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Out of Context TVTropes Mafia Quotes Mafia

i mean ftr i think there aren't many non-mech scenarios (mech scenarios being, like, counterclaim) that lead to a not v/v read
since a lot of conflict is just confused!town
hey rarini how much did the two of you discuss before making those separate readslists?
hi guys, no minions because I am late-

the seshas read, right? I apologize for not following up on the aforementioned suspicion earlier, I just completely forgot I'd mentioned it in public- but ahem. while I don't think her tone is much any different from previous games, I do think that, back in tarot where I last engaged with non-tvt-seshas, what she'd say was like, about half explained and sometimes too eager to read some things as scummy, but all made sense if thought was given. here, though, all of her cultspec (and subsequent mobspec based on other people's cultspec) came across at best like someone who's never played against a cult in their entire life, and I have a linger suspicion that seshas isn't such a person. willful ignorance is, to me, a fair bit more damning than this mystical change of tone with alignment that everyone expects and not all players will have. that said, there are quite a few more posts to work with now, so, I believe I will ISO and see if I come out of it with anything more firmly built

I'd like to be more solvy in general but, we are in D1, and this has been a relatively sleepy D1, so, there's not been terribly much to latch onto. although I suppose things just got livelier and will continue to buzz harder with EoD, so, exciting times; I have a lot of close backreading to do after I post this (although I'll also be doing as much live engagement as possible on another tab)

I suppose it also technically falls to me to explain what the other head do sometimes? I think he just misread quite a bit more intent-to-lynch on tbh²'s post than there de facto was. and it's like... myself, I don't blame people for tinfoiling wrt the RNP-powered clear, it's a reasonable precaution -- but it would be pretty weird if people were, in fact, trying to make a wagon out of that tinfoil plus feeble tonereads; if I'd misread the same things as herbe, I'd no doubt be as suspicious of tbh² as he was. but yeah, it's cool
here, though, all of her cultspec (and subsequent mobspec based on other people's cultspec) came across at best like someone who's never played against a cult in their entire life, and I have a linger suspicion that seshas isn't such a person. willful ignorance is, to me, a fair bit more damning than this mystical change of tone with alignment that everyone expects and not all players will have.
this is exactly how i feel ftr
i'm not really sure i see what the problem with seshas's cult spec is. can you guys point to specific posts?
i'm not really sure i see what the problem with seshas's cult spec is. can you guys point to specific posts?
yeah. (to be clear, my issue is that i think she seems really unbothered or disengaged about it / i think that total ambivalence doesn't read town to me)
genuine q. is cultspec like. important? i'm assuming so considering that a cursory google implies that recruited cultists lose town powers lol ...
my strategy w/r/t cultists is hide in a corner and hope they go away
I feel like he's rushing a stance on the cultist thing for the purpose of taking one, instead of proceeding in good faith
when koko was exercising like, ~understandable cult paranoia, while imo proceeding in 'good faith' on what e thought was an early trebek read (even if i disagreed)
I kinda get the thing of sussing Trebek for what he said about cultification, but it seems a tad weak to me. It's exactly the sort of joking around that several people, me included, have already been doing about the setup. If you're going to read him as a cultist for that, why not also read me as someone who causes eight nightkills at once and then brings two and a half of them back to life over the course of the day? Hell, I could equally say that Seshas seems culty for trying to pin the blame on Trebek.

If there is a cult (and despite the joking, I do think it's more likely than not - useless roles can be amusing but I'm sure Mawile has better ways to troll us) I agree with kyeugh that getting rid of them should be our first priority, as they're only going to get more powerful over the course of the game.
I think my stance on cults is that I'm salty I can no longer lean on my townbloc
while seeming loosely concerned about the cult vs. mafia thing and not really doing anything about it?
There's seriously a chance that there's no mafia and just a cult this game
that would explain the lack of a N0 kill
i also don't think she's posted much about the Cult Fear aside from what i quoted
god daingert, you work a lot faster than me-
pls add on if i missed something!
inb4 there isn’t actually a mafia

