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Out of Context TVTropes Mafia Quotes Mafia

ok this isn’t important but i was curious so i googled it again

Mist wins round one, in ToS the cult kills their target if either a) the target is mafia or b) the cult has reached cap (4 in ToS’s case)
yes, this, and also it's unfair on the cult if poor play from the mafia harms their chance of winning (by reducing the amount of time they have in which to reach a majority)
though as I hit post it occurred to me the same thing could equally apply to non-faction third parties like a jester, which nobody seems to complain about much, so maybe I am overthinking
yes, this, and also it's unfair on the cult if poor play from the mafia harms their chance of winning (by reducing the amount of time they have in which to reach a majority)
though as I hit post it occurred to me the same thing could equally apply to non-faction third parties like a jester, which nobody seems to complain about much, so maybe I am overthinking
oh shoot yeah i didn’t think about it like that

like, aliens can also be screwed over by poor mafia play

hmm ok maybe i vibe with cult now then even if rolecard doesn’t mention it
hmm ok maybe i vibe with cult now then even if rolecard doesn’t mention it
well, it's still the case that the only piece of evidence we have in favour of a cult existing is RNP's passive, which may or may not be deliberately misleading
hmm ok maybe i vibe with cult now then even if rolecard doesn’t mention it
well, it's still the case that the only piece of evidence we have in favour of a cult existing is RNP's passive, which may or may not be deliberately misleading

i guess a better way to phrase my logic is
“i can vibe with the possibility of cult existing as opposed to just 100% believing it’s a red herring”
I'm kind of inclined towards the immunities being red herrings, or at least most of them - theoretically there could be, like, one real thing that one person is immune to, but everyone else has different immunities designed so that people can't actually tell which one's real?
I am really disappointed that I thought I had something helpful to share and no it's just part of an endless array of potential red herrings, and I am but a helpless fish caught amidst them

which makes the anonymous whisper more interesting to me if it's the one concrete sign of actual out of thread communication we do have?
I think mewt said something about how I read as similar to tarot. Does the fact you were wolf change your perception of that?
fwiw i was a dead townie in tarot and for the entirety of d1 i was sure you were mafia because you were so different from what i perceived as your meta, so i think that mewt isn’t seeing things there
yeah should have specified, i’m leaning much towards world B, but wanted to acknowledge both possibilities
i don't think it's a possibility. my role pm says that i win when all mafia are eliminated. doesn't yours? 🤔
one thing that passed through my mind is: what if there is a mafia…consisting of, like, one or two people only. and the rest is all true
before anything i must say i’m more inclined to believe that these immunities are all red herrings and we have a normal mafia somewhere, but depending on how things work out i might change my view
Wait, if town wins when all mafia are eliminated, does that make cults a non-issue?
hm? i don't think so, no. cults win when they're at majority, right? so they can win even if there are still mafia remaining.
If it doesn't say in the wincon that town and cult wins are mutually exclusive then /shrug
uuuuuh i might be showing my inexperience here but. i thought that cult wins and town wins were always mutually exclusive?
so actually maybe not being mentioned in the town wincon is an argument for a cult not existing
because in that situation, the cult's wincon wouldn't just be "reach majority", it would be "reach majority before the town eliminate the mafia", which is... kinda arbitrary, and also allows the cult to be harmed by bad play from the mafia

I may be overthinking this but I don't see how it makes sense (in mafia games in general, not just this one) for town to win when not all antitown factions have been eliminated
uh. i’m… sorry, but. i don’t know where did you get the idea that town is informed of the existence of 3p in the wincon, like, ever. you were as town in tarot and in (part of) tvt as much as i was and you didn’t receive any notification that there was an alien, even though their win would result in a town loss. why would a cult be different.
it’s the same logic as to why town isn’t informed about the mafia’s wincon (parity vs majority). your wincon is only dependant on the others’ regarding which comes first. of course cult would have to reach majority before town or mafia wins, but isn’t the very core of mafia “being the first to achieve your wincon”?
i think what koko is saying is that “win when all mafia are eliminated” doesn’t capture the full scope of what town needs to do if there is also a cult that can win before all mafia are eliminated
same goes here, if there’s an alien they also can win before all mafia are eliminated and cause a town loss; this is not a good enough reason to cite aliens in the town wincon.
yes, this, and also it's unfair on the cult if poor play from the mafia harms their chance of winning (by reducing the amount of time they have in which to reach a majority)
though as I hit post it occurred to me the same thing could equally apply to non-faction third parties like a jester, which nobody seems to complain about much, so maybe I am overthinking
…yes tbh. aliens, jesters, cultists and… well, most 3ps in general being dependant on the mafia not sucking is just part of the game.

- rari
it might hurt town is my point

something else happened to me last night that I think I caught a soft for

however the effect isn't worth outing and I don't want to give scum an easier way to hunt it out from me
one thing that passed through my mind is: what if there is a mafia…consisting of, like, one or two people only. and the rest is all true
before anything i must say i’m more inclined to believe that these immunities are all red herrings and we have a normal mafia somewhere, but depending on how things work out i might change my view
this is kind of where i'm at rn, too.
fwiw i was a dead townie in tarot and for the entirety of d1 i was sure you were mafia because you were so different from what i perceived as your meta, so i think that mewt isn’t seeing things there
I guess, I meant more in relations between this game and tarot

And normally cults and town have mutually exclusive win conditions, but if it's not precluded by the stated win conditions in this game, it's technically possible
given the shenanigan leves
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