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[OPEN] Galactic Ascending

Name: Gale "Ink" Matthews
Age: 21
Gender: Male

Appearance: Gale has trim black hair that he refuses to brush, comb or otherwise style anymore than washing it from time to time. His grey eyes are covered by a rectangular pair of glasses with black frames.
He's scrawny and thin, but stands at a little over six feet which leaves his clothing hanging loose, although he still has enough weight that his joints aren't too pronounced. He is commonly seen in a black shirt with a collage of bird-like shapes in the shape of a bird and a long-sleeved white shirt underneath. He wears a set of long black pants with a variety of pockets and compartments and a pair of black running shoes.
He carries a satchel with a line of clips on the side for poke balls and a compartment within for food and anything else he has with him.

Personality: He has a general aversion to excessive physical activity, including battling, and most physical activity in general, although he is rather fit. He finds it hard to deal with people who base opinion on appearance or think that brute force can solve all problems. On the most part, however, he is friendly and tries to understand everyone around him. (Otherwise Played Out)

Background: Gale grew up with four older brothers and one older sister in the area west of Canalave City. His sister and her twin had both graduated high-school at the top of their classes the same year he enrolled. The other three of his older brothers were sports fanatics who graduated in each year after the twins and tried to teach him sports, dragging him out of bed early in the morning to run around the block. He grew to hate the mornings and sports altogether.
On his tenth birthday his eldest siblings, the twins, gave him a pokemon they had caught a few weeks before on a trip to Unova. His other brothers gave him the satchel he carries now along with an encyclopedia and a pair of running shoes.
When he reached high-school the teachers had high expectations of him because of his sister and brother before him, which he struggled to achieve. He had an unfortunate accident in his first year when his pen burst over the front of his shirt, thus earning him the nickname "Ink" which he is fond of.
During his fourth year his eldest siblings vanished for several weeks, only to turn up in Celestic Town covered in bruises and scratches. He still doesn't know where they went, although he believes it had something to do with the incident on Spear Pillar.
In his final year he had managed to follow his brother and sister's record and graduated at the top of his class, just as they did.
After graduation he set out with his Pokemon in hopes of learning more about the people and Pokemon of the world.

Pokemon Team/Pokemon History:

[Gerard] Braviary (Male) <Sheer Force>
Gerard was given to Gale by his elder siblings on his tenth birthday, he trained him with his brothers on the weekends and when he began his journey Gerard carried him through impassable terrain, having evolved into Braviary a year before. It remains as his strongest Pokemon to date and refuses to give up in a fight, thus Gale usually calls him back before he takes any serious damage.

[Storm] Castform (Female) <Forecast>
Gale found Storm camped out in an old steel drum that had been knocked over during a storm, Gale had camped out in the empty lot nearby, Gerard blocking the wind while Gale cooked the two of them some food. While they waited for it to cook the Castform sneaked over and attempted to take some of the food. Gerard growled at her and she shrunk back, but Gale gave her his portion and cooked himself some more. The Castform left with him the next day, although Gale never uses her for battle she is still very versatile when it comes to combat.

[Array] Lanturn (Male) <Volt Absorb>
When Gale went to Veilstone City he came across a vendor that was advertising a Chinchou that would be priceless in any battle. Gale took a liking to the Pokemon soon after he saw it and bought it from the Vendor before leaving the city. Array is very useful at long range attacks and is the second strongest after Gerard.

[Logan] Camerupt (Male) <Magma Armor>
During Gale's time in Snowpoint City he became lost during a snowstorm. As he wandered through the blinding white he came across a Camerupt that had fallen asleep in the snow, causing an alcove to form. Gale crawled into the shelter and waited out the storm. At the end of the storm he battled and captured the Pokemon out of fear that he would be caught in a similar situation in future. Logan is not much of a fighter but he can take a good amount of hits before succumbing.

[Frantik] Reuniclus (Female) <Magic Guard>
Frantik was caught only recently outside Celestic Town. Gale came across her on the eastern path and decided that she looked like a Pokemon that would be very useful in his travels. He battled her with Logan and Storm before finally taking her down with Gerard and capturing her. She remains slightly rebellious but helps out in battle with average reliability.

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