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Out of Context TVTropes Mafia Quotes Mafia

I am actually more tired than I was yesterday! amazing. sorry guys, I will be lurking
(also sorry for tarot mafia, seshas! it was very much a guilty victory. being scum was hard)

but uh @Hydreigon25, I'm reading your posts in a different font, why is that?
I mean we are still on day 1
i don't think early voting is a bad thing tbh! at least on here where we historically wait too long haha ...
what I'm saying is that in the absence of any other info, the cult are more of a threat rn
agree with this
to be clear i'm not really like. dropping trebek in my reads due to that early joke post in isolation - i really don't think i liked his recovery at all and i don't think that first post makes sense without at least some level of connection
Soft townread on storm for tone?
I feel like this is exactly what I did in Tarot
hahah tbqh i remember getting shocked that everyone townleaned or got pocketed by storm in tarot
i think they are exactly NAI right now

the lowercase i's in new roman have their uppermost serif tilted down more
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