or excessive in emotion or application of force, and she generally takes the most direct route to her goal, which can sometimes cause others fear or discomfort. However, she isn't generally rude, because she can be tactful when she wants to be.

Hawkeye can be stubborn, but she generally acts as a loyal subordinate and prefers to work in large teams. She protects and supports her teammates from afar. However, even more than her teammates, whom she reluctantly understands sometimes must be sacrificed, she dedicates herself to a worthy goal - if it is indeed worthy.

Her chosen name is not pure arrogance, because she has impressive accuracy at a great range. She is capable of sniping with her gun or hand cannon, although she doesn't generally do so in the midst of battle unless that is her specific goal - sniping leaves her allies uncovered, since she is focusing on one target, and often she can't determine the single best target. However, her skill with firearms comes at a price: she is useless without them. She can use knives, to an extent, but she doesn't carry any, and she is not particularly skilled. Her martial arts ability is passable, but not suitable for real combat, because her body lacks the strength and agility of most other species. She quite possibly carries too much ammunition at any one time, but she has a good reason to not want to run out.

Flintlock: Prime, Cure cannon, Protect cannon, Shell cannon, Ether cannon, Teleport cannon, Ether boost, Blowback, Blur, Charged attacks
Fusilier: Fireshot, Boltshot, Iceshot, Confushot, Charmshot, Blindshot, Silenceshot, Stopshot, Concentrate
Animist: 100% wool, Sheep count
Tinker: Red spring, Blue screw
Thief: Steal items, Steal gil, Safeguard
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I'm gunna go ahead and say that Kusa's chara is in since it needs to post before I can due to plaaaaans. Moony says so too *at her house*
I'm here to issue a warning to Tsunami. Please lengthen your posts and elaborate on your actions, or you will be removed from the RP.
Yeah I want to add a character.. I lurve my alchemists~ 8D
And yes it's short but she's ooooh mysterious.... l= Really.

Name: Jin Tsukino
Gender: Female
Race: Nu Mou
Job: Alchemist / Arcanist
Appearance: Jin wears, at a glance, the traditional Alchemist uniform - but they are coloured a slightly darker blood red. The white highlights and underrobes normally associated have also changed to black, and they are largely covered in innumerable runes and arcane looking markings. Her face itself is covered in similar markings, and the bags under her eyes are also a bloody red.
As a weapon, she carries an odd looking magick mace that looks to be made of pure gold - elongated handle brimming with more symbols and markings, and hilt wrapped in a soft purple, velvet-looking hide. She wears various golden trinkets all over her body, as well.
Jin herself is covered in fur coloured a darker purple-grey from the average Nu Mou. Her hands are equipped with exceptionally long claws, and her eyes are a dark purple - although while casting magicks, they turn a vibrant golden yellow.
Home-area: Zedlei Forest
Personality: Played out again, Please~
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Who's the random Nu Mou, Li'l Dwagie...?

Edit: Ah. Just saw the character sheet. Never mind me.
One more character before Ottoran makes his appearance.

Gender: Female
Race: Gria
Job: Hunter / Raptor / Ravager

Appearance: Ryu wears a dark purple coat that covers most of her body. Unlike most Gria, she wears large, brown boots. Under her coat, she has a white shirt on, and black pants. She wears a red scarf covering most of her face, and a large hat on top of that, which covers her horns. Her wings are covered by her coat.

Home-area: Zedlei Forest

Personality: Ryu is a very quiet and reserved person. She doesn't speak often, or to many people. The only person that she speaks to the most is Ottoran, however she still does not speak all that much. In battle, she is ruthless and fast, as is evident by her main job classes. No one knows that she is a Gria, because she hides her horns and wings so well. She is considered to simply be a female Hume by most people. The reason for why she hides this is unknown.

Bio (Optional): Not much is known about Ryu. She and Ottoran met when Ottoran was traveling through Zedlei Forest. Ryu was having a difficult time against some enemies, and Ottoran came to her aid. Since then, the two traveled together, as at the time they both had no specific place that they needed to go. Over time, a bond developed between them that was a cross between a close friendship and allies in combat. Even though this bond increased over time, Ryu remained distant from Ottoran. However, when Ottoran became concerned about his brother and clan, Ryu was willing to travel with him to find out what had happened.
The cart has a roof, so most of us won't notice the shot until someone outside yells about it >>; unless you intend for it to get stuck in the wall.
Quick fun fact people!

cannons can be loaded for one shell at a time and guns have maybe 8 round each. Keep this is mind.
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