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[OOC/ Sign-ups] Land of Twilight II


Take me to Wonderland

RP Thread

Myths, Fairy Tales, and Legends are powerful things, their magic seeping into the nooks and crannies of everyday life.

But what most people don't know is that there is a place where these powerful forces exist. The residents call it the 'Land of Twilight', a place that can only be entered from the Land of Reality at the time of twilight. This is the place that all of the magical tales come from. It is much like our world, how it was back then. Tiny villages, castles, dragons, and more are here. It is truly paradise.

Or was. The Wicked Witch of the Enchanted Forest has taken it upon herself to warp the Land of Twilight into the place that she thinks it should be. Her dark magic is spreading over the land, corrupting the residents and turning the magic into her own dark breed. She wants things back to the way they should be - Grimm's Tales.

She has amassed powerful forces, and it is up to those who are not corrupted to destroy her and her army. The question is, will they be able to stop her in time…

-The usual forum Rules
-Try to keep it at least Semi-Lit please
-Keep the sexual content to a minimum
-Bold all the things in the form that are bolded if you've read this
-Also, use the enter key twice when making a new line if you've read this. Also whether you're joining or not, do this every time you ever make a post because walls of text are not fun
-No chatspeak, one liners (unless done well), etc.
-Mary-Sueism will be Killed on Sight
-You may have up to two characters, but you have to be able to balance them well.
- The villains will be played by me and FMC. I found out that having people pick sides and actually play them was too complicated.
- Since me and FMC are controlling the Villains, we obviously would have to control more characters. So don't pay mind to the amount of characters we may play.


[B]Name:[/B] (your name)
[B]Age:[/B] (how old you are)
[B]Gender:[/B] (M, F, It)
[B]Species:[/B] (what are you? Human? an animal?)
[B]Source:[/B] (So I know you aren't just making stuff up. Just link to a wiki page or something about your source. If it's well-known enough (Little Red Riding Hood, etc, or you don't need to.)
[B]Bio:[/B] (optional)
[B]Personality:[/B] (what are you like?)
[B]Appearance:[/B] (What do you look like? a picture is ok as long as it isn't 'generic anime person'.)
[B]Other:[/B] (anything else)
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Sign up Space~

Moon-panther said:
Name: Ming "Witch"
Age: ???
Gender: F
Species: Human
Side: Evil
Source: Wicked Witch...I think it's obvious.

Bio: She is a evil woman...But she wasn't always so. She was once a kind girl that cared much for her little brother. But once he disappeared, she searched for him, leading her to the doorstep of a wicked witch. The witch promised to tell her where the brother was if she did what the witch said. After doing chores and forced to learn dark magic, the witch told her that her brother was dead. Filled with anger, she killed the witch and became a bitter and hateful of mankind.

Personality: Bat-shit crazy and evil. She likes animals more than people.

Appearance: http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g139/Moon-panther/My Drawings/Ming.jpg She has black hair and purple-red eyes.

Other: She has this...thing about turning people into Animals.

Name: Kitsune Ryuu
Age: Unknown
Gender: M
Species: Human
Side: Good
Source: The good Wizard/Warlock ....Like Merlin.

Bio: No one really knows much about him. He came from a far off land, wandering the world in search for the Witch that has taken over the world the Twilight. Along the way, he's gathered other like him, in hopes of tracking down the Witch and stopping her reign of wickedness. He holds a secret, a reason of wanting to find Witch.

Personality: He is quiet. Very quiet. He won't talk to anyone unless he is required too.

Appearance: http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g139/Moon-panther/My Drawings/Kitsune.jpg

Other: Umm....He has red hair and green eyes. And he's a Warlock of sorts

Zora said:
Name: Chimani

Age: 1,100, but she doesn't keep track.

Gender: Female

Species: Nine-tailed Kitsune

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kitsune

Bio: For most of the more than a millennium that Chimani has lived, she has observed peace and liked it. She has caused a bit of mild chaos herself; turning into human form after dark and appearing at pubs, seducing young drunken men then leaving in the middle of the night so they’d wake up even more confused and disoriented than they would normally. Then the Twilight started to spread, and Chimani became restless, leaving her den earlier than she normally would every night. That served a purpose, as one day there were guards and hunters sent by the Witch surrounding it, looking to kill her.

