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Out of Context TVTropes Mafia Quotes Mafia

tbqh if the rnp/hmf connection didn't exist i'd be voting hmf right now for pressure's sake
btw @Hydreigon25 meant to ask this earlier. you said you'd played mafia before but i'm wondering how much / how you feel as each alignment?
My thought process is simple, i Believe VM is trying to Challenge someone to waste an action That targets VM, ( baiting a town member < if VM is a mafia > or
baiting a mafia member < if VM is town > assuming there's a One shot bulletproof or something similar )
i disagree. we all have immunities (presumably), he's just saying that he doesn't want to claim his - if it's like mine, then it's to an anti-town role - because he doesn't want to narrow down suitable targets for that role.
going off of the rolecards, it would seem that the possibilities are much, much wider than town hits (which i don't think he was even talking about) or mafia shots
where is this quote from tbh
where is this quote from tbh
um ... i think they deleted it? it was initially the post directly above my reply
yeah thats what i was assuming? besides i dont think youre the kind of person to accidentally quote scum/masonchat

(for the record, i agree with what you were saying in that post, and also agree that immunities that could narrow down a target list shouldn't be revealed: i revealed mine mostly bc i felt the discussion needed more immunities talked about at that specific moment in time, but understand/support other people being more secretive about it)
and i also have difficulty reading VM's post as anything resembling a "challenge": if anything i would be afraid to target VM just in case he happens to be the one that resists my hypothetical PR
oh fwiw I have an immunity to something. I'd rather not say what that is, because I'd rather the person(s) who can do that something waste their action on me. toodles.
seem suspect to me, that VM wants to be the bait on Day 1
... why?

my thought process is simple, i think that assuming there's at least either a town/or/mafia sided 1 shot bulletproof or something similar, < VM ( if town could try to bait the mafia into targeting VM therby wasting an action ), or if VM is Mafia then attempt to bait a town member to use the action against VM ) in other words VM is pretty much trying a Russian Roulette tactic
agree with trebek across these last few posts
my thought process is simple, i think that assuming there's at least either a town/or/mafia sided 1 shot bulletproof or something similar, < VM ( if town could try to bait the mafia into targeting VM therby wasting an action ), or if VM is Mafia then attempt to bait a town member to use the action against VM ) in other words VM is pretty much trying a Russian Roulette tactic
well, i guess i already replied to this but will requote :'D
i disagree. we all have immunities (presumably), he's just saying that he doesn't want to claim his - if it's like mine, then it's to an anti-town role - because he doesn't want to narrow down suitable targets for that role.
going off of the rolecards, it would seem that the possibilities are much, much wider than town hits (which i don't think he was even talking about) or mafia shots
btw i wanna say for future cred that rari and i think we know hydreigon's flavor.
will keep this noted for future reference

but yeah i think im just not seeing a) how VM is "challenging" a PR to target him or b) why thats necessarily a bad thing?
ok so i went and ISO'd seshas and came back absolutely head frickin empty

well not entirely empty but i currently feel uncomfy with the fact that i understand what tbh said about seshas far more than i understand how i myself feel about seshas

will have to keep poking at this until i feel more independent lul
although maybe something as simple as an ISO won’t cut it bc what wasn’t said is probably equally important to what was said
ok last Thought before i go back and reread again and stop spamming thread:

i’m getting vaguely uncomfy vibes from hydre (even before the interaction from just earlier), but i don’t actually think it’s the kind of uncomfiness that leads to me SRing him/i can understand people reading it as solvy , so i Vibe for now
interacting with my wolfreads real-time always makes me lessen them, usually due to guilt reasons
so just evaluate whether the stuff they're doing is town-indicative or if they're just there
yes I am talking about myself in the 3rd person
i’m getting vaguely uncomfy vibes from hydre (even before the interaction from just earlier), but i don’t actually think it’s the kind of uncomfiness that leads to me SRing him/i can understand people reading it as solvy , so i Vibe for now
i do too
but i'm chalking it up to culture shock/unfamiliarity
[Trebek] - Cool

[kyeugh/Hydreigon25] - Wooloo
[Despicable Meme/RedneckPhoenix]

[tbh²] - Weh

[Butterfree/storm] - Noot
[Keldeo/Vipera Magnifica/IndigoEmmy]
ok i keep trying to ISO and then getting confused bc tired brain low sleep

noticed earlier that people were mentioning seshas/koko potentially anti-aligned? i understand the thought process behind them being unlikely to be w/w, but was there logic behind them not being v/v? or is it just a Vibe that i missed out on
if there was then i missed it as well, i'm just operating under the assumption that they're d1 unlikely to be w/w
if there was then i missed it as well, i'm just operating under the assumption that they're d1 unlikely to be w/w

i just don’t want to accidentally sheep a conclusion that didn’t actually exist lmao
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