^ this could explain why there were no n0 kills
does this post seem a little familiar to anyone else
i am confbiased a bit because fsr i'm hard-associating seshas and hydrei right now due to the latter being one of seshas' earliest townreads, and i thiiink seshas might be a powerwolf
(ftr I acknowledge that you have posted but I want to inspect the whole situation for myself first, so I'll know where to agree or disagree with your take)
inb4 there isn’t actually a mafia

^ this could explain why there were no n0 kills
does this post seem a little familiar to anyone else
i am confbiased a bit because fsr i'm hard-associating seshas and hydrei right now due to the latter being one of seshas' earliest townreads, and i thiiink seshas might be a powerwolf

+ this was the first (and one of relatively few) game-related pieces that hydreigon posted
Jack and Skylar, are also the two people I have noted down as possibly trying to subtly encourage PR claims
it wasn’t subtle, i think it’s good for town to know as much about the setup as possible. i wasn’t urging anyone to claim their role, i was only urging them to share information they have about the setup (at no risk to themselves). the post you quoted even explains that—i’m interested in hearing why you think that’s scummy.
I think possibly my post may have come across as way more certain than I actually am

my usual strategy is to note down absolutely everything I come across that could be seen as alignment-indicative and hope that some sort of pattern drops out when I sort by username, but I haven't been very successful so far, I think probably mostly because all the immunity-related setup spec stuff took up most of my focus while it was going on. (it's still going better than ACNH D1 tho.)

all of which is to say, instead of any sort of coherent tierlist, rn I have a bunch of unrelated categories, which in this case include for example "said things encouraging PR spec" (you, jack), "fake scumslipping" (you, Keldeo, IIRC someone else I seem to have forgotten to note down); and on the town side, "well-explained reads/logic" (raritini, ~trebek) and "joking about tendency to die early" (emmy). and this thing hydreigon's doing, which I'm more inclined to read towny than not. yes, none of these things are super helpful (or even strongly AI) in isolation, but I'm just working with what I've got. I guess I could just keep quiet until I have something definitive but it strikes me that that would be even less helpful wrt helping y'all get a read on me.

fwiw, I disagree that encouraging people to share setup info from their role PMs is necessarily no-risk or even low-risk. in this situation I think it was probably unavoidable, but (a) you/we couldn't possibly have known that before doing it, and (b) it certainly did leak information about people's roles in that we now have a reasonably good idea about who has immunities that are "anomalous"/less likely to be red herrings

(aside: having virtually nothing to go on d1 is exactly why I don't like daystart games)
rari is probably going, to, like, yell at me for tinfoilposting but meh

i want to say that i'm not really planning on investing that much energy into off-the-wall [cult][weird role]spec because i think it's distracting me from making those classic, good mewtini reads (tm) and that i'm sorta just intending on gleaning what i can from the reactions around it. for now, anyway
fwiw, I disagree that encouraging people to share setup info from their role PMs is necessarily no-risk or even low-risk. in this situation I think it was probably unavoidable, but (a) you/we couldn't possibly have known that before doing it, and (b) it certainly did leak information about people's roles in that we now have a reasonably good idea about who has immunities that are "anomalous"/less likely to be red herrings
why? the danger that we usually try to avoid is giving mafia info on WHO has a PR; i don't really know why it would be more ideal to be in the dark considering how weird this setup could be, when it doesn't help scum PR-hunt at all (aside from, like, "well this person probably isn't X if they are immune to X")

sorry if i'm pushing this a bit, but iirc you are not usually very focused in on avoiding PR spec in the way that players like seshas and i tend to be, so i'm lightly surprised that this is something in the forefront of your mind

(aside: having virtually nothing to go on d1 is exactly why I don't like daystart games)
tbf this isn't really a daystart game, something weird just happened n0, right.