She wants the Witch gone so she can have her home back. Those human hunters that had come to kill her were destroyed by her own paw – as a fox, she used the kitsune-bi (fox-fire) in her jewel to guide them into the depths of a nearby forest then ripped their throats out – but the inhuman soldiers would not fall for it and remained, weapons in hand. She feels that if the Witch is dead, the guards will die off too, and she will continue to live comfortably in her den once more.

Personality: Though many percieve the older beings to be the wiser ones, Chimani isn’t like this at all. She is foolish and temperamental, and she likes to provoke when tension is high. However, she does not do this amongst allies who have gained her respect. She does not like to appear around strangers as a fox, instead using her ability to transform into a human before she does go out into public.

Appearance: A white fox with nine tails, hazel eyes and a glowing red jewel held by a necklace, whilst she claims that form. As a human, she is blond-haired and wears a simple white gown and sandals. Her eyes remain the same color.

Other: Haha I’m going to look like such a weeaboo for this ><

C/P ftw y/n

FMC said:
Name: Edna Alarik (also called 'Little Red'. she dislikes the little part.)
Age: 15
Gender: F
Species: Human
Source: Little Red Riding Hood :D

Bio: Edna had a nice, simple, boring, life in her nice, simple, boring village, living with her nice, simple, boring, family of a dad, mom, and little brother most of her life. It wasn't until her little brother disappeared when her life changed. She decided that she was going to find him, but she never did. So as the years passed, she began to accept the fact that her brother was gone, probably eaten by wolves. She had a run-in with a wolf herself once, and not the simple animal-y kind either; one of the Witch's intelligent anthropomorphic wolves. A quick dragon kick to the groin of the beast gave her enough time to escape with her life.

Personality: Edna is a fierce little girl, capable of rather amazing feats of acrobatics and martial arts thanks to the training of a powerful She-Bear who knows her father. She is hard-headed, quick-tempered, and brave to a fault, disliking those who fight dirty. She has a bit of a soft spot for kids and little animals, and a weakness for sweets.

Appearance: Edna is small and petite, with long blond hair that falls to her waist but is kept in a braid, and wide gold eyes. She wears a white sundress and leather sandals, as well as her trademark red cloak with a hood.

Other: dododo

I'll get my villain forms to you in a jiffy

Flareth said:
Name: Ayame

Age: 1,100 (Chimani is her twin)

Gender: Female

Species: Kitsune

Side: Good

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kitsune

Bio: She has always enjoyed peace. Unlike Chimani, she liked being in nature, rather then seducing young men. She loved to run in the forests and fields near the den. Then, the Twilight came.

After almost being killed four times, she snapped. She killed many of the men and ate many flesh and body parts.

She still can't believe she did that. If anyone mentions death or killing, she closes up.

Personality: She's quiet and softspoken. She is also very trusting, but she is not naive. She cares very much about her sister. She doesn't really like to fight, but she will if she has to.

Appearance: A white fox with nine tails, like Chimani. She has green eyes and wears a green magatama (curved beads from Japan, but it looks more like the popular culture version, a solitary 9-shaped gem). She rarely goes into human form.

Other: I am capable of being semi-literate. I will try hard to be it.

Also copy-and pasted. xD Am I accepted?

Stormy said:
Name: Eirian

Age: 4000 years, give or take a few centuries. Time doesn't matter much to her.

Gender: Female

Species: Cwn Annwn

Side: Good

Source: Blah

Bio: Eirian was one of the first Cwn Annwn to be created when Gwyn ap Nudd began the tradition of the Wild Hunt and is, thus, one of the most powerful. Annwn, and the landscape of Twilight by night, were all she knew, but it didn't ever bother her - there was little on the ground that interested her. Her life has been defined by Hunts through the sky, and the rare escort for those who had passed on - nothing that involved those below her. The affairs of Annwn were hardly the affairs of the rest of the world. It was no surprise that she didn't notice the shift in power until quite recently, but the dark energy was a threat, and it could not be ignored now that she had finally sensed it. There was no choice involved - a threat to Annwn instantly became something personal.

