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Out of Context TVTropes Mafia Quotes Mafia

and yeah, i definitely think that the lack of a NK was due to PR interference, but i don’t think it’s worth it to spec on this right now bc like, for all we know multiple townies have roles that could affect the NK, and it’s no use talking about them all if we can’t even decide which one was responsible for what happened last night
hard agree - another reason why I thought jack's "if a roleblocker/jailkeeper targeted someone n0, maybe they could point us in the right direction?" (paraphrased) was misguided at best
y'know I wrote that and then went to bed and, before I drifted off to sleep, thought to myself "I didn't phrase that very well did I, people are gonna latch onto that" but didn't think it was important enough to get back up out of bed for

my intention was not to directly call for a roleblocker/etc to roleclaim now, more to encourage roleblocker/etc to come forward once they feel they have enough evidence to firmly implicate someone, which idk could be toDay if they're a combination roleblocker+something else that gives info, could be toMorrow, could be the next Day, the Day after, who knows. just whenever they have felt they have info that's useful enough to offset the danger of revealing themselves

(if town roleblocker/etc even exists at all)
this is exactly how i feel tbh. if it gets to Day 3 or 4 and all of a sudden someone goes “oh i am the role blocker and now that so and so have been cleared i know that this is what happened N0”, i think that’s better than wishy washy D1 spec
haha pagetop


please carry on with your regularly scheduled Discussion Time
ok, so, I'm getting this out of my head so it won't keep distracting me while I'm working on seshas

I keep forgetting to talk about it but kyeugh's been landing iffy to me, esp wrt her vote on kokorico. I can understand early votes -- you all know I've done a bunch of them myself -- but what, pray tell, was the expected gain from "I'm vibing, let's wagon" that early?

anyway, this is lodged in my brain because I've turned up one or two seshas-kyeugh interactions that feel potentially w/w, but at the same time, I rather doubt that kyeugh would be distancing so little from a scumbuddy as to attempt a one-two wagon, so, hhhhhmmmmmm.
i'm not really sure i see what the problem with seshas's cult spec is. can you guys point to specific posts?
yeah. (to be clear, my issue is that i think she seems really unbothered or disengaged about it / i think that total ambivalence doesn't read town to me)
genuine q. is cultspec like. important? i'm assuming so considering that a cursory google implies that recruited cultists lose town powers lol ...
my strategy w/r/t cultists is hide in a corner and hope they go away
I feel like he's rushing a stance on the cultist thing for the purpose of taking one, instead of proceeding in good faith
when koko was exercising like, ~understandable cult paranoia, while imo proceeding in 'good faith' on what e thought was an early trebek read (even if i disagreed)
I kinda get the thing of sussing Trebek for what he said about cultification, but it seems a tad weak to me. It's exactly the sort of joking around that several people, me included, have already been doing about the setup. If you're going to read him as a cultist for that, why not also read me as someone who causes eight nightkills at once and then brings two and a half of them back to life over the course of the day? Hell, I could equally say that Seshas seems culty for trying to pin the blame on Trebek.

If there is a cult (and despite the joking, I do think it's more likely than not - useless roles can be amusing but I'm sure Mawile has better ways to troll us) I agree with kyeugh that getting rid of them should be our first priority, as they're only going to get more powerful over the course of the game.
I think my stance on cults is that I'm salty I can no longer lean on my townbloc
while seeming loosely concerned about the cult vs. mafia thing and not really doing anything about it?
There's seriously a chance that there's no mafia and just a cult this game
that would explain the lack of a N0 kill
i'm having trouble seeing this stuff as scummy. i guess i don't really understand what your bar for sufficiently "bothered" or "engaged" is—these posts read to me like seshas is actually quite open to and concerned about the prospect of a cult. what would you have rather seen them post? you say seshas is concerned about the cult vs. mafia thing but don't like that she didn't do anything about it—what is she supposed to do? none of us know for sure that a cult exists. her posting about it seems apt to me, and i strongly disagree that it looks like it's coming from someone who has "never played against a cult in their entire life"
Also Note that VM might have a PR but didn't reveal it
can you elaborate?
Remember back when VM posted

oh fwiw I have an immunity to something. I'd rather not say what that is, because I'd rather the person(s) who can do that something waste their action on me.

Afaik, As far as I know having a immunity most likely is a sign of a PR
i mean, most of the discussion toDay has been based around the fact that many people seem to have immunities, so idk
tbh, thank you, no worries! Just want to be as useful as I can be right now.

