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Out of Context TVTropes Mafia Quotes Mafia

we are immune to being loverised according to our pm

there's justification in flavor but my personal hc is that me and mf are good enough hydra partners that we don't need anyone else

having several pages to catch up to sucks for a variety of reasons but the freshly relevant one is that people figure out/point out the exact things you were thinking of- but yeah, the long and narrow of it is that cults are a lot easier to conceptualize if you compare them to aliens. no, town PMs don't normally state "kill the mafia and don't flip the alien"; yes, aliens normally win the game by themselves and deprive other factions of the win if they take it; yes, it usually matters for town to dispose of aliens one way or another; and yes, being third-party can leave you in the wind if one of the other factions loses too quickly. (I wouldn't even call it a design issue per se because that's more or less an inherent issue of mafia. town players and mafia players are, too, passible of losing just because someone on their faction sucked and there was nothing they could do about it)

(as for cult-mafia interactions, since those are more or less their own thing: theorically, there's not a strict prohibition on cults inducting mafiosi, but this is well known to create the extremely unfair scenario known as cultafia, so it's usually good game design practice to prevent mafia inductions to cult one way or another. now, there's no guarantee that there is any such prohibition in place on this specific setup -- although it's fair to assume there must be one unless there's reason to assume otherwise -- and even if there is, there's not much distinguishing what exactly it is. sometimes, cult attempting to induct mafia results in people dying, but sometimes, it just flat out doesn't work)

that said, we'd uncovered enough immunities to pin down half the setup's weight in players before a few more were claimed, so yeah, it seems exorbitantly unlikely to me that they're all honest. props to mawile if they somehow are, but, yeah. the question of whether they're are all false, or some are true, is a dicier one, but it ultimately leaves us back at square one; "there may or may not be a cult" is the exact paradigm that we start the game from.

oh well; Mawile can't stop all of us voting to lynch him, right-
that said, we'd uncovered enough immunities to pin down half the setup's weight in players before a few more were claimed, so yeah, it seems exorbitantly unlikely to me that they're all honest. props to mawile if they somehow are, but, yeah. the question of whether they're are all false, or some are true, is a dicier one, but it ultimately leaves us back at square one; "there may or may not be a cult" is the exact paradigm that we start the game from.
well, here's some spec that may help with that

here are the claims so far:
it seems that almost everyone's relate to being immune to being forced to acquire some sort of role. the odd ones out are Trebek's (being set on fire, whatever that means) and Seshas's (being prevented from targeting her own team). mine also falls into the latter category but I don't want to reveal it rn.

if you asked me to speculate about what mawile might have been thinking when he wrote these roles, I would guess that the immunities to acquiring roles are there to pad out the numbers so that everyone has an "immunity", as cover for the small number of people (the "odd ones out") who have an actually mechanically useful passive.

(admittedly this is more just intuition than a substantiated thesis but I think it's at least more plausible than "there's a masonry and a neighbourhood and a lover pair and a roleswapper and a cult-")
if you asked me to speculate about what mawile might have been thinking when he wrote these roles, I would guess that the immunities to acquiring roles are there to pad out the numbers so that everyone has an "immunity", as cover for the small number of people (the "odd ones out") who have an actually mechanically useful passive.

i think this is where i am at as well with this whole extravaganza
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