Personality: Eirian takes her duty very seriously. As in, 'get in my way and I will kill you and do it as efficiently as possible so I can do what I'm supposed to'. She isn't emotionless, but she can't quite understand most concepts that others are so familiar with. She doesn't eat, doesn't need to sleep, and has no idea why anyone cares about being comfortable. As such, she doesn't have much of a sense of humour, and isn't above being manipulative and malicious to fulfill her duty. One could call her a zealot, but she knows perfectly well what's she's doing - it just doesn't matter enough for her to care about it.


Other: Copy-paste app. Yay. XD

Dragon said:
Name: The Lady of the Land, Lady Emra, Emerald

Age: She would be about 24, but now is 1842 or so, if she counted right.

Gender: Female

Species: Dragon and kind of human

Source: k'blam

Bio: Emra was once the daughter of the ruler of the Isle of Largo, and one day, after offending a goddess by not sacrificing a pure animal, she was turned into a dragon. Her father flipped the hell out and sent her to a castle on the other side of the island, where food was brought to her until she learned to hunt. Emra's father was told that if a knight kissed her on the snout she would turn back into a human, though the people that dared to go by her castle all fled. For a good few centuries, Emra became the Lady of the Land, and cried alone as everyone she knew died, and she was forgotten.

After the death of the royal line on Largo, Emra left the castle and taught herself how to fly, hunt, kill and survive, though the goddess that changed her looked down on her and did not let her die. Since then, she's left Largo and wanders where she can, keeping to the deep woods and fields she's learned to love and live in. Emra has all but given up hope of becoming human again, though she has come to love her powerful dragon form, and closely guards her secret.

Personality: Emra has had her share of tears and pain, and having outlived everyone she has ever known, she is now sealed and silent. She doesn't talk often, and when she does it's usually a snap at someone's throat, a sarcastic comment, or something equally bitter. Emra does her best to hide her emotions, and tries not to become emotionally attached to anyone. Inside, she's actually very attached to a good bunch of people, and would defend them with her life, if she could die easily.

Emra prefers to stay away from anyone who is any form of optimistic, as being pessimistic and closed up is a rule of her life.

Appearance: Emra is around six and a half feet tall at the shoulder and twenty-five feet from snout to tail tip, and is covered in very dark grey, almost black scales. Her body is reptilian, and she usually walks on all fours, though she can awkwardly balance, somewhat, on her hind legs. Where her ears would be are kind of horn-crests, made of bone and covered in a thin layer of skin.

Emra is a dragon, basically, though instead of bat wings, her wings resemble a bird's, and are covered in layers of feathers. There are three ragged feathers on her tail tip. Down her spine are jagged silver spikes, and her claws are incredibly sharp, as they seem to be made of some kind of metal. If you look very closely, you can see faded streaks trailing from Emra's eyes to down her neck, as a few centuries of crying is going to leave something.

Other: yaaaaay copypasta


Evoli said:
Name: Miyu

Age: Actual age unknown, though she looks very old.

Gender: Female

Species: Bakeneko/Nekomata

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bakeneko

Bio: As the story goes, any cat who is very old, big enough, or has a long tail will become a Bakeneko. If it lives a little longer, its tail will split into two, and it becomes a Nekomata. Still, it almost never happens. But, in her case, it did. After life as a normal housecat for nearly 20 years, Miyu discovered she now had magical powers; she could summon fireballs, speak, fly for short distances, and even transform into a human. This obviously frightened her owner, so much that he got rid of her. She didn't actually care very much. At least, not enough to take revenge.

Personality: Mythical creature or not, Miyu is still a cat. She's pretty lazy and easily bored, at which point she will either fall asleep or set something on fire. In fact, the only reason she is helping to get rid of the Witch is because she is bored, and wants to use her relatively new magical powers. Otherwise, she doesn't care. Independent and quiet, Miyu really isn't the most friendly of "people", often cynical, but she's still on the good side for a reason.

