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opal's Mysterious Game of Mafia

Abstaining is also a particularly mafia thing to do, as if there is no lynch on the first day, then the village tends to be a bit sluggish toward getting off their arses and actually start lynching people.

Also: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis
Wikipedia said:
Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, "a factitious word alleged to mean 'a lung disease caused by the inhalation of very fine silica dust, causing inflammation in the lungs.'" A condition meeting the word's definition is normally called silicosis.

Not that knowing a made up word that's easily looked up is relevant to intelligence, but still. I stand by my nomination of Barubu, we have to get on with this at some point.
I'll repeat myself then; she expected two deaths today, which struck me as odd, given that we didn't have a single one yesterday. This could mean that she's a vigilante, so she expected a kill to go along with hers, or she could be a mafia that did not target Leafpool last night, so she was expecting her own kill to go through. Or I could just be reading a little too much into this, I dunno.

What I'm interested in right now is why you'd ask for my reasoning behind Mawile when the one I'm nominating is Barubu.

You already explained why you'd like to lynch Barubu; Mawile seemed like a random choice for a lynch.
@Walker: Well, I think we should both just be good Ohioans and forget about it. Though I am quite intelligent. Just saying.

Abstaining is also a particularly mafia thing to do, as if there is no lynch on the first day, then the village tends to be a bit sluggish toward getting off their arses and actually start lynching people.

Also: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis

Not that knowing a made up word that's easily looked up is relevant to intelligence, but still. I stand by my nomination of Barubu, we have to get on with this at some point.

Or, y'know, I just might not have anyone who I'm particularly suspicious of.
I'm aware of the possibility. My main point was just that we shouldn't fall into the abstinence trap, and that no lynch could be just as harmful to us as a random (or at least semi-random in this case) lynch. I just wish it were more than the same five people discussing, it would be a great help if we all knew what the majority was thinking.
Well I would at least try to discuss if I had anything to say until now. To me it honestly looks like Barubu is really new at this and doesn't know exactly what he's into. It isn't going to stop me being at least slightly suspicious, but you know.
I believe I have the first glimmerings of An Idea. I can't be on long, and I'm certainly not certain as to the certainty of this idea, but tomorrow, should tonight's victim die and show up not mafia, and no one dies tomorrow morning, I will see if the Idea holds water.

Out of curiosity, Ms. Saboteur, do you browse on invisible?

I know this was to the other thread but I kind of can't reply there atm thanks guys!! and you're here too. ... Nope! Although I do often check the forums from my DS without logging in. (and as I was saying yesterday if I could post from there my life would be complete, but fsr I can't :() But when I do log in, I'm always visible.
I believe I have the first glimmerings of An Idea. I can't be on long, and I'm certainly not certain as to the certainty of this idea, but tomorrow, should tonight's victim die and show up not mafia, and no one dies tomorrow morning, I will see if the Idea holds water.
It sounds like you have the same Idea as me...

EDIT: I'd like to propose my Idea. Is it possible that there are no mafia? There are a few pieces of evidence I'd like to bring to light when considering this.

1) Opal has said that this is a "slightly atypical game of mafia" and that we "shouldn't necessarily take anything for granted". This could mean a number of things, one of which being that there are no mafia. Do note that nowhere in the main post did he say that there would be mafia.

2) He also asked that no one who played this version of the game before join in this round "because it's no fun if one person knows what's going on". Someone who played this version before would be aware of what happened so...yeah...

3) To quote him, "In some ways this is an experiment which might go terribly wrong, but I think it will be an entertaining game."

4) Leafpool's death could've resulted from a Healer clash or a Vigilante.

So, um, I think he's playing with our minds here. If you think I'm crazy and stuff then okay, but that's just my theory.
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Forty-eight hours have passed. There is a plurality against Barubu.

The sun is setting as Barubu is pushed forwards out of the crowd. He is isolated; tainted; no one will stand near him.

He is not forced up any sort of scaffolding; he does not ascend any sort of platform. Such constructions would have required planning, prior will to carry this out, and who, when waking up in the morning, lets themselves consciously think that they will nominate one of their own to die? No, it is better for such matters to be hidden. As long as there is no execution machine, the townspeople can claim innocence, can claim necessity.

Nevertheless they require an executioner. Barubu is alone now, trapped between the gathered crowd and the fountain with its terrible red waters. There is silence for a long time, as people look from one to another, until finally, one steps forward - there is a knife in her hand and people shy away, but it is merely a steak knife, taken in fear from a kitchen - and before anyone can protest, the knife is buried almost to the hilt in Barubu's chest and he slumps to the ground, an expression of disbelief on his face.

The pool of blood is dark in the waning twilight.

Barubu is dead. He was not mafia. You have 24 hours for night actions.
Sorry about that, I was a little busy yesterday.

The sun rises over the beautiful town of Mafialand.

A toenail is discovered under a bed. The toe is still attached. On the other side of town, a man wakes up to the sight of a disembodied ear, hanging from the ceiling light by strands of hair. A pet cat proudly presents its owner with a thumb and forefinger, barely attached.

Slowly the town wakes up to the reality, in an ever-more horrifying fashion. Piece by piece, the body is assembled; the townspeople search, not really wanting to find anything, but burning with the desire to find out who has died. No one will look up from the search; no one wants to realise who isn't helping.