Vote count:
kokorico (2), Seshas (1), tbh^2 (1)
Just looking at this, would encourage more people to put votes down - doesn't have to be final, you can always change it later, etc.
roly mose, EoD is so close

welp, parking on Seshas; I feel like it's both a solid wagon for scumread reasons and for science reasons (which, lbr, is about as good as it gets on D1)
I can understand early votes -- you all know I've done a bunch of them myself -- but what, pray tell, was the expected gain from "I'm vibing, let's wagon" that early?
aren't you supposed to vote for people you think are scum? i placed my vote because i didn't like koko's posting/tone at the time and e's done nothing to improve my opinion.
Hey, I’m gonna eat something and then be here hopefully til EOD! Already doubting whether I’ll be able to read everything, so if it’s not too much trouble, could someone tell me about the most important things I should be looking at while catching up / current wagons and cliffs notes of the cases against them?
realized that this game is already too crazy for me to even pretend to be able to cliffs it very well, so sorry that this is sort of shoddy, kinda just going through my/rari's notes and throwing together extended annotations from memory

- rnp claims some sort of hypno-esque role (to force someone to truthfully tell the truth about their alignment) + ability to make someone untraceable in 37, and that he used the oneshot on hmf - who responds/claims in 55. back and forth on this caused a few players (iirc seshas/mist/some other people?) to conclude that rnp/hmf are probably not antialigned
- mist claims to have received a whisper in 57
- due to rnp claiming immunity to being recruited into a cult, a fair amount of spec has gone into the Dangers of a Cult existing; in 132 seshas mentions trebek looks like a possible cultist, pages like 16 through 18 were pretty much all about cult
- we start finding out around 265ish that it looks like everyone has a distinct immunity to different roles, notably trebek's isn't mech- or role-related in the way others' are (277).
- for an idea of things, skylar summarized all immunities claimed up to that point in 298 (though some have been claimed since then)
- 374 tbh^2/rari longposts about the culttalk while catching up
- kokorico guesses in 410 that it's likely some of the immunities are there to 'pad' the numbers out; possibly to cover for the 'real' immunities
- 418 is the main long tbh^2 readlist lol, there was some talk about that afterward

Okay, I think RNP claiming unprompted and early is pretty towny for him specifically, though I don't really know what untraceable is? I'm guessing it's like making someone else a ninja?
I can understand early votes -- you all know I've done a bunch of them myself -- but what, pray tell, was the expected gain from "I'm vibing, let's wagon" that early?
aren't you supposed to vote for people you think are scum? i placed my vote because i didn't like koko's posting/tone at the time and e's done nothing to improve my opinion.
can you talk more about that? i actually think i might be villareading koko (i think eir paranoia might be a towntell) but am curious to hear more
are you villareading seshas or do you just disagree with those posts being scummy?

Okay, I think RNP claiming unprompted and early is pretty towny for him specifically, though I don't really know what untraceable is? I'm guessing it's like making someone else a ninja?
i think so, yeah
also compare to his reaction to the tierlist/reads raritini posted in 418, i think his frustration there seems towny for him
Okay, I think RNP claiming unprompted and early is pretty towny for him specifically, though I don't really know what untraceable is? I'm guessing it's like making someone else a ninja?
i think that's the case, yeah. the thinking is that, if rnp is town, there's probably some kind of mafia watcher role; i give some thoughts about it here.
hmngr there's no chance I'll finish a proper Seshas-dossier in time for it to actually matter I suppose

time to try and figure out the more important things to poke at
Okay, I think RNP claiming unprompted and early is pretty towny for him specifically, though I don't really know what untraceable is? I'm guessing it's like making someone else a ninja?
i think that's the case, yeah. the thinking is that, if rnp is town, there's probably some kind of mafia watcher role; i give some thoughts about it here.
Okay, this makes sense to me. Otherwise his role seems to be pretty "negative utility" on town (would mess with town trackers/watchers/etc) - that was ~the thing giving me pause on the claim itself.
i guess i don't really understand what your bar for sufficiently "bothered" or "engaged" is—these posts read to me like seshas is actually quite open to and concerned about the prospect of a cult. what would you have rather seen them post? you say seshas is concerned about the cult vs. mafia thing but don't like that she didn't do anything about it—what is she supposed to do? none of us know for sure that a cult exists
it's not that i take issue with or think that she's not 'open' to the prospect, it's that i'm reading this like she doesn't care at all either way/isn't engaging with the idea. i'm worried that it's because the existence, or nonexistence, of a cult is irrelevant to her or something altogether
i don't really see any of those posts as 'concern' tbh, i think she sounds kinda (shrug) about the idea either way? especially when there's been a lot of threadspace devoted to it
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