Appearance: She just looks like a normal house cat; Gray and white fur, yellow eyes.. minus two obvious differences. She has a forked tail, and is almost five feet long. The fact that she often walks around on two legs like a human really doesn't help much.

Other: Yay, this RP is back! Gasp, my form isn't copy/pasted from the old one! :0
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Name: Chimani

Age: 1,100, but she doesn't keep track.

Gender: Female

Species: Nine-tailed Kitsune

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kitsune

Bio: For most of the more than a millennium that Chimani has lived, she has observed peace and liked it. She has caused a bit of mild chaos herself; turning into human form after dark and appearing at pubs, seducing young drunken men then leaving in the middle of the night so they’d wake up even more confused and disoriented than they would normally. Then the Twilight started to spread, and Chimani became restless, leaving her den earlier than she normally would every night. That served a purpose, as one day there were guards and hunters sent by the Witch surrounding it, looking to kill her.

She wants the Witch gone so she can have her home back. Those human hunters that had come to kill her were destroyed by her own paw – as a fox, she used the kitsune-bi (fox-fire) in her jewel to guide them into the depths of a nearby forest then ripped their throats out – but the inhuman soldiers would not fall for it and remained, weapons in hand. She feels that if the Witch is dead, the guards will die off too, and she will continue to live comfortably in her den once more.

Personality: Though many percieve the older beings to be the wiser ones, Chimani isn’t like this at all. She is foolish and temperamental, and she likes to provoke when tension is high. However, she does not do this amongst allies who have gained her respect. She does not like to appear around strangers as a fox, instead using her ability to transform into a human before she does go out into public.

Appearance: A white fox with nine tails, hazel eyes and a glowing red jewel held by a necklace, whilst she claims that form. As a human, she is blond-haired and wears a simple white gown and sandals. Her eyes remain the same color.

Other: Haha I’m going to look like such a weeaboo for this ><

C/P ftw y/n
Name: Ayame

Age: 1,100 (Chimani is her twin)

Gender: Female

Species: Kitsune

Side: Good

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kitsune

Bio: She has always enjoyed peace. Unlike Chimani, she liked being in nature, rather then seducing young men. She loved to run in the forests and fields near the den. Then, the Twilight came.

After almost being killed four times, she snapped. She killed many of the men and ate many flesh and body parts.

She still can't believe she did that. If anyone mentions death or killing, she closes up.

Personality: She's quiet and softspoken. She is also very trusting, but she is not naive. She cares very much about her sister. She doesn't really like to fight, but she will if she has to.

Appearance: A white fox with nine tails, like Chimani. She has green eyes and wears a green magatama (curved beads from Japan, but it looks more like the popular culture version, a solitary 9-shaped gem). She rarely goes into human form.

Other: I am capable of being semi-literate. I will try hard to be it.

Also copy-and pasted. xD Am I accepted?
Hmm...Alright, you are accepted. But I point out that "Twilight" is the world you live in. It's not a thing that draped over the world. Just a little tid bit.
Reserve me while I go dig up my old form with a few changes~ Being the Lady of the Land was fun~


Name: The Lady of the Land, Lady Emra, Emerald

Age: She would be about 24, but now is 1842 or so, if she counted right.

Gender: Female

Species: Dragon and kind of human

Source: k'blam

Bio: Emra was once the daughter of the ruler of the Isle of Largo, and one day, after offending a goddess by not sacrificing a pure animal, she was turned into a dragon. Her father flipped the hell out and sent her to a castle on the other side of the island, where food was brought to her until she learned to hunt. Emra's father was told that if a knight kissed her on the snout she would turn back into a human, though the people that dared to go by her castle all fled. For a good few centuries, Emra became the Lady of the Land, and cried alone as everyone she knew died, and she was forgotten.

After the death of the royal line on Largo, Emra left the castle and taught herself how to fly, hunt, kill and survive, though the goddess that changed her looked down on her and did not let her die. Since then, she's left Largo and wanders where she can, keeping to the deep woods and fields she's learned to love and live in. Emra has all but given up hope of becoming human again, though she has come to love her powerful dragon form, and closely guards her secret.