The torso - one breast missing, but obviously female - is discovered on the altar of the local church. The legs have been tied to the belltower's clapper. And finally, after the search turns up no identifying evidence, the townspeople reluctantly return to the square. There, as most of them had half-expected, is the crux of their search. Lying cradled on the rim of the fountain in severed arms, some fingers missing, is a head.

Zora of Termina is dead. She was not mafia. You have 48 hours for discussion, or until a majority is reached.

Addendum: there appears to be some sort of glitch which has added Worst Username Ever to each mafia game. That's not an extra death, just cleaning up.
Damn. Another innocent lost.

Admittedly, the death of another innocent does increase our chances of lynching a mafia. I think we should motor on with finding a lead for another lynch.

Though there is the possibility, as aforementioned, that there are no mafia in this game. But I'm willing to go for a lynch if we can get a lead.
It sounds like you have the same Idea as me...

EDIT: I'd like to propose my Idea. Is it possible that there are no mafia? There are a few pieces of evidence I'd like to bring to light when considering this.

1) opal has said that this is a "slightly atypical game of mafia" and that we "shouldn't necessarily take anything for granted". This could mean a number of things, one of which being that there are no mafia. Do note that nowhere in the main post did he say that there would be mafia.

2) He also asked that no one who played this version of the game before join in this round "because it's no fun if one person knows what's going on". Someone who played this version before would be aware of what happened so... yeah...

3) To quote him, "In some ways this is an experiment which might go terribly wrong, but I think it will be an entertaining game."

4) Leafpool's death could've resulted from a Healer clash or a Vigilante.

So, um, I think he's playing with our minds here. If you think I'm crazy and stuff then okay, but that's just my theory.

That is a possibility... Okay, that's better than my idea. Especially now that we've another death. that. sure doesn't sound like a healer clash. But... wouldn't a vigilante be the same as a sole mafia, in that case?

Hm. I have an idea and a proposition. I don't think anyone would willingly, truthfully, give out their role - either it's helpful, in which case you'd be prime mafia pickings; or it's harmful, in which case yeah. However... this is a thirteen-player game with an expected twelve players. Could one of us be a non-roled citizen? I know it's rather unlikely, but...

Agh. Okay. This is too much dancing around. What I'm trying to say is, this relates to yesterday's talk of aliens and the number thereof. My previous idea was that... /everyone/ got assigned an alien role. (Except for perhaps one or two mafia, but it /could/ just be /opal/, in fact, killing Leafpool and Zora...) I mean, the idea that there may be more than one alien was certainly on everyone's lips, and I've been in many mafia games, but none of them have had more than one, no matter how large the game got. This is a relatively small game, so what if people were thinking about it because they too were aliens?

And okay yes, I realize this puts me at a huge disadvantage if I'm wrong by basically declaring my role as alien. But don't vote for me - I was activated first night. Yup. (So oh well, if all this is just my fantasy and everyone proceeds to go "er no I'm not alien, wtf are you talking about", the mafia or whoever'll kill me to get me out of the way. I don't like alien role too much anyway, it's way too hard to win. And I can't even be on as much as I'd like anyway! So it's all a win.)

So what I'm asking all of you is: do you have the alien role as well? Or do you have a different role? No specifics needed, but I'd really appreciate if the truth was told.

(Note that if all of the above is true, I don't have any master plan besides being all like "awesome I figured it out!! ... now what." \o/)
The only problem I have with the possibility that there are no mafia in this game is how the village is supposed to win. If we assume no mafia, then how exactly are we to end it all?

Also, opal, would aliens, if there are any in this game (though it is opal, so I'm pretty sure there are), be activated by deaths other than mafia- double doctor, for example?
@MS: I considered the possibility of us all being aliens too. But apart from this supposedly being an atypical game of mafia, there's no real reason to believe it other than paranoia, so I put it aside.

@Walker: Your point is well made.
Oh man I thought I was the only one considering this whole erryone is alien thing. It's totally in-character for opal, too.
Though the idea of us all being aliens does raise the question of who is killing us.

If there is one or two mafia, then the remainder can't all be aliens because we've only had three night phases, but two deaths (whereas if we were all aliens, it would require at least four nights).
Oh man I thought I was the only one considering this whole erryone is alien thing. It's totally in-character for opal, too.

Though the idea of us all being aliens does raise the question of who is killing us.

If there is one or two mafia, then the remainder can't all be aliens because we've only had three night phases, but two deaths (whereas if we were all aliens, it would require at least four nights).

so wait you both /are/ aliens?


also I figured it out I am so awesome

also also that saying I was activated the first night was just contingency, I wasn't really [shrug]
Actually, neither of us admitted to being aliens. When I said "us", I was referring to "us innocents".

EDIT: I have an Idea.

Let's say we're all aliens and opal is the one killing us.

What if, every night, he activates one of us and then, if we don't get ourselves lynched the next day, he kills us? Then the amount of deaths fits into the three nights and it also explains why there were no deaths on the first night.
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The only problem I have with the possibility that there are no mafia in this game is how the village is supposed to win. If we assume no mafia, then how exactly are we to end it all?

Also, opal, would aliens, if there are any in this game (though it is opal, so I'm pretty sure there are), be activated by deaths other than mafia- double doctor, for example?

Aliens are activated by killing roles, so no, overdose would just kill them outright, whereas something like a vigilante would activate them.
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