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Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?
I was split between giving that await i mist another chance for a pun dangit
This is me to every townie in every wolf game tbh(also sorry for tarot mafia, seshas! it was very much a guilty victory. being scum was hard)
i don't think early voting is a bad thing tbh! at least on here where we historically wait too long haha ...I mean we are still on day 1
agree with thiswhat I'm saying is that in the absence of any other info, the cult are more of a threat rn
hahah tbqh i remember getting shocked that everyone townleaned or got pocketed by storm in tarotSoft townread on storm for tone?
I feel like this is exactly what I did in Tarot