Personality: Emra has had her share of tears and pain, and having outlived everyone she has ever known, she is now sealed and silent. She doesn't talk often, and when she does it's usually a snap at someone's throat, a sarcastic comment, or something equally bitter. Emra does her best to hide her emotions, and tries not to become emotionally attached to anyone. Inside, she's actually very attached to a good bunch of people, and would defend them with her life, if she could die easily.

Emra prefers to stay away from anyone who is any form of optimistic, as being pessimistic and closed up is a rule of her life.

Appearance: Emra is around six and a half feet tall at the shoulder and twenty-five feet from snout to tail tip, and is covered in very dark grey, almost black scales. Her body is reptilian, and she usually walks on all fours, though she can awkwardly balance, somewhat, on her hind legs. Where her ears would be are kind of horn-crests, made of bone and covered in a thin layer of skin.

Emra is a dragon, basically, though instead of bat wings, her wings resemble a bird's, and are covered in layers of feathers. There are three ragged feathers on her tail tip. Down her spine are jagged silver spikes, and her claws are incredibly sharp, as they seem to be made of some kind of metal. If you look very closely, you can see faded streaks trailing from Emra's eyes to down her neck, as a few centuries of crying is going to leave something.

Other: yaaaaay copypasta

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Name: Eirian

Age: 4000 years, give or take a few centuries. Time doesn't matter much to her.

Gender: Female

Species: Cwn Annwn

Side: Good

Source: Blah

Bio: Eirian was one of the first Cwn Annwn to be created when Gwyn ap Nudd began the tradition of the Wild Hunt and is, thus, one of the most powerful. Annwn, and the landscape of Twilight by night, were all she knew, but it didn't ever bother her - there was little on the ground that interested her. Her life has been defined by Hunts through the sky, and the rare escort for those who had passed on - nothing that involved those below her. The affairs of Annwn were hardly the affairs of the rest of the world. It was no surprise that she didn't notice the shift in power until quite recently, but the dark energy was a threat, and it could not be ignored now that she had finally sensed it. There was no choice involved - a threat to Annwn instantly became something personal.

Personality: Eirian takes her duty very seriously. As in, 'get in my way and I will kill you and do it as efficiently as possible so I can do what I'm supposed to'. She isn't emotionless, but she can't quite understand most concepts that others are so familiar with. She doesn't eat, doesn't need to sleep, and has no idea why anyone cares about being comfortable. As such, she doesn't have much of a sense of humour, and isn't above being manipulative and malicious to fulfill her duty. One could call her a zealot, but she knows perfectly well what's she's doing - it just doesn't matter enough for her to care about it.


Other: Copy-paste app. Yay. XD
Name: Edna Alarik (also called 'Little Red'. she dislikes the little part.)
Age: 13
Gender: F
Species: Human
Source: Little Red Riding Hood :D

Bio: Edna had a nice, simple, boring, life in her nice, simple, boring village, living with her nice, simple, boring, family of a dad, mom, and little brother most of her life. It wasn't until her little brother disappeared when her life changed. She decided that she was going to find him, but she never did. So as the years passed, she began to accept the fact that her brother was gone, probably eaten by wolves. She had a run-in with a wolf herself once, and not the simple animal-y kind either; one of the Witch's intelligent anthropomorphic wolves. A quick dragon kick to the groin of the beast gave her enough time to escape with her life.

Personality: Edna is a fierce little girl, capable of rather amazing feats of acrobatics and martial arts thanks to the training of a powerful She-Bear who knows her father. She is hard-headed, quick-tempered, and brave to a fault, disliking those who fight dirty. She has a bit of a soft spot for kids and little animals, and a weakness for sweets.

Appearance: Edna is small and petite, with long blond hair that falls to her waist but is kept in a braid, and wide gold eyes. She wears a white sundress and leather sandals, as well as her trademark red cloak with a hood.

Other: dododo

I'll get my villain forms to you in a jiffy
Name: Miyu

Age: Actual age unknown, though she looks very old.

