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Out of Context TVTropes Mafia Quotes Mafia

and an eighth role from raritini's card, i don't want to reveal it yet because i don't think it's a good idea to, but. yeah.
yeah i only revealed mine bc at best it reveals an arsonist and at worst it was a red herring

if you have a “secret immunity” that could flag a town PR, then don’t reveal it rn tbh
I think mewt said something about how I read as similar to tarot. Does the fact you were wolf change your perception of that?

I am immune to any actions that would cause me to be unable to target any players on the same team as me, which would be >rand a mafia role because the vast majority of mafia roles don't benefit from targeting their teammates
if all of this is true, that's close to half the roles in the game. if cult/masons are a thing then they probably have some idea about a few more, too.
yeah, I was initially doubtful about the idea of fake/useless roles, but this is starting to get ridiculous

if all of these are actually things that are in the game I don't know what to think
I think mewt said something about how I read as similar to tarot. Does the fact you were wolf change your perception of that?
maybe but i don't really think so! i was rereading a bit more recently too ... i will probably be revisiting you later tonight to sort my thoughts a bit better but the main thing i was talking about was what i perceived as a change between your tvt/tarot games
it feels like, at least to me, we are approaching the critical mass where either a) there is no mafia and it’s all outgroup cult madness or b) these are red herrings

or everyone just has an obscene amount of things that their role is capable of and we’re all getting memed on by the GM
if you have a “secret immunity” that could flag a town PR, then don’t reveal it rn tbh
mm, i kind of don’t see why not tbh. mafia already knows everyone has a power role. i don’t think narrowing down which power roles exactly are in play helps mafia more than town. it’s not like it paints a target on any specific person’s back, aside from like, “we know skylar isn’t the roleswapper” etc. but having that information does help us sort things out a bit.
it feels like, at least to me, we are approaching the critical mass where either a) there is no mafia and it’s all outgroup cult madness or b) these are red herrings

or everyone just has an obscene amount of things that their role is capable of and we’re all getting memed on by the GM
very strongly doubt world A.
it feels like, at least to me, we are approaching the critical mass where either a) there is no mafia and it’s all outgroup cult madness or b) these are red herrings

or everyone just has an obscene amount of things that their role is capable of and we’re all getting memed on by the GM
very strongly doubt world A.

yeah should have specified, i’m leaning much towards world B, but wanted to acknowledge both possibilities
I think it's possible that there's a cult that converts people's abilities to said dumb stuff?
ohh true, maybe town PRs have cult variants to their PRs, which could provide enough room for all of this to exist concurrently

that’s still a lot tho
I think this is unlikely given the short amount of time Mawile said he had to come up with the roles. Occam's razor says that some or all of the immunities are just red herrings.
agree w skylar but ftr
my thing doesn't reveal a town PR
i have other reasons to not want to say it, sorry
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