inb4 there isn’t actually a mafia

^ this could explain why there were no n0 kills
does this post seem a little familiar to anyone else
i am confbiased a bit because fsr i'm hard-associating seshas and hydrei right now due to the latter being one of seshas' earliest townreads, and i thiiink seshas might be a powerwolf

+ this was the first (and one of relatively few) game-related pieces that hydreigon posted

this was actually part of my O_o on hydre as well
was also interesting that the post came after we had confirmed that town rolecards do mention mafia by name, but i’m not putting too much weight on that bc i made that mistake first :p
rari is probably going, to, like, yell at me for tinfoilposting but meh

i want to say that i'm not really planning on investing that much energy into off-the-wall [cult][weird role]spec because i think it's distracting me from making those classic, good mewtini reads (tm) and that i'm sorta just intending on gleaning what i can from the reactions around it. for now, anyway
fwiw, I disagree that encouraging people to share setup info from their role PMs is necessarily no-risk or even low-risk. in this situation I think it was probably unavoidable, but (a) you/we couldn't possibly have known that before doing it, and (b) it certainly did leak information about people's roles in that we now have a reasonably good idea about who has immunities that are "anomalous"/less likely to be red herrings
why? the danger that we usually try to avoid is giving mafia info on WHO has a PR; i don't really know why it would be more ideal to be in the dark considering how weird this setup could be, when it doesn't help scum PR-hunt at all (aside from, like, "well this person probably isn't X if they are immune to X")

inclined to agree with this tbh: i don’t really see the benefit mafia gets from knowing that power roles exist (bc like, obviously PRs are gonna exist), as long as we don’t match up PRs to players? i think the benefit town gets from knowing what PRs might exist outweighs the benefit mafia gets from knowing that X player doesn’t have X power (which is what it seems like immunityclaiming is doing, from my point of view?)
and yeah, i definitely think that the lack of a NK was due to PR interference, but i don’t think it’s worth it to spec on this right now bc like, for all we know multiple townies have roles that could affect the NK, and it’s no use talking about them all if we can’t even decide which one was responsible for what happened last night
fwiw, I disagree that encouraging people to share setup info from their role PMs is necessarily no-risk or even low-risk. in this situation I think it was probably unavoidable, but (a) you/we couldn't possibly have known that before doing it, and (b) it certainly did leak information about people's roles in that we now have a reasonably good idea about who has immunities that are "anomalous"/less likely to be red herrings
why? the danger that we usually try to avoid is giving mafia info on WHO has a PR; i don't really know why it would be more ideal to be in the dark considering how weird this setup could be, when it doesn't help scum PR-hunt at all (aside from, like, "well this person probably isn't X if they are immune to X")

sorry if i'm pushing this a bit, but iirc you are not usually very focused in on avoiding PR spec in the way that players like seshas and i tend to be, so i'm lightly surprised that this is something in the forefront of your mind
hmm, maybe I'm not explaining this very well, let me try again?

I totally agree the issue with PR spec is with revealing players' identities, as opposed to details about the setup. it's not that I think "existence of [e.g.] an arsonist" is something I think we should be hiding. what I'm concerned about is that the setup spec had the (side-)effect of revealing, or at least heavily hinting, at who has a "real" passive immunity as opposed to a red herring. and that is something that might be useful if you're a scumteam trying to decide who to target with your actions-who-someone-might-be-immune-to, and is exactly why I'm not revealing my immunity, which I think is more likely to fall into the former category

and yes, I think I'd probably agree with your assessment that PR spec is not usually something I pay much attention to. it's just taking up a bigger proportion of my mind atm because there is comparatively less of everything else sloshing around in there

(aside: having virtually nothing to go on d1 is exactly why I don't like daystart games)
tbf this isn't really a daystart game, something weird just happened n0, right.
oh, yeah, I realise that, just saying the effects on dayplay are similar
still busy with the seshas posts but--

I think it's very worth pointing out that the earlier mechspec in this thread had a very specific purpose: determining the likelihood that we may be dealing with a cult in this setup. that's worth figuring out, even at the cost of a few claims that don't otherwise help us
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