Gender: Female

Species: Bakeneko/Nekomata

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bakeneko

Bio: As the story goes, any cat who is very old, big enough, or has a long tail will become a Bakeneko. If it lives a little longer, its tail will split into two, and it becomes a Nekomata. Still, it almost never happens. But, in her case, it did. After life as a normal housecat for nearly 20 years, Miyu discovered she now had magical powers; she could summon fireballs, speak, fly for short distances, and even transform into a human. This obviously frightened her owner, so much that he got rid of her. She didn't actually care very much. At least, not enough to take revenge.

Personality: Mythical creature or not, Miyu is still a cat. She's pretty lazy and easily bored, at which point she will either fall asleep or set something on fire. In fact, the only reason she is helping to get rid of the Witch is because she is bored, and wants to use her relatively new magical powers. Otherwise, she doesn't care. Independent and quiet, Miyu really isn't the most friendly of "people", often cynical, but she's still on the good side for a reason.

Appearance: She just looks like a normal house cat; Gray and white fur, yellow eyes.. minus two obvious differences. She has a forked tail, and is almost five feet long. The fact that she often walks around on two legs like a human really doesn't help much.

Other: Yay, this RP is back! Gasp, my form isn't copy/pasted from the old one! :0
Would Hansel and Gretel have to be used as two separate characters, or can they be considered (and sort of used as) one?
Ok, I'm going to tell you who the main villains are in this story so far.

There is Puss, Tailypo, Fons, and Halan.

Also, I have started the RP. The link is under the picture at the top.
Name: Iortheayr (Yoth - air)

Age: 100

Gender: Male

Species: Son of Fenrir

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fenrir (Originates from Norse Mythology)

Bio: When finally Fenrir was bound by the Ribbon of the Gods, he decided that it was time to bring more destruction into the world, and so he created a Son. But to Fenrir's disappointment, his Son did not want death or destruction. He wanted peace. He was too unlike his Father, and his Father vowed to destroy what he had created... one way or another.

Personality: Fun loving, playful, and acts much like a puppy most of the time, but very protective, and fierce when threatened. Sometimes misunderstood, both because of his Father, and his appearance, he sometimes wonders if maybe he should follow in his Father's footsteps. Everyone seems to fear him anyways, so what's the point of trying to be something he is not? One thing he feels at all times though, is loneliness.

Appearance: A giant wolf, like his Father, but not quite as giant. He was more like a large wolf, human-sized. A little larger than a horse. His fur is, again unlike his Father's, soft and warm, and cream colored with darker spots. His eyes are the usual feral yellow. Though he rarely uses them, he does have claws and sharp fangs.


EDIT: Better?
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Name: Bépya

Age: Over one hundred, he doesn't really keep track.

Gender: Looks and defines himself as male.

Species: Birch Dryad

Source: Not sure if they're that well-known, so to be safe...

Bio: He's a birch dryad, so not much has happened to him. He sprang into cociousness one day, with a working knowledge of how things generally worked, and proceeded to help the forest grow, tending to broken branches and indirectly helping the strange traveler find their way out of the forest. Bépya learned the language of humans eventually, having always known the language of the forest.

Personality: Quiet and reserved, Bépya is nontheless firmly rooted in his beliefs. He is never one to throw the first punch, but can fight much harder than you would think he could, being a tree-spirit and all. He has a piercing stare that he's not afraid to use, and generally bends to the will of others, if only to snap back up and hit them when they let go. He absolutely despises it when people disrespect nature and it's balance.

Appearance: Bépya, although well over one hundred years old, nevertheless looks like a particularly tall, thin human teenager. With leaves for hair. And papery bark. He has almond-shaped, greenish-black eyes and mossy eyebrows. Bépya's other facial features are quite flat, and his mouth is little more than a slit. Said slit, if opened, would reveal squarish, small teeth made out of something resembling off-white wood. His arms are very long, his fingers more like thickish twigs than anything else. He wears no clothes, for he has absolutely nothing to cover up. His papery bark-skin is various shades of siver-gray and is always sloughing off somewhere. His feet are root-like and thin.

Other: He can take a hit, being the personified spirit of a tree.
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