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Out of Context TVTropes Mafia Quotes Mafia

i feel like i have seen the word “falsifiable” get misused a bunch of times in the last couple games and it has confused me more than once. i’m gonna be That Guy and point out that “falsifiable” means “possible to prove false,” not “possible to fake.”
hmmm, ok. i like those thoughts even if i don’t quite agree.

i kind of like the idea of competing seshas/koko wagons because i believe they’re probably anti-aligned. do you think they could be v/v or w/w?
i also think they're antialigned tbh, seshas voting on koko in that way kind of doesn't make sense to me in a w/w scenario, though i think they could very well be v/v lol
like yeah the hmf thing is easily falsifiable but, like, if i'm gonna pull the wool over someone's eyes, it's either going to be extremely logical or batshit fucking insane. why would i claim such an uncommon role and somehow get mf, local Experienced Mafia Player, to play along with it.
ah, fwiw, rari's tinfoil isn't that you tricked hmf into it, it's that she thinks it could've been a wolfcred move
as she said earlier i think we are pretty much vibing just waiting. this is more a paranoia thought than anything and i don't really want to do anything with it until later, and what you said is essentially why you're placed where you are in my list - i think the fakeclaim doesn't really make that much sense

i am curious to hear if there's something that you dislike about the post other than just rari tinfoiling you w though
it is 3am and I have already stayed up way too late and I will have to ISO koko and Seshas when I wake up to see which one (if either) I want to put my vote on. but tentatively, prior to ISOing, I think I'm down for koko/Seshas wagons toDay

personally I feel like waiting to attempt to sort RNP and H&M&F until toMorrow so we can see what happens to H&M&F at EOD; nothing happening would put both of them in my null pile (could all be true, could all be wolf theater) whereas Something happening would be easier to sort
i'm not able to pour as much energy into this game as I was hoping so mf might take the wheel more here but right now im just like -____________-

posts that just don’t make sense, apparently gratuitous shading
bold of you to assume i have the capability to make sense on a good day. i'd be interesting in hearing specific quotes if you have anything you want to elaborate on because i really don't see in our posts what you're seeing i think.

I think MF and I might also have a fusion dynamic that is different from our independent dynamics - keep that in mind while reading us

sorry i just came here to talk about ourselves, i haven't looked into anyone else's situation closely enough to comment. i just feel like the push on us is forced, and a wolf has gotta be steering/encouraging the conversation, but that's just from my perspective.
i think the strat i like right now is posting all my lil gut scumleans and letting town do what they will with them. also ik mf said something about posting reads w/o checking w me and it's ok cause I don't disagree like enough to make a Deal out of it

that said, i'm having some difficult kyeugh vibes right now. i just.... she just feels more fake than she has in previous games where she was town? not vibing.
i'd be interesting in hearing specific quotes if you have anything you want to elaborate on because i really don't see in our posts what you're seeing i think.
from the followup, it looks like this is just your strat atm and i wasn't accounting for that. but ... i just don't really love the emerging pattern of popping into thread to voice sort of ... unsubstantiated scumleans (there is other discussion as well, like 401 on cultspec, but that is what i'm seeing as NAI) and i think that those are coming off more like shade than an attempt to help solve
seshas is... acting really weird? it's hard to say what that means alignment-wise, especially being that we notoriously haven't seen seshas' wolfgame yet.
mild SL on Trebek right now but don't take it seriously
just posting for posterity
neither of these really help town and i think i even asked for elaboration on the first thing and never got it, so i hope you understand why rari and i are kind of hmmmming right now
i just feel like the push on us is forced, and a wolf has gotta be steering/encouraging the conversation, but that's just from my perspective.
this is kind of ??? to me, like, i'm not really sure where you think a wolf would be 'steering' when it's like ... raritini posted their reads 10 posts ago and there has been (thus far very limited) comment on it

@.herbe i know that you're aware that mechspec is an easy fallback for a wolf, and that's essentially what i'm basing this on - that combined with the possibly-discrediting reads, and in the absence of <other pro-town things> thus far is why you are where you are for now

on that note, can you talk more about the skylar read?

oh, the seshas thing was an mfthought, you'll have to reach her - i didn't think anything was particularly off with seshas
i'll elaborate once im rested and talk through my thoughts and hopefully that'll help me figure out if they're logical on my end
I'll be around for EoD probably, I've just been really busy lately. Okay, that's a lie; I've been addicted to playing Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna - The Golden Country. I probably won't be very present here until I've 100%ed the game, which I should be able to do today.

oh fwiw I have an immunity to something. I'd rather not say what that is, because I'd rather the person(s) who can do that something waste their action on me. toodles.
figured we should tier it up now that there's less than 24h to EoD :O
mewtini's list unordered within tiers, rari's /is/ ordered
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skylar, jack


kokorico, trebek, mist, RNP, storm


bfree, hydreigon


hmf, seshas


VM, emmy, keldeo
- tbh²
Could you explain the townreads on jack/mist/storm?
My reads on HMF/RNP are mostly mech based, but I doubt it's ever W/W theater, and W/V resolves itself by EoD, which leads me to believe that HMF is likely V unless they out themselves
I also vaguely liked Hydreigon's mindset, they feel like they're trying to solve noturally and not propped up by teammates
My reads on HMF/RNP are mostly mech based, but I doubt it's ever W/W theater, and W/V resolves itself by EoD, which leads me to believe that HMF is likely V unless they out themselves
I agree with waiting to EoD to let H&M&F and RNP resolve, but why do you "doubt it's ever W/W theater"? I don't see that we have any basis to guess one way or another on that.

My own reads are disappointingly bare, possibly because I keep second-guessing myself after the fiasco that was ACNH. But raritini's list is interesting to me because the two people at the top, Jack and Skylar, are also the two people I have noted down as possibly trying to subtly encourage PR claims (#179, #317) - granted, we did then in fact all start claiming our immunities once we realised they were more useful for trying to figure out the setup than they were in themselves, but Jack's at least is more about the existence/identity of a roleblocker. So I would also be curious to hear about the reasoning on those.

mewtini said:
also i was initially fine with her vote on koko because i think tcodf could stand to start the voting phase a bit earlier, but on reread i'm like. kind of eh about it and think it was a potentially-agendaed vote. iirc koko wasn't really the only, or even the main, person pushing cultspec and seshas pointing out koko "rushing" a stance on things ... felt like seshas rushing a stance/vote in and of itself
Regarding this, I initially interpreted Seshas' vote on me as a joke, for precisely the reasons you're indicating (the reasoning didn't make much sense in context, etc.) That left me slightly baffled when Skylar jumped on as well, but it was early in the Day and she didn't offer any basis either, so I just kinda shrugged and moved on. Are you hypothesising, then, that the wagon on me is entirely intentional and scum have a reason to want me, specifically, yeeted? Because that seems... slightly odd, I can't see any reason why that would be. Unless they rolecopped me and think my role particularly threatens them for some reason?
My reads on HMF/RNP are mostly mech based, but I doubt it's ever W/W theater, and W/V resolves itself by EoD, which leads me to believe that HMF is likely V unless they out themselves
I agree with waiting to EoD to let H&M&F and RNP resolve, but why do you "doubt it's ever W/W theater"? I don't see that we have any basis to guess one way or another on that.
RNP and HMF only make sense as W/W if RNP's role is something completely different from advertised, otherwise why totally waste your 1-shot ability on a mafia? Based on the way RNP claimed, I don't think it's totally faked.
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