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Out of Context TVTropes Mafia Quotes Mafia

oh fwiw I have an immunity to something. I'd rather not say what that is, because I'd rather the person(s) who can do that something waste their action on me. toodles.
seem suspect to me, that VM wants to be the bait on Day 1
... why?
for what it's worth i am in the same boat wrt revealing immunity.
Could you explain the townreads on jack/mist/storm?
jack just feels soooo out of wolf meta, i think that's largely why rari and i placed him there. i remember him being so careful in tarot as scum and he just seems so stoked to be playing here ;____; this could swing clearly but. he's contributing a lot more subjective opinion this time around which i get the impression he doesn't do (or doesn't like doing) as a wolf
mist is maybe closer to null in my TLs, i have a heard time reading her but i thiiiink that she maybe hedges more as scum (but acnh is a rough game to base it off of and it's the only time i've seen her wolfgame). i appreciate that she's been vocal/given material that she can be held accountable for (like stating outright that she thinks the cult is a hoax, that RNP is her top townread, etc) so for now she vibes
storm is a baby lean, i liked that they volunteered that thing about being immune to a neighborizer / the way in which they got sad about it potentially being a bogus immunity :'D
I'm going to back of from koko because I found myself unable to reevaluate properly which is probably a bad thing
I'm going to back of from koko because I found myself unable to reevaluate properly which is probably a bad thing
not as in I'm going to stop wolf-reading him but as in I'm going to stop mentally pointing out why every post he makes is wolfy because it's probably wrong
I didn't get that read on jack but probably because I only did cursory reads on them in both Tarot and here
storm still pocket scare but they can definitely live for now
My own reads are disappointingly bare, possibly because I keep second-guessing myself after the fiasco that was ACNH. But raritini's list is interesting to me because the two people at the top, Jack and Skylar, are also the two people I have noted down as possibly trying to subtly encourage PR claims (#179, #317)
i ... do not read either of posts in the way that you seem to. in 179 jack specifically says he wants to avoid spec to conceal PRs from the mafia (and in context he was actually discouraging trebek from that speculation) and i don't think skylar's is an attempt to draw out PRs at all

talked about jack read above, wrt skylar i think that she is towny off of tone and has put a decent amount into trying to like ... dispel some anxiety/reason about the setup. as mafia i think she likes letting town flail. she was a strong gut townread from rari and i sort of early on by tone and we're both a bit biased because we keep mindmelding with her about the cult talk (to the point of rari and i each writing out posts during that, only to see skylar had posted something similar). there is another thing she said that i think might make her ~lock to me but i want to wait a bit
not as in I'm going to stop wolf-reading him but as in I'm going to stop mentally pointing out why every post he makes is wolfy because it's probably wrong
i understand tbh. reading koko is hard for me too tbh.
If tbh is V, I trust them on this read
if tbh is W, this isn't the type of read they'd make on a teammate
conclusion: kyeugh is V
what is everyone's thoughts about VM up to now ?
precisely solid null from raritini tbh though i maybe like what he just said about immunities (probably just NAI though). up from 'no-read' from earlier because i feel spicy right now
noting that after having slept on it i really don't think i like hmf's pushback on the like, offhand half-sentence read that rari gave on them, it feels sort of defensive and forced

i do think rnp's annoyance at raritinfoil might've been towny though. i guess rnp/hmf will resolve itself hopefully??
noting that after having slept on it i really don't think i like hmf's pushback on the like, offhand half-sentence read that rari gave on them, it feels sort of defensive and forced
by which i mean the reaction to rari's half-sentence read in 436 being characterized as a hard 'push' in 446 (especially weird to me is the wording they used / the fact that rari and i expressed not really wanting to touch that wagon since we're hoping it resolves)

Regarding this, I initially interpreted Seshas' vote on me as a joke, for precisely the reasons you're indicating (the reasoning didn't make much sense in context, etc.) That left me slightly baffled when Skylar jumped on as well, but it was early in the Day and she didn't offer any basis either, so I just kinda shrugged and moved on. Are you hypothesising, then, that the wagon on me is entirely intentional and scum have a reason to want me, specifically, yeeted? Because that seems... slightly odd, I can't see any reason why that would be. Unless they rolecopped me and think my role particularly threatens them for some reason?
i don't really think it's like, intentional, and also i'm conflicted because i villaread skylar right now :v but i didn't interpret seshas' vote as a joke, just a quickly-placed one, and was assuming skylar found something off with your tone or something and got on the wagon for now.

also getting antsy on my seshas read, i am interested in hearing other thoughts about it (@Despicable Meme, @kyeugh) because every time i interact with her in realtime lately i start townreading her. and then i go back and feel weird again.
kind of afraid of EoD because my other at all-strong wolflean is on hmf and we aren't going there toDay, i don't think i really have feelings right now about anyone else on the voting table
and now i am done sorry for taking up da page
sorry i just came here to talk about ourselves, i haven't looked into anyone else's situation closely enough to comment. i just feel like the push on us is forced, and a wolf has gotta be steering/encouraging the conversation, but that's just from my perspective.
the “push” was just tbh² voicing suspicion. are you saying you think they’re a wolf?
Jack and Skylar, are also the two people I have noted down as possibly trying to subtly encourage PR claims
it wasn’t subtle, i think it’s good for town to know as much about the setup as possible. i wasn’t urging anyone to claim their role, i was only urging them to share information they have about the setup (at no risk to themselves). the post you quoted even explains that—i’m interested in hearing why you think that’s scummy.

popping into say that i didn’t forget about my vote but i’m not changing it either.
My thought process is simple, i Believe VM is trying to Challenge someone to waste an action That targets VM, ( baiting a town member < if VM is a mafia > or
baiting a mafia member < if VM is town > assuming there's a One shot bulletproof or something similar )
i disagree. we all have immunities (presumably), he's just saying that he doesn't want to claim his - if it's like mine, then it's to an anti-town role - because he doesn't want to narrow down suitable targets for that role.
going off of the rolecards, it would seem that the possibilities are much, much wider than town hits (which i don't think he was even talking about) or mafia shots
i think i understand now what seshas is saying about hydrei being ~solvy though
noting that after having slept on it i really don't think i like hmf's pushback on the like, offhand half-sentence read that rari gave on them, it feels sort of defensive and forced
by which i mean the reaction to rari's half-sentence read in 436 being characterized as a hard 'push' in 446 (especially weird to me is the wording they used / the fact that rari and i expressed not really wanting to touch that wagon since we're hoping it resolves)

sorta mindmelding on most/all of this: i was sorta thrown off by hmf's response to the longpost, especially because only a very small portion of it actually concerned them, but i think i want to go back and ISO seshas/koko first and see if rnp/hmf resolves any further, bc my gut wants to tell me that rnp is telling the truth about his role
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